Android app for Health and Demographic Data collection and management
To get started, you must download Eclipse Mars (4.5.2).
Prerequisite Software
Install Java SE JDK 7
Make sure you install the JDKand not the JRE.
Run the installer
Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the root of the JDK installation
Navigate to Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced, then click Environment Variables.
Under User Variables, click New
Use JAVA_HOME for Variable Name
Set Variable Value to the path of the JDK, by default it should be: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_01 (depending on which version of the JDK you install, the numbers may differ slightly)
Verify the environment variable was set by navigating to Start -> Run, then type: cmd
In the command prompt, type: echo %JAVA_HOME%
It should output the path that was placed in the Variable Value field
C:\Documents and Settings\Dave>echo %JAVA_HOME% C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_01 ```
Install Maven (Last tested version was Maven 3.3.9)
Follow the installation instructions Requires JAVA_HOME environment variable to be set
Install Android Eclipse Plugin
Install Eclipse Android Plugin. For instructions, see here: Install (m2e-android) Android Maven Eclipse Plugin
You must install an Eclipse plugin to properly interact with the Android maven project. Instructions are here: Clone Tablet Git Repo
Next, clone the tablet application git repo: git clone
Import into Eclipse
Now import the tablet application into Eclipse:
File -> Import... -> Maven -> Exisiting Maven Project