The constructor has two optional parameters: the options object for the Titanium Scroll View and the options for InfiniScroll
var InfiniScroll = require('infini-scroll');
var myScrollView = new InfiniScroll({
// Pass in any options you want your Ti.UI.ScrollView to have
showVerticalScrollIndicator: true
}, {
// trigger the scrollToEnd event at 82% of the way down
triggerAt: '82%'
// You could also specify triggerAt in device pixels from the bottom of the scroll view
// triggerAt: '250dp'
// Function to call when the event has occurredd
, onScrollToEnd: function(){
myScrollView.add(new MyDataView(data).view);
Just add views to your InfiniScroll instance via myScrollView.add(myView)
and it will re-adjust its events.
So, we haven't tested it out in Android quite yet. We'll get there.