This document serves as a comprehensive guide for adding support for the listing a new cloud resource using awi-infra-guard software. It outlines the required modifications across various components of the application. This example shows how a VPCEndpoint was added, but can be used an example to add any other resource.
Familiarity with Go, gRPC, and Protocol Buffers. Set up with the complete development environment of the awi-infra-guard project.
1. Proto File
Update proto/cloud.proto and proto/types.proto to include definitions and service methods for VPCEndpoints.
// Update to proto/cloud.proto
rpc ListVPCEndpoints (ListVPCEndpointsRequest) returns (ListVPCEndpointsResponse) {}
// Update to proto/types.proto
message VPCEndpoint {
string id = 1;
string name = 2;
string provider = 3;
string account_id = 4;
string vpc_id = 5;
string region = 6;
string state = 7;
string type = 8;
string service_name = 9;
repeated int32 route_table_ids = 10;
repeated int32 subnet_ids = 11;
map<string, string> labels = 12;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 13;
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 14;
string last_sync_time = 15;
// Update cloud.proto file and add request response objects for the resource you're trying to fetch
message ListVPCEndpointsResponse {
repeated VPCEndpoint veps = 1;
string last_sync_time = 2;
message ListVPCEndpointsRequest {
string provider = 1;
string vpc_id = 2;
string region = 3;
string account_id = 4;
// Update CloudProvider Service to add List Resource RPC (Method)
rpc ListVPCEndpoints (ListVPCEndpointsRequest) returns (ListVPCEndpointsResponse) {}
Run make generate
in the repository root directory to generate language-specific generated protobuf files.
2. Type Definitions
Add or update VPCEndpoint struct definitions in type/types.go.
// type/types.go
const VPCEndpointType = "VPCEndpoint"
type VPCEndpoint struct {
func (v *VPCEndpoint) DbId() string {
return CloudID(v.Provider, v.ID)
func (v *VPCEndpoint) SetSyncTime(time string) {
v.LastSyncTime = time
func (v *VPCEndpoint) GetProvider() string {
return v.Provider
3. Server Implementation
Implement the gRPC server methods in server/server.go and update server/translate.go to handle data translation.
// server/server.go
func (s *Server) ListVPCEndpoints(ctx context.Context, in *infrapb.ListVPCEndpointsRequest) (*infrapb.ListVPCEndpointsResponse, error) {
// Add your implementation here
// server/translate.go
func typesVPCEndpointsToGrpc(in []types.VPCEndpoint) []*infrapb.VPCEndpoint {
// Add your translation logic here
4. Synchronization Logic
Define synchronization logic for VPCEndpoints in sync/sync.go.
// sync/sync.go
func (s *Syncer) syncVPCEndpoints() {
// Add synchronization logic here
func (s *Syncer) syncVPCEndpoints() {
genericCloudSync[*types.VPCEndpoint](s, types.VPCEndpointType, func(ctx context.Context, cloudProvider provider.CloudProvider, accountID string) ([]types.VPCEndpoint, error) {
return cloudProvider.ListVPCEndpoints(ctx, &infrapb.ListVPCEndpointsRequest{AccountId: accountID})
}, s.logger, s.dbClient.ListVPCEndpoints, s.dbClient.PutVPCEndpoint, s.dbClient.DeleteVPCEndpoint)
5. Provider Interface
Ensure the CloudProvider interface in provider/provider.go supports the ListVPCEndpoints method.
// provider/provider.go
ListVPCEndpoints(ctx context.Context, input *infrapb.ListVPCEndpointsRequest) ([]types.VPCEndpoint, error)
6. Database Layer
Implement methods for VPCEndpoints in db/db.go and db/db_strategy.go.
// db/db.go
interface Client {
ListVPCEndpoints() ([]*types.VPCEndpoint, error)
PutVPCEndpoint(*types.VPCEndpoint) error
GetVPCEndpoint(string) (*types.VPCEndpoint, error)
DeleteVPCEndpoint(string) error
// db/db_strategy.go
func (p *providerWithDB) ListVPCEndpoints(ctx context.Context, params *infrapb.ListVPCEndpointsRequest) ([]types.VPCEndpoint, error) {
// Implement interaction logic here
7. BoltDB Client Implementation
Add methods to manage VPCEndpoints in BoltDB within boltdb/bolt_client.go.
Add Table Name for your resource
const vpcEndpointTable = "vpcEndpoints"
var tableNames = [] string {
// boltdb/bolt_client.go
func (client *boltClient) PutVPCEndpoint(vpce *types.VPCEndpoint) error {
// Implement put logic here
8. Cloud Provider Specific Logic
Implement cloud-specific logic to list VPCEndpoints in aws/listVPCEndpoint.go, azure.go, gcp.go. This interface won't be satisfied unless we have function definitions for all providers. So, even when you don't have implementation for all providers, do add the function definition to avoid compilation errors.
func (c *Client) ListVPCEndpoints(ctx context.Context, params *infrapb.ListVPCEndpointsRequest) ([]types.VPCEndpoint, error) { }