- Audio, audiēbam, audiam.
I hear, I heard, I will hear.
- Auditne? audiebat, audiet.
Did he hear? He heard, he will hear.
- Audiunt, audiebant, audient.
They hear, they heard, they will hear.
- Audimus, audīvimus, audietis.
We hear, we heard, you will hear.
- Audivi, audis, audīverunt.
I heard, you hear, they heard.
- Venīs, venit, venistī.
You come, he comes, you came.
- Vēnit, venīmus, vēnimus.
He came, we come, we came.
- Reperīsne? repperistis, reperītis.
Do you find? You found, you found.
- Repperī, reperit, repperit.
I found, he finds, he found.
- He has found, they have found, they came.
Repperit, repperērunt, venērunt.
- You are hearing, you did come, he heard.
Audīs, vēnistī, audīvit.
- We have heard, we were finding, we came.
Audīvimus, reperiēbāmus, vēnimus.
- You are coming, they were finding, we shall come.
Venis, reperiebant, veniemus.
- I shall hear, we hear, they heard.
Audiam, audimus, audierunt.
- He came, he has come, they hear.
Veniēbit, vēnit, audiunt.
- They will defend, they have attacked, he has defended.
Dēfendent, oppugnāvērunt, defendit.
Marcus: Hodie fabulam de Porsena et Horatio audlvi.
Marcus: Today I heard the story about Porsena and Horatius
Iulia: Quis fuit Porsena? Romanusne erat ?
Julia: Who was Porsena? Was he a Roman?
Marcus: Porsena, rex nobilis, Romanorum hostis olim fuit. Cum Militibus audacious in finis R5man5rum venit, et urbem Romam oppugnabat.
Marcus: Porsena, a noble king, once was an enemy of the Romans. With bold soldiers he came to the territory of the Romans and attacked the Roman city.
Iulia: Fugeruntne Romani ob perlculum?
Julia: Did the Romans flee from the danger?
Marcus: Magnum erat perlculum urbis et clvium, quod hostes erant fortes et acres, sed RomanI non fugerunt.
Marcus: Great was the danger to the city and the citzens, because the enemies were strong and eager, but the Romans did not flee.
Iulia: Cepitne Porsena Romam?
Julia: Did Porsena capture Rome?
Marcus: Urbem non cepit, quod virtus validi viri civis defendebat. Paucis cum socils Horatius prourbe fortiter pugnabat.
Marcus: He did not capture the city, because the virtue of the strong man defended the citzens. With few allies, Horatius fought strongly for the city.
Iulia: Diune hostēs sustinuit Horātius?
Julia: Did Horatius hold back the enemies for a long time?
Marcus: Non diu, quod hostes erant multl, et multa plla iaciebant. Tandem trans flumen ad socios natavit. Rōmānī Horatium ob eam virtutem laudaverunt.
Marcus: Not for a long time, because there were many enemies, and they were throwing many javelins. Finally, he swam across the river to the allies. The romans praised Horatius for his virtue.