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Aragon Connect 0.4.0

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@bpierre bpierre released this 06 Jul 00:43
· 137 commits to master since this release

This version includes a new package for React apps, app filters, and improved app metadata.

Contributors for this release: @0xGabi, @ajsantander, @bpierre, @fabriziovigevani, @sohkai 🕺

Connect 💙 React

Aragon Connect now offers a dedicated library for React.


Start by adding it to your React project:

yarn add @aragon/connect-react

And use it this way:

import { Connect, useApps, useOrganization } from '@aragon/connect-react'

function App() {
  const [org] = useOrganization()
  const [apps] = useApps()
  return (
      <h1>{org?.name || 'Loading'}</h1>
        { => <li>{}</li>)}

export default () => (
    <App />

Please have a look at the documentation for more details.

Pull request

  • Connect for React API (#52)

App filters 🗂️

The different app methods now include filters, making it easier and more performant to select a particular set of apps.


For example, this is how you would have instantiated a Voting app connector in the past:

// Connect to the organization.
const org = await connect('example.aragonid.eth', 'thegraph')

// Fetch all the apps from it.
const apps = await org.apps()

// Find the App instance we want.
const votingInfo = apps.find(app => app.appName === 'voting.aragonpm.eth')

// Instantiate the Voting connector using the address found.
const voting = new Voting(votingInfo.address, subgraphUrl)

And this is how it can be done now:

// Connect to the organization.
const org = await connect('example.aragonid.eth', 'thegraph')

// Instantiate the Voting connector directly by fetching the app address from the parameters.
const voting = new Voting(await'voting').address, subgraphUrl)

Filter types

Filters can be passed as a first parameter to the following Organization methods: app(filters), apps(filters), onApp(filters), and onApps(filters).

They can be of different types:

  • An app name (e.g. "voting.aragonpm.eth") or its short format ("voting").
  • An app address: "0x…".
  • An array of app names: ["voting", "finance"].
  • An array of app addresses ["0x…", "0x…"].
  • An object can also be passed to disable the automatic detection:
    • { address: "0x…" }
    • { address: ["0x…", "0x…"] }
    • { appName: "voting" }.
    • { appName: ["voting", "finance"] }.

Pull request

  • App filters + align Organization methods (#111)

Improved apps metadata 🎁

The metadata attached to apps is now more reliable and consistent.

  • When an app metadata is not available on the connector (e.g. TheGraph), it is then fetched from the Aragon IPFS node by default.
  • System apps (Kernel, ACL, etc.) now contain metadata like the other apps.

Pull requests

  • Add overrides for apps without aragonPM repos (#114)
  • Add IPFS fallback logic to fetch metadata (#89)
  • Use an static method to create Entities + Split Data and Metadata (#110)

New utilities 🔧

A series of utilities have been added to the @aragon/connect-core and @aragon/connect packages.

  • findAppMethodFromIntent()
  • decodeCallScript()
  • encodeCallScript()
  • describeTransaction()
  • describeTransactionPath()
  • describeScript()
  • fetchMetadata()

Pull request

  • Add descriptions utils for evm scripts and transactions (#101)

Documentation updates 📚

An important number of improvements has been made to the documentation since the last release.

Check out our new guides, and let us know what you think!

Pull requests

  • Docs: add advance information about Connectors (#95)
  • Docs: Aragon Basics (#98)
  • Docs: dedupe subgraph and connector guides (#88)
  • Docs: review (#72)
  • Docs: Small fixes & correct links (#92)

Other changes

  • Refactor: Use an static method to create Entities + Split Data and Metadata (#110)
  • Populate App#name for system apps (#112)
  • Tokens subgraph: Update totalSupply if tokens minted or burned (#79)
  • Renamed App and Repo + Improve a callback type (#93)
  • Feat: Add IPFS fallback logic to fetch metadata (#89)
  • Fix broken tests (#96)

Upgrade from 0.3.0

  • Application has been renamed App.
  • Repository has been renamed Repo.