Unofficial Clubhouse app, Written in React Native.
Light theme | Night theme |
- Android - Android apk download
- IOS - No export for ios, but you can build it from source yourself.
- Web demo - Web version using react-native-web & expo-web (login broken due to CORS).
- Login
- List of rooms
- Joining & Listening to room
- Audience realtime change (pubnub)
- User profiles
- Night theme
- Registeration
- Create room
- Raising hand & speaking
- Follow & unfollow & lists
- Update bio
- Upload avatar
- Explore page
Run the following to start webpack development server:
yarn web
To run android:
yarn android
To run ios:
yarn ios
To build for android:
yarn android:release
To build for web:
yarn web:release
Looking for a React/React-Native Expert? Email at [email protected]