diff --git a/amqp/README.md b/amqp/README.md
index 5bc9e088..35a6c717 100644
--- a/amqp/README.md
+++ b/amqp/README.md
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ Field Name | Type | Description
`is` | string | Defines what type of channel is it. Can be either `queue` or `routingKey` (default).
`name` | string | When `is`=`routingKey`, this defines the actual routing pattern to route the message from the exchange to the queue.
-`channel` | Map[string, any] | When `is`=`routingKey`, this defines the destination amqp queue.
-`channel.$ref` | string | When `is`=`routingKey`, this defines an AsyncAPI channel `$ref` pointer to the destination amqp queue.
+`channel` | [Reference Object](https://github.com/asyncapi/spec/blob/master/spec/asyncapi.md#referenceObject) | When `is`=`routingKey`, a $ref pointer to the definition of the channel where the amqp message is routed to. If defined, this property MUST point to a Channel Object in any location. Please note the channel property value MUST be a Reference Object and, therefore, MUST NOT contain a Channel Object.
`exchange` | Map[string, any] | When `is`=`routingKey`, this object defines the exchange properties.
`exchange.name` | string | The name of the exchange. It MUST NOT exceed 255 characters long.
`exchange.type` | string | The type of the exchange. Can be either `topic`, `direct`, `fanout`, `default` or `headers`.