don-quijote.txt.gz: Downloaded from project Gutemberg
http_access_2003.log.gz*: Modified version from Star Wars Kid: The Data Dump
ipligence-lite.csv: A Free IP location database solution to detect the country and continent of the visitor connection based on their IP address. Please download your own! From: IPligence Lite Free (for non-commercial usage)
wine.csv: Modified version from UCI Machine Learning Repository: Wine Dataset
airlines-delayed.json: A modified version of Monthly Airline Delays by Airport, 2003-2016
gzip -dc airlines.json.gz | \
jq -c '.[] | {
airport: .airport.code,
carrier: .carrier.code,
total_flights: .statistics.flights.total,
cancelled: .statistics.flights.cancelled,
delayed: .statistics.flights.delayed,
min_delayed_aircraft: .statistics."minutes delayed"."late aircraft",
min_delayed_weather: .statistics."minutes delayed".weather,
min_delayed_security: .statistics."minutes delayed".security,
min_delayed_carrier: .statistics."minutes delayed".carrier,
year: .time.year,
month: .time.month
}' | gzip -9 > airlines-delayed.json.gz