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Dynamic (or Ajax) map refresh

apneadiving edited this page Aug 30, 2011 · 13 revisions

Gmaps4rails allows you to update your map on the fly.

Check here the valid json format you should provide:


If you want to create a callback called once the map and items are created, include the following code in your view:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> = function() {
   //whatever you want here


If you want to replace the current markers with your new ones:; //this is a JS function

If you want to add markers to those already displayed (it doesn't check duplicates):;     //this is a JS function


You can generate javascript to update your map the same way it's used to create it. Simply use the to_gmaps4rails method after your hash of variables to display as described here:

Notice that you can use all javascript functions written in the js files directly. I hope the files have enough comments to make everything clear.