Releases: arthurkushman/pgo
Releases · arthurkushman/pgo
Change ioutil to os/io implementation
Change ioutil to os/io implementation
Update version to 1.16 in go.mod
Add more test cases for html.StripTags
Add ArrayUdiff to make diffs on arrays with user defined function
Merge branch 'issue-29' # Conflicts: # # array_test.go
Add Serialize/Unserialize methods based on gob
v0.8.1 #44: Add Serialize/Unserialize methods based on gob to readme + fixes
Fix module name in go.mod + tests
0.7.5 #hotfix: Fix module definition in go.mod + tests
Add Md5, Sha1, Sha2, HashFile functions
0.7.4 #43: Add HashFile function to menu
Add Rand(min, max) func to generate pseudo-random integer between min and max
0.7.3 #42: Add Rand func to generate a pseudo-random integer between min an…
Add PriorityQueue implementation
Feature/39 priority queue (#40) * #39: Add PriorityQueue implementation with prepared Item struct * #39: Add PriorityQueue implementation with prepared Item struct + fix ref
Add Milliseconds/Microseconds and UnixMicro/UnixMilli funks to date
0.7.1 Update go.yml
Panic to error in date/files to exclude server crashing
0.6.6 #33: Fix cap letter in err, Remove unused const
Add GetMrxx + ip2Long/Long2Ip networking functions
0.6.5 #32: Add GetMxrr