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238 lines (187 loc) · 10.3 KB


Yet another gcloud spanner databases execute-sql replacement for better composability.


  • (Almost) Compatible interface with gcloud spanner databases execute-sql
    • Incompatibilities
      • Doesn't support gcloud config
  • Can receive results of some queries which gcloud can't execute
    • Query with query parameters
    • Large result sets over 10MB
  • Embedded jq
  • Emit gRPC message logs
  • (Experimental) CSV output
  • (Experimental) Check whether the query can be executed as a partition query or not.

This tool is still pre-release quality and none of guarantees.


You can use released binaries.

  execspansql [OPTIONS] [database]

Application Options:
      --sql=                                   SQL query text; exclusive with --sql-file.
      --sql-file=                              File name contains SQL query; exclusive with --sql
  -p, --project=                               (required) ID of the project. [$CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT]
  -i, --instance=                              (required) ID of the instance. [$CLOUDSDK_SPANNER_INSTANCE]
      --query-mode=[NORMAL|PLAN|PROFILE]       Query mode. (default: NORMAL)
      --format=[json|yaml|experimental_csv]    Output format. (default: json)
      --redact-rows                            Redact result rows from output
  -c, --compact-output                         Compact JSON output(--compact-output of jq)
      --filter=                                jq filter
  -r, --raw-output                             (--raw-output of jq)
      --filter-file=                           (--from-file of jq)
      --param=                                 [name]:[Cloud Spanner type(PLAN only) or literal]
      --log-grpc                               Show gRPC logs
      --enable-partitioned-dml                 Execute DML statement using Partitioned DML
      --timeout=                               Maximum time to wait for the SQL query to complete (default: 10m)
      --try-partition-query                    (Experimental) Check whether the query can be executed as partition query or not

Timestamp Bound:
      --strong                                 Perform a strong query.
      --read-timestamp=TIMESTAMP               Perform a query at the given timestamp. (micro-seconds precision)

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                   Show this help message

  database:                                    (required) ID of the database.

Local build requires Go 1.23.

$ go install

You can use container image in GitHub Container Registry.

$ docker run --rm -t -v "${HOME}/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json:/home/nonroot/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json:ro" \ -p ${SPANNER_PROJECT} -i ${SPANNER_INSTANCE} ${SPANNER_DATABASE} --sql 'SELECT 1'
# or use specific version
$ docker run --rm -t -v "${HOME}/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json:/home/nonroot/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json:ro" \ -p ${SPANNER_PROJECT} -i ${SPANNER_INSTANCE} ${SPANNER_DATABASE} --sql 'SELECT 1'

Notable features

There are examples omitting some required options.

Parameter support

Many Cloud Spanner clients don't support parameter. Without modifications, query which have parameters are impossible to execute and query whose parameters' types are STRUCT or ARRAY are impossible to show query plans.

execspansql supports query parameters.

PLAN with complex typed parameters

You can use type syntax to plan a query.

$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=PLAN \
              --sql='SELECT * FROM UNNEST(@arr) WITH OFFSET' \
$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=PLAN \
              --sql='SELECT @str.*' \
              --param='str:STRUCT<FirstName STRING, LastName STRING>'

PROFILE with complex typed parameterized values

You can use subset of literal syntax to execute a query.

Note: It only emulates literals and doesn't emulate coercion.

$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=PROFILE \
              --sql='SELECT * FROM UNNEST(@arr) WITH OFFSET' \
              --param='arr:[STRUCT<pk INT64, col STRING>(1, "foo"), (42, "foobar")]'
$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=PROFILE \
              --sql='SELECT * FROM Singers WHERE STRUCT<FirstName STRING, LastName STRING>(FirstName, LastName) IN UNNEST(@names)' \
              --param='names:[STRUCT<FirstName STRING, LastName STRING>("John", "Doe"), ("Mary", "Sue")]'

Embedded jq

execspansql can process output using embedded gojq using --jq-filter flag.

Example: Extract QueryPlan

[rendertree] command takes QueryPlan, and it can be extracted by jq filter.

$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=PROFILE --format=json \
              --sql='SELECT * FROM Singers@{FORCE_INDEX=SingersByFirstLastName}' \
              --filter='.stats.queryPlan' \
  | rendertree --mode=PROFILE 
| ID  | Operator                                                                   | Rows | Exec. | Latency    |
|   0 | Distributed Union                                                          |    5 |     1 | 0.47 msecs |
|  *1 | +- Distributed Cross Apply                                                 |    5 |     1 | 0.44 msecs |
|   2 |    +- Create Batch                                                         |      |       |            |
|   3 |    |  +- Local Distributed Union                                           |    5 |     1 | 0.21 msecs |
|   4 |    |     +- Compute Struct                                                 |    5 |     1 | 0.19 msecs |
|   5 |    |        +- Index Scan (Full scan: true, Index: SingersByFirstLastName) |    5 |     1 | 0.18 msecs |
|  13 |    +- [Map] Serialize Result                                               |    5 |     1 | 0.13 msecs |
|  14 |       +- Cross Apply                                                       |    5 |     1 | 0.12 msecs |
|  15 |          +- Batch Scan (Batch: $v2)                                        |    5 |     1 | 0.01 msecs |
|  19 |          +- [Map] Local Distributed Union                                  |    5 |     5 |  0.1 msecs |
| *20 |             +- FilterScan                                                  |    5 |     5 | 0.09 msecs |
|  21 |                +- Table Scan (Table: Singers)                              |    5 |     5 | 0.08 msecs |
Predicates(identified by ID):
  1: Split Range: ($SingerId' = $SingerId)
 20: Seek Condition: ($SingerId' = $batched_SingerId)

Example: Complex jq filter

plan.jq render query plan tree in pure jq.

$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=PROFILE --format=json \
  --sql='SELECT * FROM Singers@{FORCE_INDEX=SingersByFirstLastName}' \
  --filter-file=examples/plan.jq --raw-output
 *0 Distributed Union
 *1   Distributed Cross Apply
  2     Create Batch
  3       Local Distributed Union
  4         Compute Struct
  5           Index Scan (Full scan: true, Index: SingersByFirstLastName)
 13     [Map] Serialize Result
 14       Cross Apply
 15         Batch Scan (Batch: $v2)
 19         [Map] Local Distributed Union
*20           FilterScan
 21             Table Scan (Table: Singers)
  0: Split Range: true
  1: Split Range: ($SingerId' = $SingerId)
 20: Seek Condition: ($SingerId' = $batched_SingerId)

Examples from document

Querying data with a STRUCT object

$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=NORMAL \
    --sql='SELECT SingerId FROM SINGERS
           WHERE (FirstName, LastName) = @singerinfo' \
    --param='singerinfo:STRUCT<FirstName STRING, LastName STRING>("Elena", "Campbell")'

Querying data with a STRUCT object)

$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=NORMAL \
    --sql='SELECT SingerId FROM SINGERS
           WHERE STRUCT<FirstName STRING, LastName STRING>(FirstName, LastName)
           IN UNNEST(@names)' \
    --param='names:[STRUCT<FirstName STRING, LastName STRING>("Elena", "Campbell"), ("Hannah", "Harris")]'

Accessing STRUCT field values

$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=NORMAL \
    --sql='SELECT SingerId
           FROM Singers
           WHERE FirstName = @name.FirstName' \
    --param='name:STRUCT<FirstName STRING, LastName STRING>("Elena", "Campbell")'
$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --query-mode=NORMAL \
    --sql='SELECT SingerId, @songinfo.SongName
           FROM Singers
           WHERE STRUCT<FirstName STRING, LastName STRING>(FirstName, LastName) IN UNNEST(@songinfo.ArtistNames)' \
     --param='songinfo:STRUCT<SongName STRING, ArtistNames ARRAY<STRUCT<FirstName STRING, LastName STRING>>>("Imagination", [("Elena", "Campbell"), ("Hannah", "Harris")])'

(Experimental) Cloud Trace integration

$ execspansql $DATABASE_ID --sql "SELECT * FROM Singers@{FORCE_INDEX=SingersByFirstLastName}" --query-mode=PROFILE --experimental-trace-project=$PROJECT_ID


(Experimental) --try-partition-query

Check whether the query can be executed as partition query or not.

$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --sql='SELECT * FROM Singers JOIN Albums USING(SingerId)' --try-partition-query

$ execspansql ${DATABASE_ID} --sql='SELECT * FROM Singers JOIN Concerts USING(SingerId)' --try-partition-query
2023/08/31 16:43:33 rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Query is not root partitionable since it does not have a DistributedUnion at the root. Please run EXPLAIN for query plan details.
exit status 1


  • Supports only json and yaml format