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Scene Recognition

This service uses a ResNet18 convolutional neural network architecture trained on Places365 to perform scene recognition on images.

It is part of our third party DNN Model Services.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.6.5
  • ResNet pre-trained model and scene recognition attributes related files that are automatically downloaded by running the script for the first time.


Simply clone this repository and navigate to places365-scene-recognition service root directory:

$ git clone
$ cd dnn-model-services/services/places365-scene-recognition

Running the service:

To get the ORGANIZATION_NAME and SERVICE_NAME you must have already published this code as a SingularityNET service (check this link).

Create SNET Daemon's config JSON file (snetd.config.json).

   "IPFS_END_POINT": "",
   "LOG": {
       "LEVEL": "debug",
       "OUTPUT": {
            "TYPE": "stdout"

In which:

  • DAEMON_END_POINT is the endpoint at which your service's SNET Daemon awaits for client calls. If running from inside a Docker container, make sure to expose the port by using the -p flag on docker run (e.g. docker run [...] -p HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT [...]);
  • BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_SELECTED is the network. Should be "ropsten" for Ropsten Test Network to test your service;
  • IPFS_END_POINT is the endpoint of IPFS instance to get service configuration metadata. Should be kept as for the current SNET's IPFS server;
  • PASSTHROUGH_ENABLED should be kept as true so that the SNET Daemon forwards the data it receives to your service's endpoint. If set to false it will simply echo its inputs for testing purposes;
  • PASSTHROUGH_ENDPOINT is the endpoint at which your service awaits for Daemon input. In this case we're using gRPC for Daemon-service communication so the service's endpoint should be a specific http host (http://ip:port). You're likely going to use localhost as you ip and specify a port;
  • ORGANIZATION_NAME and SERVICE_NAME are the names of your organzation and service, respectively, under SingularityNET. Click here to learn more about creating an organization and publishing a service;
  • LOG specifies logging information.

For example:

$ cat snetd.config.json
   "IPFS_END_POINT": "",
   "PASSTHROUGH_ENDPOINT": "http://localhost:7018",
   "SERVICE_NAME": "places365-scene-recognition",
   "LOG": {
       "LEVEL": "debug",
       "OUTPUT": {
           "TYPE": "stdout"

Install all dependencies (make sure pip installs the packages for Python3.6):

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Your service's protobuf file is used to encode all client calls to it to make sure such calls are correct (i.e. the request follows the pattern the service expects). Build the protobuf file to automatically generate python code for the gRPC classes:

$ sh

Start the service and its respective instance of SNET Daemon at the ports specified above:

$ python3

Calling the service:

Go to this service's User's Guide to see example calls and its outputs.


  • input_image: The URL for an input .jpg or .png image.
  • predict: A word ot set of comma separated words that specify what you want the service to predict using input_image. If left empty, all possible predictions will be made. Possible values are:
    • "io": to predict whether its an indoor or outdoor scene;
    • "categories": to output the top-5 scene category predictions and its probabilities;
    • "attributes": to output a prediction of a series of adjectives related to the scene;
    • "cam": to output "class activation mappings", a base64 encoded heatmap image that shows which regions of the input image were more relevant for the prediction.

Local Call (for testing purpose):

Run the test script provided. You can input the gRPC request fields manually or use the flag auto to automatically fill them in using default values.

$ python3 auto
io: outdoor
categories:  0.660 -> volleyball_court/outdoor, 0.102 -> beach, 0.085 -> beach_house, 0.027 -> lagoon, 0.021 -> promenade,
attributes: open area, natural light, sunny, far-away horizon, warm, man-made, clouds, sand, touring
CAM saved to ./test_cam.jpg
Service completed!

Through SingularityNET

Follow this link to learn how to publish a service and open a payment channel to be able to call it.

Assuming that you have an open channel to this service, you need 0 AGI to call the service at its Daemon's endpoint ( The only call method available for this service is recognize_scene, which has been defined at its protobuf file. Specifying the URL to an input_image and telling the service what to predict, the full example call (and its outputs) would be:

$ snet client call snet places365-scene-recognition default_group recognize_scene '{"input_image":"", "predict":"io, categories"}'
data: "{\"io\": \"indoor\", \"categories\": \" 0.924 -> beauty_salon, 0.006 -> gymnasium/indoor, 0.005 -> clean_room, 0.005 -> biology_laboratory, 0.004 -> chemistry_lab,\"}"

Contributing and Reporting Issues

Please read our guidelines before submitting an issue. If your issue is a bug, please use the bug template pre-populated here. For feature requests and queries you can use this template.
