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DAYSIM Simulation Set Up

MauroLuzzatto edited this page Mar 8, 2017 · 11 revisions

After carefully following the instructions given in Installation Guides, simulations can now be done.

There are two videos showing the how the DAYSIM simulation can be set up. They can be found on the "schlueter-stud"-server:

\\schlueter-stud\MasterArbeiten\2017\Video Tutorial DAYSIM Simulation

A step by step explanation can be found in this section:

  1. Open “”. Chose the needed angles, PanelData and BuildingData. Open SensorPoints.GH file (the sensor points file are created with this script in Grasshopper).
  • select the “CreateFolder” function (comment out “STLfiles’ function). Make sure the components “save SenorPoints Window“ and “save SensorPoints ASF” are enabled and component “Local Code Export” is disabled within the file. Run the script and check if the folders are created in the “DaySimFolder”. Wait 2-3 min sec per configuration and check if the folder is created correctly with the corresponding “project_name”

  • select the “STLfiles” function (comment out the “CreateFolder”-function). Enable component “Local Code Export” in the gh-file and disable “save SenorPoints Window“ as well as “save SensorPoints ASF”and run the script again. A message pops up in Rhino, click on “export anyway” (two times). The stl-file of the ASF should now be created in the “STL”-folder within the “DaySimFolder”

  • close the file

  1. After creating a folder for each ASF angle combination, the DaySim radiation calculation can be conducted with “”. Chose all angles for which the radiation shall be calculated. Each selected angles needs to have a corresponding Folder. Further set the desired weather file. (For a different weather file, the calculation needs to be redone.) Select the radiance parameters you want to use for the radiation analysis (see also default sets in “”). The calculation lasts around three minutes for each angle combination. After successful completion, in the “output” folder within the “project folder” subfolder are created. Every geometry has its own “res” ( = result) folder. The relevant two files are the “.csv” file, in which the radiation per sensor points in W/m2 are summed for each hour of a year. The “. Ill” file consists of the radiation results for each sensor point for each hour of a year in W/m2.

  2. After the pre calculation of all radiation data for the ASF_simulation, the “” script can be opened.

  3. Within the “” script parameters for the ASF simulation can be set.

  4. Set a “DataFolderName” which is used for the post processed DaySim radiation data (the numpy-arrays are stored in the folder “DaySimData”). Set the filename for the results of the PV production. Set the “ProjectName” you want to analyse (equals to the previously set “ProjectSubFolder”. Set the names for the “Subfolders” within

  5. Chose a start and end hour of the year. Option start 0 and 8760 will conduct a yearly analysis and average the radiation values per month to one represented day. Other start and end hours of the year will visualize the results with line plots.

  6. Set the angles which shall be analysed within the “PanelData”

  7. Set “BuildingProperties” and “SimulationOptions”, a variable explanation can be found ….

  8. Run the run the “” file


  • The reshaping of the radiation data is time consuming and takes about 3 minutes per configuation
  • The script “” can be used for visualising the geometries and check, if the results and geometries are created correctly.
  • It happend that DAYSIM had problems with certain paths and filenames. if DAYSIM is not working, try a shorter projectname.


  • Close and reopen spyder and try to run daysim again