Releases: aragon/client
v0.5.3 Beta
is a maintenance release with multiple optimizations under the hood.
Users of Aragon Core should see load times improve by ~25% on both mainnet or rinkeby.
- (Core) Optimized build dependencies to decrease bundle size
- (Core) Begun migrating animations to
, so they're as silky smooth as possible
- (Core) Support for HTTP URLs for loading apps (rather than just IPFS), to allow aragon-cli to provide a hot-reloading experience for developers
- (Core) Firefox was blocking all IPFS requests from the app due to some extra headers being sent with the request library we were using; we've since switched and Firefox should be working again
- (Core) Reduced bundle size by migrating to
instead ofbignumber.js
- (Core) Updated a number of dependencies
v0.5.2 Beta
is a maintenance release focused on stability and usability for our mainnet Survey app.
- (Core) Set the default ETH node on mainnet to Infura
- (Core) Polished and optimized the onboarding's rendering, making it smoother
- (Core) Revamped the Settings app to always be loadable even if the user's DAO has not been fully loaded yet
- (aragon.js) Optimized event fetching by only asking for events starting from the block the DAO was created in, rather than the genesis block
- (aragon.js) New API documentation
- (Core) Order of the apps in the menu panel (Token Manager, Voting, Finance)
- (Core) App navigation when navigating to another instance of the same app
- (Core) Addresses in the Settings app so that only checksummed addresses are shown
- (Core) Various other small bugs with the Settings app introduced in 0.5.1
- (Survey) Math issues causing no transaction to be generated when attempting to vote with a large amount of tokens (> 1000)
- (Survey) History chart's transition being run multiple times for certain screen sizes
- (Survey) 0% and 100% votes being cut off in the history chart
- (Survey) Layout of the votes casted panel in the detailed view when a vote's description caused a line break
- (Aragon.js) Time out queries to IPFS after 10 seconds and gracefully handle this error
- (Core) Updated aragon.js wrapper dependency to 2.0.0-beta.40 (see notes on aragon.js above)
v0.5.1 Beta
The big push in 0.5.1
was to release our Survey app on mainnet! Read our announcement blog post.
- (Core) Initial mainnet DAO and app support; limited to only a few organizations with a Survey app installed
- (Survey) Launched the Survey app; Aragon's specific instance with ANT is located at
- (Core) The ability to change various configuration settings (e.g. the IPFS and Eth node the app is connected to), both in the Settings app and when running the app locally via the CLI
- (Core) Support for apps with multiple instances
- (Core) Support for non-checksummed addresses in the URL for the DAO and app proxy addresses
- (aragon.js) Support for the new proxy contract interface from aragonOS 3.1
- (aragon.js) web3.eth RPC channel, to allow apps access to a whitelisted set of web3.js's web3.eth functionality
- (aragon.js) Support for non-checksummed addresses for the DAO and app proxy addresses
- (Core) A few rendering issues with the app menu panel
- (aragon.js) Delegate script encoders to mirror their removal from aragonOS following WHG audit
- (Core) Updated aragon.js server dependency to 2.0.0-beta.38 (see notes on aragon.js above)
Aragon 0.5 (Beta) — The Architect
Read the announcement blog post
On March 30th, 2017 we released the alpha version of The Governance Release, Aragon Core v0.3. That version, while a pretty nice user friendly DApp, was mostly a prototype. Some early architectural decisions, like using Meteor and how coupled it was to a particular organization type, made us decide to do a full refactor of the codebase and completely call off Aragon Core v0.4, as it wasn’t productive to keep building on a codebase we considered obsolete.
From that point on we began an introspection process exploring what we wanted Aragon to be. That is what has taken us to where we are today after almost a year of very intense work. Some people in the space that are not part of the team think we are too ambitious and that we should focus on one-off spin-offs for determinate use cases. We couldn’t disagree more and with this release we feel extremely confident about everything that can be built on Aragon with very little effort at this point, and how many different governance structures can be created with it.
This release has been in the works for nearly a year and we couldn’t be more excited to put it out now and start gathering feedback from our future users. There will still be some rough edges and things that we need to fix before we can call this a real production release. Please use the #feedback channel in Aragon.Chat to provide feedback and ask for help.
Even though we do not recommend deploying to Mainnet yet, until some extra security measures have been taken, it is certainly possible and there are some skilled community members that have already done so. Please be aware that even though would just take flipping a switch to go to Mainnet, we don't consider it secure and strongly advice against doing so. Anyway, this is open source software and you are free to do whatever you please (unless you break our GLPv3.0 copyleft license, which we wouldn't like but our lawyers would love) with it under your own judgement and responsibility.
If the beta goes well, the bug bounty is successful in getting hackers interest, but they are unsuccessful in breaking our system and the second audit gives green light too, Aragon organizations will be able to be deployed to Mainnet in a few months. We don't want to give a date, as we won't encourage anyone to use it in production after our own money has been at stake for a while and feel super confident about it.
This release also makes Aragon, the software to run unstoppable organizations, unstoppable itself. If we were to disappear right now, you would be able to run your organization forever and we have no control over it. We are very nuclear about building the best possible product but with the most liberating, decentralized technology possible, powered by open source software, Ethereum and IPFS, Aragon is one of the first, non-trivial, decentralized applications ever made. There is certainly a bit of centralized infrastructure to make the experience easier for casual users, but running a completely trustless, hosted version of Aragon shouldn't take more than 10 minutes we will work on instructions for this soon.
What's on Aragon v0.5
TLDR: Go try the new DApp on Rinkeby NOW!
It is worth noting that there is not one line of code in Aragon Core v0.5 being reused from the previous releases. So, given the huge amount of changes these release notes will be kept pretty high-level for brevity.
Also this release is just a full DApp (served using IPFS), we have discontinued the native clients for the time being.
This release is not only the decentralized app, but also the first release of our developer tooling. It will soon be possible to build Aragon apps that take advantage of the powerful aragonOS. For more information to get hacking quick, check out the draft at
App can be tested in the Rinkeby testnet:
aragon/aragon v0.5 (aka the wrapper)
- Complete refactor to a new modular architecture
- Support for running first and third Aragon apps completely sandboxed from the rest of the app. It supports for running multiple instances of one app in an organization.
- Brand new Onboarding process with different templates to start organizations.
- Brand new signer view that provides accurate descriptions of the transactions the user will sign
- Brand new Notifications view and workflow.
- Brand new Permissions app (read-only for now) compatible with any organization or protocol that uses aragonOS.
- Brand new Voting app: binary-choice that can be used for performing arbitrary actions in the organization or signaling.
- Brand new Finance app: with economic abstraction, Aragon organizations can hold and manage ERC20 assets and ETH.
- Brand new TokenManager app: for minting, burning, issuing normal and vested tokens. Allows for the creation of non-transferable tokens that can be used as a multisig.
- Brand new Vault app: which at the moment doesn't have a frontend, but it is what the Finance app uses to store funds. This new app allows support for any token standard, ERC721 and ERC777 support is coming soon.
aragon/aragonOS v3.1.1
- All Aragon DAOs and apps in this release work with the latest release of aragonOS 3.
- Brand new Kernel and ACL that replaces the old Bylaws.
- Full organization upgradeability (every part of a DAO can be upgraded with the correct permissions)
- New Aragon Package Manager as an Aragon org, that allows for seamless app upgrades (both contract and frontend)
- We have separated the JS library that is used to interact with Aragon DAOs to its own repo, this allows for easily creating different clients (different UIs, mobile apps or CLIs)
- Load state of organization, its different apps and ACL permissions from the blockchain.
- Cache state locally for quicker and leaner loads.
- Support for aragonOS transaction pathing, which allows users to indicate their directly on an app, and it will calculate what needs to happen (e.g create a vote)
- Radspec integration for describing transactions.
- Aragon ID integration for identity management.
- Safer alternative to Ethereum’s natspec.
- Basic DSL (Domain Specific Language) for describing and computing the side effects of transactions.
- Calls to contracts (e.g. getting the token symbol from a token address)
- Basic math arithmetic
- ABI is baked in to the descriptions themselves, so no need to bundle ABIs for all of your contracts dependencies
- ENS based simple identity system that uses
to issue subdomains to users for representing their identity. - Secure ENS subdomain issuer to protect against misuse by the domain owner in the registrar, while at the same time allowing the transition to the new registrar when upgraded.
- First release of our CLI for developing Aragon apps. All Aragon apps that are part of this release where published using aragon-dev-cli.
- Create new Aragon apps from our provided templates.
- Create new repos in APM and publish versions to those.
- Implementation of IPFS and HTTP (dev mode) file provider to host app content.
aragon/aragon-ui v0.6
- Our design framework with React components that are used to build the wrapper and our own Aragon apps.
- Published a website to showcase components:
- 24 components have been released with this version: AragonApp, Badge, BadgeNumber, BaseStyles, Button, Card, CircleGraph, ContextMenu, Countdown, DropDown, Field, Footer, HOC, Header, IllustratedSection, Info, Input, LayoutGrid, Link, PreFooter, Radio, Section, SidePanel and Table.
- External third party apps are already using aragon-ui for non-Aragon apps like tcr-ui
Coming soon to Aragon Core v0.5.x
After this big release we are getting into a 2 week release cycle, that means every two weeks we will release whatever is production ready and deploy the new frontend to all our users.
On top of that we are working on a Continuous Deployment pipeline that will do a release every time new code gets merged in the master branch or aragon/aragon. Every two weeks we will take one of these releases and make it the canonical Aragon Core v0.5.x.
- AppManager to install new instances of apps in an organization as well as upgrading installed apps or the organization Kernel and ACL.
- Full Permissions app. Right now Permissions is read-only given its complexity and big opportunity for failure.
- Identity app to manage a user identity and better integration throughout apps.
- Payroll, Staking and Registry apps. Smart contracts are almost ready. UI design for Payroll is ready and needs frontend work. Staking and Reg...
The Governance Release, Alpha 0.3
Important note: This is an outdated release, we are undergoing a complete refactor and the next version will be released soon
You can read the release blog post here
Major updates:
- New feature: BYOT (Bring your own token), allow using Aragon with any
token as a governance token for companies. Ability to wrap and unwrap tokens in votings and ownership entity. - New feature: Add two new bylaws, specific address only and ask oracle contract for confirmation. Stepping stone for more dynamic bylaws.
- Major: Big internal refactor to voting logic, allows delegate voting (no UI yet).
- Major: Added Add stock class view for easily adding new stock to company. Also new View stock classes view to see all company stock types in detail.
- Major: UI improvements. New icons and action menus to avoid cluttering the top bars.
- Major: Aragon can now be used from any Ethereum web3 compatible browser (Mist, Parity or Metamask) without the native clients. Try now!
- Major: Startup time is now orders of magnitude faster.
Minor improvements:
- Voting UI, added option to modify or remove a vote, automatically execute voting option and relative/absolute voting counts.
- Support account changes in Metamask, useful for testing different roles in company.
- Added token identity provider that will do a reverse lookup for tokens and display its details in entity views.
- Improved action performing buttons and dialogs, disabled when user is not allowed to perform an action.
- Added a button to clear all notifications.
- Solves the infamous 'number' bug aragon/issues#12
- 50MB reduction in binaries, 30MB reduction in webapp (from 33 to 2.7MB)
0.3 is once again a breaking release. Big changes in the governance structure make the update non compatible with 0.2 companies. You will be forced to start again on launch, sorry.
Hope you enjoy this new version, give feedback on Aragon's Slack #feedback channel and submit issues here.
Alpha disclaimer:
- It's an Alpha! It can crash
- DON'T USE IT FOR PRODUCTION PURPOSES, we make it hard to deploy companies to the mainnet. Please don't. And if you do, don't put real money on it.
- If it crashes, close it and open it again.
- If that doesn't work, right click anywhere, then click Inspect element and type localStorage.clear() in the panel that will open, then reload it again.
- OMFG THIS IS NOT FRIENDLY YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE VERY USER FRIENDLY!!!. Aragon is one of the most complex dapps out there, we are still early in our journey. Usability is our top concern and it'll get better and better over each release.
This isn't cool but, you know, we need to make this legal disclaimer:
Disclaimer of Liabilities and Warranties
- The user expressly knows and agrees that the user is using the Aragon application at the user’s sole risk.
- The user represents that the user has an adequate understanding of the risks, usage and intricacies of cryptographic tokens and blockchain-based open source software, Ethereum platform and Aragon.
- The user acknowledges and agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by any applicable law, the disclaimers of liability contained herein apply to any and all damages or injury whatsoever caused by or related to risks of, use of, or inability to use, Aragon under any cause or action whatsoever of any kind in any jurisdiction, including, without limitation, actions for breach of warranty, breach of contract or tort (including negligence) and that the Aragon team shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including for loss of profits, goodwill or data.
- Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for certain types of damages. therefore, some of the above limitations in this section may not apply to a user. In particular, nothing in these terms shall affect the statutory rights of any user or exclude injury arising from any willful misconduct or fraud of Aragon.
Alpha 0.2.1
Major changes:
- Move all signing to 'personal_sign'
- New notifications UI
Minor improvements and fixes:
- Bypassed a bug that made the app get stuck on startup on Windows and Linux (Thanks @AlbertoElias @hueso & @batman for helping debug it) aragon/issues#12
- Add Send test ether button to Metamask and send test ether when balance is lower than 0.5 ETH
- Improve the flow for creating stock sales.
- Change MetaMask confirm transaction buttons copy aragon/issues#9
- Show more info about next steps when creating a new organization aragon/issues#4
- Guide user when Keybase isn't opened or installed aragon/issues#10
- Renamed God role to Superuser aragon/issues#5
0.2.1 is once again a breaking release. The change to personal_sign
for signing makes the update non compatible with 0.2.0 companies. You will be forced to start again on launch, sorry.
Hope you enjoy this new version, give feedback on Aragon's Slack #feedback channel and submit issues here.
Alpha disclaimer:
- It's an Alpha! It can crash
- DON'T USE IT FOR PRODUCTION PURPOSES, we make it hard to deploy companies to the mainnet. Please don't. And if you do, don't put real money on it.
- If it crashes, close it and open it again.
- If that doesn't work, right click anywhere, then click Inspect element and type localStorage.clear() in the panel that will open, then reload it again.
- OMFG THIS IS NOT FRIENDLY YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE VERY USER FRIENDLY!!!. Aragon is one of the most complex dapps out there, we are still early in our journey. Usability is our top concern and it'll get better and better over each release.
This isn't cool but, you know, we need to make this legal disclaimer:
Disclaimer of Liabilities and Warranties
- The user expressly knows and agrees that the user is using the Aragon application at the user’s sole risk.
- The user represents that the user has an adequate understanding of the risks, usage and intricacies of cryptographic tokens and blockchain-based open source software, Ethereum platform and Aragon.
- The user acknowledges and agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by any applicable law, the disclaimers of liability contained herein apply to any and all damages or injury whatsoever caused by or related to risks of, use of, or inability to use, Aragon under any cause or action whatsoever of any kind in any jurisdiction, including, without limitation, actions for breach of warranty, breach of contract or tort (including negligence) and that the Aragon team shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including for loss of profits, goodwill or data.
- Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for certain types of damages. therefore, some of the above limitations in this section may not apply to a user. In particular, nothing in these terms shall affect the statutory rights of any user or exclude injury arising from any willful misconduct or fraud of Aragon.
Alpha 0.2
It is only been a week since our initial alpha release, but we think this new version will make using Aragon much more pleasant.
Major changes in this version:
- Aragon now runs on the new Kovan testnet. You will notice the improve in speed and responsiveness!
- New UI styling. Followed the advice of our designer to make the app look cleaner.
- Linux and Windows support, in addition to macOS. Aragon is really multiplatform now.
- Tons of bug fixes and annoyances have been solved.
Aragon 0.2 is a breaking release, given we are changing to another testnet (different blockchain), companies you created in 0.1 cannot be migrated. At app launch we will perform a clean up, to ensure perfect experience.
Hope you enjoy this new version, give feedback on Aragon's Slack #feedback channel and submit issues here.
Alpha disclaimer:
- It's an Alpha! It can crash
- DON'T USE IT FOR PRODUCTION PURPOSES, we make it hard to deploy companies to the mainnet. Please don't. And if you do, don't put real money on it.
- If it crashes, close it and open it again.
- If that doesn't work, right click anywhere, then click Inspect element and type localStorage.clear() in the panel that will open, then reload it again.
- OMFG THIS IS NOT FRIENDLY YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE VERY USER FRIENDLY!!!. Aragon is one of the most complex dapps out there, we are still early in our journey. Usability is our #1 concern and it'll get better and better over each release.
This isn't cool but, you know, we need to make this legal disclaimer:
Disclaimer of Liabilities and Warranties
- The user expressly knows and agrees that the user is using the Aragon application at the user’s sole risk.
- The user represents that the user has an adequate understanding of the risks, usage and intricacies of cryptographic tokens and blockchain-based open source software, Ethereum platform and Aragon.
- The user acknowledges and agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by any applicable law, the disclaimers of liability contained herein apply to any and all damages or injury whatsoever caused by or related to risks of, use of, or inability to use, Aragon under any cause or action whatsoever of any kind in any jurisdiction, including, without limitation, actions for breach of warranty, breach of contract or tort (including negligence) and that the Aragon team shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including for loss of profits, goodwill or data.
- Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for certain types of damages. therefore, some of the above limitations in this section may not apply to a user. In particular, nothing in these terms shall affect the statutory rights of any user or exclude injury arising from any willful misconduct or fraud of Aragon.
Alpha 0.1
Yay! The first Alpha is out for the people who have supported us in our channel since our announcement. It runs on Ropsten, the Ethereum testnet. Please report bugs if you find any 🚀
It’s a private alpha, meaning that it’s fine to share it with your friends but please don’t share it publicly yet!
PS: This is macOS-only, the Linux version will be published during the week.
It's an Alpha! It can crash
- If it crashes, close it and open it again.
- If that doesn't work, right click anywhere, then click Inspect element and type localStorage.clear() in the panel that will open, then reload it again.
- OMFG THIS IS NOT FRIENDLY YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE VERY USER FRIENDLY!!!. Aragon is one of the most complex dapps out there, we are still early in our journey. Usability is our #1 concern and it'll get better and better over each release.
Disclaimer of Liabilities and Warranties
- The user expressly knows and agrees that the user is using the Aragon application at the user’s sole risk.
- The user represents that the user has an adequate understanding of the risks, usage and intricacies of cryptographic tokens and blockchain-based open source software, Ethereum platform and Aragon.
- The user acknowledges and agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by any applicable law, the disclaimers of liability contained herein apply to any and all damages or injury whatsoever caused by or related to risks of, use of, or inability to use, Aragon under any cause or action whatsoever of any kind in any jurisdiction, including, without limitation, actions for breach of warranty, breach of contract or tort (including negligence) and that the Aragon team shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including for loss of profits, goodwill or data.
- Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for certain types of damages. therefore, some of the above limitations in this section may not apply to a user. In particular, nothing in these terms shall affect the statutory rights of any user or exclude injury arising from any willful misconduct or fraud of Aragon.