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Trope detection using LLaMA

Important first steps

  1. The tropes dataset in the dataset folder is a subset of the original tvtropes dataset - Please download the original dataset if you want to run the jupyter notebooks that create my dataset.
  2. USE is too large to be pushed here. Please download the Universal Sentence Encoder model from - and unzip it into the folder universal-sentence-encoder-large_5
  3. Setup Euler
  4. Download the trope examples embedding matrix from here -


  • dummy_llama2 contains tokenizer model files cloned from huggingface without the actual models
  • euler Contains the scripts used to run the LLaMA 2 trope extraction scripts, including all the details about environment setup and job submission script
  • universal-sentence-encoder-large_5 contains the use model from Google, since its too large its formed and the model is downloaded only if you run the notebook/script
  • dataset - contains all the datasets
  • report - contains report pdf along with the latex project files.

jupyter notebooks

  1. select_tropes.ipynb - Steps for selecting 500 tropes
  2. story_dataset_maker.ipynb - Make stories dataset from story files
  3. story_summaries.ipynb - Add summaries to stories
  4. trope_examples_dataset.ipynb - Make trope_examples dataset for similarity analysis
  5. visuals.ipynb - Get token counts for stories and summaries and generate plots
  6. semantic_search.ipynb - testing if semantic search works at a small scale. The code was used to run on Euler as a script.
  7. vectorized_similarity_debug.ipynb - initially similarity took more than 20 hours to run. After getting the embeddings for the trope examples, I was able to use vectorized calculations to get similarity for stories and summaries in just under a minute.
  8. trope_validator_13b.ipynb - this notebook needs GPU to run. Here are the final experiments for validating the tropes filtered by similarity.

Euler setup

  1. setup a virtual environment - my_venv
  2. add the following to your .bash_profile -
module load gcc/8.2.0 r/4.0.2 python_gpu/3.9.9
module load eth_proxy
source $HOME/llama/my_venv/bin/activate

# modify slurm default output format to make it more relevant
export SACCT_FORMAT="JobID%15,State,Start,Elapsed,ReqMem,MaxRSS,NCPUS%5,TotalCPU,CPUTime,ExitCode,Nodelist"

export PATH
  1. install packagaes using requirements.txt
  2. llama needs to be installed directly from github - pip install git+
  3. If the requirements.txt file does not install version 4.31.0 or higher of transformers then use - pip install git+
  4. for torch use - pip install torch --index-url

Euler files

  • requirements.txt

Euler job sumission commands

  • For non gpu tasks - sbatch -n 1 -t 24:00:00 -J job_name --mem-per-cpu=262144 -o log_file_%j.log -e error_file_%j.err --wrap=python <-- make sure to change according to your files and needs
  • For LLaAM 2 tasks
    • For 7b and 13b models - sbatch -n 4 -t 8:00:00 -J job_name --mem-per-cpu=8192 -G 1 --gres=gpumem:35G -o log_file_%j.log -e error_file_%j.err --wrap=CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python
    • For 70b model - sbatch -n 4 -t 8:00:00 -J job_name --mem-per-cpu=8192 -G 4 --gres=gpumem:35G -o log_file_%j.log -e error_file_%j.err --wrap=CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python

Non-chat LLaMA 2 models were NOT used becasue those models are not finetuned for chat or Q&A. They should be prompted so that the expected answer is the natural continuation of the prompt.
NOTE: Successful execution of Euler jobs assume that you already have the LLaMA 2 models and dataset files and USE model in a persistent storage on Euler itself.
NOTE: Guidance has since been updated (after the submisison of report) to support chat models for LLaMA since I opened the issue - guidance-ai/guidance#397

Time Distribution (55 hours to allocate at minimum)

  • Dataset Preparation and gathering and analysis: > 10 hours
  • LLaMA Research: Just getting it to run on Euler without crashing took too long to figure out becasue of lack of documentation for slurm systems and useless error messages : > 10 hours
  • LLaMA experiments: This was the most time consuming task since majority of the jobs submitted to euler failed or didn't yield good results - > 25 hours
  • Semantic Similarity: Running semantic similarity generally took nearly 24 hours and analysis of the outcome also took a lot of time - > 10 hours
  • Testing and Validation: > 15 hours
    Total: significantly more than 70 hours