Goal: The goal of this section is to publish the container image to a private Azure Container Registry.
If you do not have one, you can get a trial subscription here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/
Step | Procedure |
Create a container registry | Create a private container registry using the Azure Container Registry service. Note: This requires an Azure account |
Build, tag and push the container image | Create a production ready container image and push it to the registry. |
Pull the container image and run it locally | Pull the production ready image from the container registry and run it. |
In this section we will create a private container registry in Azure using Azure Container Registry.
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Browse to https://shell.azure.com/ and sign-in to your Azure subscription. | If you do not have one, you can get a trial subscription here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/ |
2 | Create a new resource group: az group create --name [insert rg name] --location eastus Note: Substitute the [insert rg name] with the name for your Resource Group |
az will output information about the resource group. |
3 | Create a container registry in that resource group: az acr create --resource-group [insert rg name] --name [insert acr name] --sku Basic --admin-enabled Note: Substitute the [insert acr name] with the name for your registry name |
az will output the information about the newly created acr. |
4 | Retrieve the credentials to sign-in to the container registry, and note these to be used later: az acr credential show --name [insert acr name] Note: Substitute the [insert acr name] with the name for your registry name |
az will output the passwords and login names for the registry, which we will use later in the lab. |
In this section of the lab, we’ve created a private container registry as a repository to store your container images.
In this section we will prepare our container image to be uploaded, by tagging it and upload the image to our registry.
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Open PowerShell and run the following command to tag the image: docker tag eshopweb:1.0 [insert acr name].azurecr.io/eshopweb:1.0 Note: The registry part of the container image tag should match the name of your container registry. |
This command creates a container image tag with the container registry name and version of the container image. |
2 | Run the following command to login to your container registry: docker login [insert acr name].azurecr.io Note: To retrieve the login server, username and password, see above section |
3 | Push the container image to your registry: docker push [insert acr name].azurecr.io/eshopweb:1.0 |
This will start uploading the container image layers to you Azure Container Registry. |
In this section of the lab, we’ve tagged our container image and uploaded it to our private container registry, ready to be deployed to any container host.
Finally, let’s clean-up, by running the following commands in PowerShell in the directory C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Lab:
- git clean -df
- git reset --hard