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Lesson XIV exercise solutions


  1. Est, erat, erit.

He is, he was, he will be.

  1. Sunt, erant, erunt.

They are, they were, they will be.

  1. Sumus, erāmus, erimus.

We are, we were, we will be.

  1. Sum, eram, erō.

I am, I was, I will be.

  1. Es, erās, eris.

You are, you were, you will be.

  1. Estis, erātis, eritis.

You are, you were, you will be.

  1. Certē erāmus inimīcī Mārcō, vestrō fīliō.

Certainly we were unfriendly to Marco, your son.

  1. Proximī oppidō erant multī agrī.

There were many fields next to the town.

  1. Iniūriae sociōrum multae erunt.

There will be many injustices of the allies.

  1. Īnsulam terrae propinquam videō.

I see the island near to the land.

  1. Ventī nautīs nōn erunt grātī.

The winds will not be pleasing to the sailors.

  1. Agricolae bellō longō idōnei nōn erant.

The farmers were not fit for the long war.

  1. Interim vestrīs fīliīs erimus amīcī.

Meanwhile, we will be friends with your sons.

  1. Gladiī atque pīla proeliō idōnea sunt.

Swords and javelins are fit for battle.


  1. I am, we are.

Sum, sumus.

  1. Where were we? I was in the town.

Ubi erāmus? Eram in oppidō.

  1. I shall be, we shall be.

Erō, erimus.

  1. Is he a tribune? They are allies.

Estne tribunus? Socіī sunt.

  1. Meanwhile you will be a free man.

Interim, eris vir līber.

  1. Our towns are near Greece.

Oppida nostra propinqua Graeciae sunt.

  1. In our towns the men are unfriendly to Rome.

Nostrīs in oppidīs virī inimīcī Romae sunt.

  1. There will be a great battle in Britain.

Proelium mangum in Britaniae erit.

  1. The books will certainly be welcome to my friend Marcus.

Certe librī grātī meō amīcō Marcō erunt.