- Est, erat, erit.
He is, he was, he will be.
- Sunt, erant, erunt.
They are, they were, they will be.
- Sumus, erāmus, erimus.
We are, we were, we will be.
- Sum, eram, erō.
I am, I was, I will be.
- Es, erās, eris.
You are, you were, you will be.
- Estis, erātis, eritis.
You are, you were, you will be.
- Certē erāmus inimīcī Mārcō, vestrō fīliō.
Certainly we were unfriendly to Marco, your son.
- Proximī oppidō erant multī agrī.
There were many fields next to the town.
- Iniūriae sociōrum multae erunt.
There will be many injustices of the allies.
- Īnsulam terrae propinquam videō.
I see the island near to the land.
- Ventī nautīs nōn erunt grātī.
The winds will not be pleasing to the sailors.
- Agricolae bellō longō idōnei nōn erant.
The farmers were not fit for the long war.
- Interim vestrīs fīliīs erimus amīcī.
Meanwhile, we will be friends with your sons.
- Gladiī atque pīla proeliō idōnea sunt.
Swords and javelins are fit for battle.
- I am, we are.
Sum, sumus.
- Where were we? I was in the town.
Ubi erāmus? Eram in oppidō.
- I shall be, we shall be.
Erō, erimus.
- Is he a tribune? They are allies.
Estne tribunus? Socіī sunt.
- Meanwhile you will be a free man.
Interim, eris vir līber.
- Our towns are near Greece.
Oppida nostra propinqua Graeciae sunt.
- In our towns the men are unfriendly to Rome.
Nostrīs in oppidīs virī inimīcī Romae sunt.
- There will be a great battle in Britain.
Proelium mangum in Britaniae erit.
- The books will certainly be welcome to my friend Marcus.
Certe librī grātī meō amīcō Marcō erunt.