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396 lines (197 loc) · 16.2 KB

File metadata and controls

396 lines (197 loc) · 16.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

4.4.1 (2019-05-29)

4.4.0 (2019-05-29)


  • uiBrNumeroBeneficioMask: mask for BR social security benefit number. (#351) (0648cd5)

4.3.0 (2019-01-25)


  • brPhoneMask: allow mode (simple, areaCode, countryCode) configuration (#336) (cad705a)
  • uiBrBoletoBancarioMask: allow 48 characters length format (eed6383)

4.2.1 (2018-06-18)

Bug Fixes

  • uiDateMask: lock date-fns version (2.0.0-alpha.7) and fix date mask tests (a785dc9)
  • uiMoneyMask: fix money masking result when field is empty (dbfe5ff)

4.2.0 (2018-05-24)


4.1.0 (2017-10-27)

Bug Fixes

  • uiPercentageMask: fix value update when using dynamic decimals (4543e0e)


  • uiMoneyMask: format and parse integer models (6609f19)

4.0.1 (2017-10-23)

Bug Fixes

  • stop running webdriver update on npm postinstall (9c36d17), closes #304 #303

4.0.0 (2017-09-24)

Bug Fixes

  • convert input value to string before replacing invalid characters (42fe06c), closes #273
  • maskFactory: convert input values to string before running the clearValue function (191a73f), closes #264
  • uiBrPhoneNumberMask: rename directive to "ui-br-phone-number-mask" (4bac387)
  • uiChPhoneNumber: rename directive to "ui-ch-phone-number-mask" (7095c3d)
  • uiCreditCardMask: rename "uiCreditCard" to "uiCreditCardMask" (48ca80d)
  • uiDateMask: return null should handle corner cases (#295) (a8a0e04)
  • uiFrPhoneNumberMask: rename directive to "ui-fr-phone-number-mask" (43230ff)
  • uiMoneyMask: return null should handle corner cases (#293) (6cfc724)
  • uiUsPhoneNumberMask: rename directive to "ui-us-phone-number-mask" (0ed0116)


  • uiDateMaks: add en-us date format (2612693), closes #134
  • uiScientificNotationMask: allow negative exponents (dd779c3)
  • uiScientificNotationMask: allow negative numbers with ui-negative-number attribute (1b94318)


  • uiUsPhoneNumberMask: "ui-us-phone-number" was renamed to "ui-us-phone-number-mask"
  • uiFrPhoneNumberMask: "ui-fr-phone-number" was renamed to "ui-fr-phone-number-mask"
  • uiChPhoneNumber: "ui-ch-phone-number" was renamed to "ui-ch-phone-number-mask"
  • uiBrPhoneNumberMask: "ui-br-phone-number" was renamed to "ui-br-phone-number-mask"
  • uiCreditCardMask: the "ui-credit-card" mask was renamed to "ui-credit-card-mask"
  • uiMoneyMask: uiMoneyMask used to return the input value when empty now it will return null
  • uiDateMask: uiDateMask used to return the input value when empty now it will return null

3.2.0 (2017-09-22)


  • uiFrPhoneMask: implement french phone number format (6c1b450)
  • uiMoneyMask: add the option to set the currency prefix. (14b38cc), closes #175
  • uiPercentageMask: allow negative numbers with ui-negative-number attribute (#300) (1762cf1)
  • uiPercentageMask: hide percentage symbol if "ui-hide-percentage-sign" attribute is present (9d9cf3d), closes #192

3.1.0 (2017-09-22)


  • uiBrPhoneNumber: include support for country code (#299) (2560af9)

3.0.1 (2017-09-15)

3.0.0 (2017-09-15)

Bug Fixes

  • uiBrCepMask: fix validation when handling numbers (#282) (3854362)



  • bower builds will not be published anymore

2.6.0 (2017-05-30)

Bug Fixes

  • uiNumberMask: fix numberWithoutGrupoSep spelling (1a9dacb)
  • uiPercentageMask: honor ui-hide-space when view value change to model update from controller (#260) (3f51cad)


  • br-phone-number: allow numbers without DDD (8a5c5cd)
  • uiDateMask: add ru locale to date mask (4b05575)
  • uiDateMask: enable custom date masks and support for non-Date models (#244) (1996e11)
  • uiMoneyMask: add support for custom decimal and thousands delimiters (#272) (7fdcd8e)
  • uiMoneyMask: allow currency simble after value (#275) (4f5c2de)

2.5.0 (2016-10-11)

Bug Fixes

  • usPhoneNumber: fix validation issues on us phone number (2ea6056)


  • allow the removal of spaces after currency symbol or before % symbol (f476dee)
  • update dependency string-mask@^0.3.0 (8204c83)
  • ui-money-mask: add currency symbol attribute (#203) (65c7f2b)

2.4.0 (2016-06-26)

Bug Fixes

  • uiMoneyMask: invalid values should be converted to zero (ec007c4), closes #146


  • uiCreditCard: add credit card mask (03da0a4)
  • uiNumberMask: allow minus sign as first character for negative numbers (ef449d8), closes #147

2.3.0 (2016-04-28)

Bug Fixes

  • uiPercentageMask: detect and handle backspace keypresses (23dc640d)


  • ui-date-mask: include timezone offset in matching regex (95949c86)
  • ui-money-mask: allow decimals as strings (34fea60d)
  • uiChPhoneNumber: add ch (Switzerland) phone mask (f3723c88)

2.2.0 (2016-03-28)

Bug Fixes

  • br-cep: force cep input to string (65d64b14)
  • ui-date-mask: fix initialization of ISO date strings (b220ae0d)


  • ui-br-car-plate-mask: input mask for brazilian car plate (03d971bf)

2.1.1 (2015-11-26)

Bug Fixes

  • return null for empty number and percent fields (510584e0)
  • ui-number-mask: show "0" if model is 0 (1bae78c2)

2.1.0 (2015-08-16)


  • ui-money-mask: accept negative values (50bf751c)

2.0.0 (2015-06-29)

This release migrates all directives to angular 1.3.x.


Angular 1.2.x is no longer supported by angular-input-masks@^2.0.0, however angular-input-masks@^1.0.0 will continue to receive bug fixes.

  • The following deprecated directives were removed:
  • uiCpfMask: replaced by uiBrCpfMask
  • uiCnpjMask: replaced by uiBrCnpjMask
  • uiCpfcnpjMask: replaced by uiBrCpfCnpjMask

1.5.1 (2015-06-07)

  • fix npm publish steps

1.5.0 (2015-06-07)


  • mask-factory: implement a module to help write new masks (757e3204)
  • ui-br-boleto-bancario: define a component to parse and format brazilian "boleto bancário" (b6582452)
  • ui-br-phone-number: preserve the original model type (340ee6d7)
  • ui-percentage-value: add attribute ui-percentage-value to use and as the same (df8f9418)

1.4.2 (2015-04-07)

Bug Fixes

  • ui-nfe-access-key-mask: change validationErrorKey to camelCase (nfeAccessKey) (db768beb)
  • ui-us-phone-number: change validationErrorKey to camelCase (usPhoneNumber) (71560d54)

1.4.1 (2015-04-07)

Bug Fixes

  • throw an error if a directive is used without ng-model (31c7d518)
  • number: fix the result for 0 and other edge cases (ba9bdf71)
  • percentage: fix the result for 0 and other edge cases (5d0f456b)
  • ui-br-phone-number: change validationErrorKey to camelCase (brPhoneNumber) (406136a5)
  • ui-date-mask: validate empty dates (bfcb3c07)
  • ui-money-mask: fix the result for 0 and other edge cases (9993ebc2)



  • ui-us-phone-number

Breaking changes

The build files are no longer available in the release folder. They are now at a separated repository

The instalation via bower remains the same. However all files are in root insted of the release folder.

Now we have 3 different build options:

  • angular-input-masks.js that have all directives
  • that have only global and br directives
  • that have only global and us directives



  • ui-nfe-access-key-mask
  • ui-scientific-notation-mask
  • ui-time-mask
  • ui-date-mask
  • bowerFiles support



  • ui-br-ie-mask
  • ui-br-cep-mask



  • ui-br-cpf-mask (ui-cpf-mask)
  • ui-br-cnpj-mask (ui-cnpj-mask)
  • ui-br-cpfcnpj-mask (ui-cpfcnpj-mask)
  • ui-br-phone-number
  • ui-percentage-mask



  • ui-percentage-mask
  • ui-number-mask