Attempts to map Craft's built-in transform functions with corresponding Imgix's URL based API. It's meant to be used in conjunction with a site-wide image macro or similar.
In config/astuteo-toolkit.php
create a key of imgixUrl
and set to the URL at
return [
"imgixUrl" => '',
{% import 'transforms.twig' as transform %}
{{ transform.image( image, { width: 300, height: 200 } ) }}
{% macro image(image, options) %}
<!-- native Craft -->
{{ image.getUrl(options) }}
<!-- imgix version -->
{{ craft.astuteoToolkit.imgixTransformMap(image, options) }}
{% endmacro %}
Note: This will map cropping and Craft's native focal-point to the URL based version.
Imgix supports more features than Craft's built-in, to pass those options you can include a third value.
{% import 'transforms.twig' as transform %}
{{ transform.image( image, { width: 300, height: 200 }, {colorize: '#ff9933'} ) }}
{% macro image(image, options, extra) %}
<!-- native Craft (ignores extra) -->
{{ image.getUrl(options) }}
<!-- imgix version -->
{{ craft.astuteoToolkit.imgixTransformMap(image, options, extra) }}
{% endmacro %}