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edX Managing the Production Stack

Jason Zhu edited this page Apr 3, 2014 · 70 revisions

NOTE: These are instructions for the Production Stack configuration, not the Developer Stack.

Managing the server commands

login to the server and change to the /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform directory to use

  • list all commands -

    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ lms --settings aws help

  • create a new user -

    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ lms --settings aws create_user -e [email protected]

  • set or change password -

    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ lms --settings aws changepassword user

  • set user to staff -

    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ lms --settings aws set_staff [email protected]

  • launch the django shell -

    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ lms --settings aws shell

  • create superuser -

    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ lms --settings aws create_user -e [email protected]
    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ lms --settings aws changepassword user
    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ lms --settings aws shell
    from django.contrib.auth.models import User
    me = User.objects.get(username="user")
    me.is_superuser = True
  • run migrations -

    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ lms syncdb --migrate --settings aws

  • delete course -

    sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp ./ cms --settings aws delete_course Organization/CourseNumber/CourseNumber commit

See help and help <cmd> for more information!

See what services are running

sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf status

you should see something like the following:

certs                            RUNNING    pid 19862, uptime 0:00:04
discern                          RUNNING    pid 19926, uptime 0:00:02
discern_celery                   RUNNING    pid 19857, uptime 0:00:04
edxapp:cms                       RUNNING    pid 19884, uptime 0:00:03
edxapp:lms                       RUNNING    pid 19879, uptime 0:00:03
edxapp_worker:cms_default_4      RUNNING    pid 19915, uptime 0:00:03
edxapp_worker:cms_high_1         RUNNING    pid 19901, uptime 0:00:03
edxapp_worker:cms_low_3          RUNNING    pid 19890, uptime 0:00:03
edxapp_worker:lms_default_3      RUNNING    pid 19897, uptime 0:00:03
edxapp_worker:lms_high_4         RUNNING    pid 19922, uptime 0:00:03
edxapp_worker:lms_high_mem_2     RUNNING    pid 19894, uptime 0:00:03
edxapp_worker:lms_low_1          RUNNING    pid 19908, uptime 0:00:03
forum                            RUNNING    pid 19855, uptime 0:00:04
ora                              RUNNING    pid 19875, uptime 0:00:04
ora_celery                       RUNNING    pid 19866, uptime 0:00:04
xqueue                           RUNNING    pid 19853, uptime 0:00:04
xqueue_consumer                  RUNNING    pid 19860, uptime 0:00:04
xserver                          RUNNING    pid 19854, uptime 0:00:04

Restarting Services

  • LMS/CMS - sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf restart edxapp:
  • Workers - sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf restart edxapp_worker:

(Note: the colon character : at the end of the line is mandatory!)

Updating Versions using edX repos

Use the /edx/bin/update to update repo versions on the server.

Allowed repo names [cs_comments_service,ease,discern,xqueue,xserver,edx-platform,configuration,edx-ora]


  • sudo /edx/bin/update edx-platform master - change edx-platform to use the latest on the master branch
  • sudo /edx/bin/update cs_comments_service master - change the forums service to use the latest on the master branch

Using an edx-platform fork

  • sudo rm -rf /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform - to change the remote you need to remove the existing edx-platform checkout
  • Add the following line to /edx/app/edx_ansible/server-vars.yml - edx_platform_repo: "<user>/edx-platform.git"
  • sudo /edx/bin/update edx-platform master - update edx-platform using the forked repo

Compile assets manually

To compile javascript and css outside of the update script run the following commands:

  • sudo -u edxapp bash
  • source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env
  • cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform
  • SERVICE_VARIANT=lms rake lms:gather_assets:aws
  • SERVICE_VARIANT=cms rake cms:gather_assets:aws


Unable to connect to the LMS

Check to see if nginx is running:

  • sudo service nginx status
  • sudo service nginx start

NGINX logs are located in /edx/var/log/nginx NGINX configurations are located in /edx/app/nginx/sites-enabled

Check to see if the lms/cms is running

  • sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf status edxapp:

If you are still unable to connect to the LMS run the following commands:

  • sudo service nginx stop
  • sudo service supervisor stop
  • sudo service supervisor.devpi stop
  • sudo pkill -u www-data
  • sudo service nginx start
  • sudo service supervisor start
  • sudo service supervisor.devpi start
  • stop everything except the LMS and CMS
sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf stop discern discern_celery \
  forum ora ora_celery xqueue xqueue_consumer xserver edxapp_worker:
  • sudo tail -f /edx/var/log/{lms,cms,nginx}/*log

While tailing the log files try to connect your browser to the LMS or Studio

Log files

  • The production stack sends all application logs to rsyslog which writes config files to the /edx/var/log directory.
  • Supervisor logs stderr and stdout, its logs are located in /edx/var/log/supervisor