Releases: arangodb/arangodb-java-driver
Releases · arangodb/arangodb-java-driver
- fixed ArangoDriver.getCurrentDatabase() (does not use the defaultDatabase)
- fixed ArangoDriver.deleteQueryCache() (does not use the defaultDatabase)
- fixed ArangoDriver.getQueryCacheProperties() (does not use the defaultDatabase)
- fixed ArangoDriver.setQueryCacheProperties() (does not use the defaultDatabase)
- fixed ArangoDriver.reloadRouting() (does not use the defaultDatabase)
New release for ArangoDB 3.1 (RC 1-3)
- replaced API
- replaced protocol http with VelocyStream
- added VelocyPack support
- added multi document operations (insert, delete, update, replace)
New release for ArangoDB 3.1
- removed Methods with collectionId (long) from ArangoDriver (Id is only for internal usage)
- changed Revision from long to String
- removed Methods with documentId (long) from ArangoDriver
- added profile flag to AqlQueryOptions (issue #47)
- fixed edges deserializer (issue #50)
New release for ArangoDB 3.0
- removed ArangoDriver.EdgeEntity() (/_api/edge withdrawn in Server)
- removed CAP-Index (Cap-constraints are withdrawn in Server)
- removed Param database in User-Methods (in 3.0 users are managed in _users Collection in _system Database only)
- added User-Method grantDatabaseAccess(username, database)
- replaced Graph-Functions (graph_edge, graph_vertices, graph_shortes_path) with AQL
- removed deprecated Methods
- added Transaction attribute allowImplicit
- refactored QueryCachePropertiesEntity, TransactionResultEntity
- fixed issue #35 (added missing
- batch driver performance fix
- fixed issue #33 (typo in ArangoDriver.executeAqlQueryWithDocumentCursorResutl method)
New Version
- added executeAqlQueryRaw(...). Example src/test/java/com/arangodb/example/document/