- Changed: Stopped iterations if strain exceeds nonlinear curves
- Changed: New build system using Github actions
- Changed: Extended maximum strain of Darendeli model out to 10%
- Fixed: Changed to log-linear interpolatio of nonlinear properties. Previously used cubic spline which causes problems for some models.
- Improved: Modernized source code with clang-tidy
- Fixed: Qt depreciations
- Fixed: Plotting of profiles
- Minor fixes in manual from Subrat Subedi
- Added: Instructions for command line operation to manual
- Improved: plots of the CompatibleRvtMotion dialog
- Improved: log messages
- Fixed: Crash on clearing of output
- Fixed: Issue with inconsistent time series length
- Fixed: Logic of smooth spectrum in FrequencyDependentCalculator
- Fixed manual included in installers
- Fixed initialize of variables in SourceTheoryRvtMotion
- Fixed bug in ConfigurePlotDialog
- Fixed #11: Bug in auto-discretization.
- Re-created examples files.
- Fixed bug in WT18 peak factor calculation
- Change peak factor model to Wang & Rathje (2018), which based on Vanmarcke (1976) with Boore and Thompson (2015) RMS duration modification
- Changed to CMake build system
- Unified GUI for RVT input motion specification
- Changed from cubic spline to log-linear interpolation of nonlinear curves.
- Fixed name of the PCRE DLL.
- Fixed min/max of nonlinear curves.
- Added: Support for alternative PEER header formats
- Added: Interpolation to CompatibleRvtMotion target if specified with fewer than 10 points.
- CI: limit Appveyor to build only master
- Fixed: allow reading integers in time series
- Fixed: Added organization (ARKottke) to fix QSettings usage
- Fixed: Removed incomplete example
- Changed: Copy Qt DLLs to archive using windeployqt
- Fixed: Reading of batch files