+import typing
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import pingouin as pg
+import sklearn.decomposition
+import statsmodels.api as sm
+import statsmodels.formula.api
+[docs]def cronbachs_alpha(
ratings: typing.Sequence,
axis: int = 1,
) -> typing.Tuple[float, typing.Dict]:
r"""Calculate Cronbach's alpha.
The Cronbach coefficient quantifying interrater agreement.
Returns alpha as a float
and additional information specific to this measure
collated into a dictionary.
Cronbach's alpha generalizes Cohen's kappa
and can handle three or more answers per variable.
It is suitable for Likert type scale answers.
A `blogpost on congeneric reliability`_ states
that Cronbach’s alpha assumes essential tau-equivalence
and underestimates reliability.
A tau-equivalent measurement model
is a special case of a congeneric measurement model
with all loadings equal :cite:p:`cronbach-alpha-wikipedia`.
A simplified formula is given in :cite:t:`Hilsdorf`
that relates the measure to the average reliability:
.. math::
\alpha_{st} = \frac{N \times \bar{r}} {1 + (N - 1) \times \bar{r}}
- :math:`N` is the number of items (labelled chunks)
- :math:`\bar{r}` is the average correlation between the items
.. _blogpost on congeneric reliability: http://evaluationdashboard.com/index.php/2012/09/22/congeneric_reliability_r/
ratings: ratings.
When given as a 1-dimensional array,
it is treated as a row vector
axis: axis along which the rater confidence is computed.
A value of ``1``
assumes stimuli as rows
Cronbach's alpha and additional results lumped into dict
""" # noqa: E501
ratings = np.atleast_2d(np.array(ratings))
n_items = ratings.shape[axis] # K
total_score = np.sum(ratings, axis=axis) # X = ∑ Y_i
variance_sum = np.var(ratings, axis=1 - axis, ddof=1).sum() # ∑ var(Y_i)
total_variance = total_score.var(ddof=1) # var(X)
alpha = n_items / (n_items - 1) * (1 - variance_sum / total_variance)
result = {"total_variance": total_variance}
return alpha, result
+[docs]def congeneric_reliability(
ratings: typing.Sequence,
axis: int = 1,
) -> typing.Tuple[float, typing.Dict]:
r"""Congeneric reliability coefficient.
Extracts the first Principal Component as a measurement model
and extracts the congeneric reliability coefficient.
The implementation here is specific
for a Principal Component Analysis with one factor.
For implementation details see the wikipedia
ratings: ratings.
When given as a 1-dimensional array,
it is treated as a row vector
axis: axis along which the rater confidence is computed.
A value of ``1``
assumes stimuli as rows
Congeneric Reliability and additional results lumped into dict
ratings = np.atleast_2d(np.array(ratings))
if axis == 0:
ratings = ratings.T
pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components=1)
loadings = pca.components_.T * np.sqrt(pca.explained_variance_) # λ_i
loadings_sum = loadings.sum() ** 2 # (∑ λ_i)²
total_score = np.sum(ratings, axis=1) # X = ∑ Y_i
total_variance = total_score.var(ddof=1) # var(X)
result = {}
result["var. explained"] = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
result["sing. values"] = pca.singular_values_
reliability = loadings_sum / total_variance
return reliability, result
+[docs]def intra_class_correlation(
ratings: typing.Sequence,
axis: int = 1,
icc_type: str = "ICC_1_1",
anova_method: str = "pingouin",
) -> typing.Tuple[float, typing.Dict]:
r"""Intraclass Correlation.
Intraclass correlation calculates rating reliability by relating
(i) variability of different ratings of the same subject to
(ii) the total variation across all ratings and all items.
The model is based on analysis of variance,
and ratings must at least be ordinally scaled.
CCC_ is conceptually and numerically related to the ICC.
For an implementation see :func:`audmetric.concordance_cc`.
ratings: ratings.
When given as a 1-dimensional array,
it is treated as a row vector
axis: axis along which the rater confidence is computed.
A value of ``1``
assumes stimuli as rows
icc_type: ICC Method, see description below
anova_method: method for ANOVA calculation,
can be ``"pingouin"`` or ``"statsmodels"``
.. _CCC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concordance_correlation_coefficient
icc and additional results lumped into dict
describe a whole family of forms of coefficients
that must be selected according
to following criteria :cite:t:`Koo/Li:2016`:
:cite:t:`Koo/Li:2016` detail the parametrization:
*Rater type: 1 versus k raters:*
"This selection depends
on how the measurement protocol
will be conducted in actual application.
For instance,
if we plan to use the mean value of 3 raters as an assessment basis,
the experimental design of the reliability study
should involve 3 raters,
and the 'mean of k raters' type should be selected.
*Rating definition: absolute or consistency*
"For both 2-way random- and 2-way mixed-effects models,
there are 2 ICC definitions:
“absolute agreement” and “consistency.”
Selection of the ICC definition
depends on whether we consider absolute agreement
or consistency between raters to be more important.
Absolute agreement concerns
if different raters assign the same score
to the same subject.
consistency definition concerns
if raters’ scores to the same group of subjects
are correlated in an additive manner.
Consider an interrater reliability study of 2 raters as an example.
In this case,
consistency definition concerns the degree
to which one rater’s score (y)
can be equated to another rater’s score (x)
plus a systematic error (c)
(ie, :math:`y = x + c`),
whereas absolute agreement
concerns about the extent to which y equals x.
*Model Choice*
- One-Way Random-Effects Model
In this model,
each subject is rated by a different set of raters
who were randomly chosen
from a larger population of possible raters.
This is used when different sets of raters rate different items
- Two-Way Random-Effects Model
If we randomly select our raters
from a larger population of raters
with similar characteristics
- Two-Way Mixed-Effects Model
We should use the 2-way mixed-effects model
if the selected raters are the only raters of interest
.. table::
| Parametrization | Rater Type | Rating definition | Model Choice |
| ICC(1,1) - icc\_1\_1 | single | absolute agreement | One-way random effects |
| ICC(2,1) - icc\_2\_1 | single | absolute agreement | Two-way random effects |
| ICC(3,1) - icc\_3\_1 | single | consistency | Two-way mixed effects |
| ICC(1,k) - icc\_2\_k | k | absolute agreement | One-way random effects |
| ICC(2,k) - icc\_2\_k | k | absolute agreement | Two-way random effects |
| ICC(3,k) - icc\_3\_k | k | consistency | Two-way mixed effects |
Interpretation Conventions vary a between several sources,
and depend also on the use case.
We list values from the papers of :cite:ts:`Hallgren:2012`
and :cite:ts:`Koo/Li:2016` respectively:
.. table::
| Value | Interpretation |
| < 0.4 | poor |
| .40 - .59 | fair |
| .60 - .74 | good |
| .75 - 1.0 | excellent |
.. table::
| Value | Interpretation |
| < 0.5 | poor |
| .50 - .75 | moderate |
| .75 - .9 | good |
| >.9 - 1.0 | excellent |
Shrout & Fleiss formula (1979, p. 423ff):
.. math::
\text{ICC}(1,1) = \frac{(\text{bms} - \text{wms})}{ (\text{bms} + (k - 1) * \text{wms})}
.. math::
\text{ICC}(2,1) = \frac{(\text{bms} - \text{ems})}{ (\text{bms} + (k - 1) * \text{ems} + k * (\text{jms} - \text{ems}) / n)}
.. math::
\text{ICC}(3,1) = \frac {(\text{bms} - \text{ems})}{ (\text{bms} + (k - 1) * \text{ems})}
.. math::
\text{ICC}(1,k) = \frac{(\text{bms} - \text{wms})}{\text{bms}}
.. math::
\text{ICC}(2,k) = \frac{(\text{bms} - \text{ems})}{ (\text{bms} + (\text{jms} - \text{ems}) / n)}
.. math::
\text{ICC}(3,k) = \frac{(\text{bms} - \text{ems})}{\text{bms}}
- :math:`\text{bms}` is the between items ("targets")
mean sqeare of the underlying 2-factor Anova
- :math:`\text{wms}` is the within items ("target") mean square
- :math:`\text{jms}` is the between raters ("judges")
mean square of the underlying 2-factor Anova
- :math:`\text{ems}` is the error/residual mean square
- :math:`k` is the number of raters
- :math:`n` is the number of items
""" # noqa: E501
if not isinstance(ratings, pd.DataFrame):
df = pd.DataFrame(np.atleast_2d(np.array(ratings)))
df = ratings
if axis == 0:
df = df.T
def _anova(df_long: pd.DataFrame, anova_method: str = "pingouin") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Helper to get the anova table.
Note that pingouin is currently default as statsmodels.
ols from the statsmodels package is slow under many circumstances
anova_methods = ["statsmodels", "pingouin"]
if anova_method not in anova_methods:
raise ValueError(f"Anova method '{anova_method}' not in {anova_methods}.")
if anova_method == "pingouin":
# calculate and remap
anova_table = pg.anova(
data_long, dv="rating", between=["item", "rater"], ss_type=2
anova_table.columns = ["Source", "sum_sq", "df", "mean_sq", "np2"]
return anova_table
# aov_pg for wine:
# Source SS DF MS np2
# 0 item 188.21875 7 26.888393 1.0
# 1 rater 7.34375 3 2.447917 1.0
# 2 item * rater 47.90625 21 2.281250 1.0
# 3 Residual 0.00000 0 NaN NaN
elif anova_method == "statsmodels":
formula = "rating ~ C(item) * rater"
model = statsmodels.formula.api.ols(formula=formula, data=data_long)
result = model.fit()
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(result, typ=1)
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(result, typ=1)
return anova_table
# (Pdb) anova_table ols for wine
# df sum_sq mean_sq F PR(>F)
# C(item) 7.0 1.882188e+02 26.888393 0.0 NaN
# rater 3.0 7.343750e+00 2.447917 0.0 NaN
# C(item):rater 21.0 4.790625e+01 2.281250 0.0 NaN
# Residual 0.0 9.138719e-27 inf NaN NaN
# data must be (5152, 3)
elif anova_method not in anova_methods: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("Undefined Anova method!")
# data_long = df.reset_index().melt(id_vars=targets, value_name=ratings)
# data_long = df.melt(ignore_index=False)
data_long = df.melt(ignore_index=False, var_name="rater", value_name="rating")
data_long["item"] = data_long.index
# convert back to wide format to see how many raters dropped:
data_wide = data_long.pivot_table(index="item", columns="rater", values="rating")
# delete missing data in listwise manner
nan_count = data_wide.isna().sum().sum()
print(f"We have {nan_count} missing data points")
print("Deleting them!")
if nan_count > 0:
data_wide = data_wide.dropna(axis=0, how="any")
# back to long
data_long = data_wide.melt(
ignore_index=False, var_name="rater", value_name="rating"
data_long["item"] = data_long.index
# drop missing
data_long = data_long[data_long.columns].dropna()
data_long = data_long.reset_index(drop=True)
anova_table = _anova(data_long, anova_method=anova_method)
bms = anova_table["mean_sq"].iloc[0]
wms = (anova_table["sum_sq"].iloc[1] + anova_table["sum_sq"].iloc[2]) / (
anova_table["df"].iloc[1] + anova_table["df"].iloc[2]
jms = anova_table["mean_sq"].iloc[1]
ems = anova_table["mean_sq"].iloc[2]
k = data_long["rater"].nunique()
n = data_long["item"].nunique()
# Calculate ICCs
# Shrout & Fleiss Formula ICC(1,1), p. 423
icc_1_1 = (bms - wms) / (bms + (k - 1) * wms)
# Shrout & Fleiss Formula ICC(2,1), p. 423
icc_2_1 = (bms - ems) / (bms + (k - 1) * ems + k * (jms - ems) / n)
# Shrout & Fleiss Formula ICC(3,1), p. 423
icc_3_1 = (bms - ems) / (bms + (k - 1) * ems)
# Shrout & Fleiss Formula ICC(1,k), p. 42x
icc_1_k = (bms - wms) / bms
# Shrout & Fleiss Formula ICC(2,k), p. 42x
icc_2_k = (bms - ems) / (bms + (jms - ems) / n)
# Shrout & Fleiss Formula ICC(3,k), p. 42x
icc_3_k = (bms - ems) / bms
# Create output dataframe
# stats = {
icc_types = ["ICC_1_1", "ICC_2_1", "ICC_3_1", "ICC_1_k", "ICC_2_k", "ICC_3_k"]
icc_rater_type = 3 * ["single"] + 3 * ["average"]
icc_rating_type = ["absolute", "consistency", "consistency"] * 2
icc_effect_type = ["-", "random", "fixed"] * 2
icc = [icc_1_1, icc_2_1, icc_3_1, icc_1_k, icc_2_k, icc_3_k]
results = pd.DataFrame(
[icc_types, icc_rater_type, icc_rating_type, icc_effect_type, icc]
vars = ["icc_type", "rater type", "rating type", "anova effect type", "icc"]
results_df = pd.DataFrame(
[icc_types, icc_rater_type, icc_rating_type, icc_effect_type, icc], index=vars
results_table = results_df.to_dict("records")
# "Description": [
# "Single raters absolute",
# "Single random raters",
# "Single fixed raters",
# "Average raters absolute",
# "Average random raters",
# "Average fixed raters",
# ],
# "ICC": [icc_1_1, icc_2_1, icc_3_1, icc_1_k, icc_2_k, icc_3_k],
# }
icc_dict = [x for x in results_table if icc_type == x["icc_type"]]
icc = icc_dict[0]["icc"]
results = {
"icc_dict": icc_dict,
"results_table": results_table,
"anova_table": anova_table,
return icc, results