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664 lines (412 loc) · 27.1 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to GOBL will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. See also the GOBL versions documentation site for more details.



  • gr-mydata: added gr-mydata-other-tax extension to set the category of other taxes in charges.

[v0.207.0] - 2024-12-12


  • es-verifactu-v1: added initial Spain VeriFactu addon.
  • tax: Extensions Get convenience method that helps when using extensions using sub-keys.
  • tax: ExtensionsExclude validator for checking that extensions do not include certain keys.
  • tax: ExtValue.In for comparing extension values.
  • bill: Tax.MergeExtensions convenience method for adding extensions to tax objects and avoid nil panics.
  • cbc: Key.Pop method for splitting keys with sub-keys, e.g. cbc.Key("a+b").Pop() == cbc.Key("a").
  • in: added Indian regime
  • cef: catalogue for CEF VATEX reason codes.
  • untdid: 1153 - untdid-reference (Reference Code Qualifier) and 7143 - untdid-item-type (Item Type Identification) extenions.


  • tax: renamed ExtensionsRequires to ExtensionsRequire, to bring in line with ExtensionsExclude.
  • cbc: refactored KeyDefinition and ValueDefinition into a single Definition object that supports key and code.
  • tax: removed ExtValue and replaced with cbc.Code which is now much more flexible.
  • tax: Catalogue definitions now loaded from JSON source as opposed to Go code. This improves memory efficiency, especially when the source data is large.


  • bill: corrected issues around correction definitions and merging types.
  • bill: removed Outlays from totals.

[v0.206.1] - 2024-11-28


  • org: Party validation now working with regimes when defined.

[v0.206.0] - 2024-11-26


  • ae: added UAE regime
  • br-nfse-v1: new extensions, validations & identities for the typical service note and supplier.


  • es-tbai-v1: always add es-tbai-product extension to items, indicating default value.


  • es-tbai-v1: issue with preceding validation.

[v0.205.1] - 2024-11-19


  • org: Address includes LineOne(), LineTwo(), CompleteNumber() methods to help with conversion to other formats with some regional formatting.


  • bill: Invoice can now have empty lines if discounts or charges present.


  • ch: Deleted Supplier validation (not needed for under 2300 CHF/year)
  • bill: Invoice GetExtensions method now works correctly if missing totals Issue #424.

[v0.205.0] - 2024-11-12


  • org: Address now includes a state code, for countries that require them.
  • es-tbai-v1: normalize address information to automatically add new es-tbai-region extension to invoices.
  • org: Inbox now supports email field, with auto-normalization of URLs and emails in the code field.
  • currency: Exchange rate "source" field.


  • Moved regime examples into single /examples folder.
  • org: Address, code for the post code is now typed as a cbc.Code, like the new state field.


  • cal: Fixing json schema issue with date times.

[v0.204.1] - 2024-11-04


  • bill: normalize line discounts and charges to remove empty rows.


  • tax: identity code handling will skip default validation for specific countries that use special characters.

[v0.204.0] - 2024-10-31


  • br-nfse-v1: added initial Brazil NFS-e addon


  • mx: deprecated the mx-cfdi-post-code extension in favor of the customer address post code.
  • New "tax catalogues" used for defining extensions for specific standards.
  • tax: New "tax catalogues" used for defining extensions for specific standards.
  • iso: catalogue created with iso-schema-id extensions.
  • untdid: catalogue created with extensions: untdid-document-type, untdid-payment-means, untdid-tax-category, untdid-allowance, and untdid-charge.
  • eu-en16931-v2017: addon for underlying support of the EN16931 semantic specifications.
  • de-xrechnung-v3: addon with extra normalization for XRechnung specification in Germany.
  • pay: Added sepa payment means key extension in main definition to be used with Credit Transfers and Direct Debit.
  • org: Identity and Inbox support for extensions.
  • tax: tags for export and eea (european economic area) for use with rates.
  • bill: support for extensions in Discount, Charge, LineDiscount, and LineCharge.
  • bill: specifically defined keys for Discounts and Charges.


  • tax: rate keys can now be extended, so exempt+reverse-charge will be accepted and may be used by addons to included additional codes.
  • tax: Addons can now depend on other addons, whose keys will be automatically added during normalization.
  • cbc: Code now allows : separator.


  • pay: UNTDID 4461 mappings from payment means table, now provided by catalogues
  • bill: Outlay has been removed in favour of Charges, we've also not seen any evidence this field has been used.
  • bill: ref field from discounts and charges in favour of code.
  • tax: Regime ChargeKeys removed. Keys now provided in bill package.
  • it: Charge keys no longer defined, no migration required, already supported.


  • mx: Tax ID validation now correctly supports & and Ñ symbols in codes.

[v0.203.0] - 2024-20-21


  • br: added basic Brazil regime
  • uuid: SQL library compatibility for type conversion.
  • it-sdi-v1: added it-sdi-vat-liability extension for EsigibilitaIVA.


  • bill.Invoice: remove empty taxes instances.
  • tax.Identity: support Calculate method to normalize IDs.
  • tax.Regime: properly set regime when alternative codes is given.

[v0.202.0] - 2024-10-14


  • org.DocumentRef: renamed line to lines that accepts an array of integers making it possible to define a selection of reference lines in another document as opposed to just one.


  • cbc.Code: new Join and JoinWith methods to help concatenate codes.
  • it-sdi-v1: added CIG and CUP identity type codes.
  • de: added validation and normalization for tax identities (not VAT).


  • mx: fixed panic when normalizing an invoice with tax but no ext inside.

[v0.201.0] - 2024-10-07


  • es-tbai-v1: added validation for presense of series and general notes in Invoices.
  • es: moving invoice customer validation to the facturae and tbai addons.
  • it-sdi-v1: fixing validation issue for payment terms with no due dates.


  • pt: reduced rate category for PT-MA was updated to reflect latest value of 4%
  • co-dian-v2: moved from co tax regime into own addon.

[v0.200.1] - 2024-09-30


  • pt: moving invoice tags from saft addon to regime, ensure defaults present.

[v0.200.0] - 2024-09-26

Another significant epic release. Introducing "add-ons" which move the normalization and validation rules from Tax Regimes to specific packages that need to be enabled inside a document to be used.

Tax Regimes are now also defined using the $regime keyword at the top of the document under the $schema and alongside $addons and $tags. This is a significant move with the aim of making the core GOBL project as flexible as possible, while allowing greater levels of validation and customization to be added as needed.

Another very significant internal change is around normalization. There is now a much clearer difference internally between Calculate and Normalize methods. Calculate methods are used when there is some type of math operation to perform, and normalize will simply clean the data as much as possible. The three key steps in order are: normalize, calculate, and validate.

Finally, the draft flag has been removed from the header, and much more emphasis has been placed on the signatures for validation. For example, the invoice's "code" property will only be required in order to sign the envelope.

(We've made a big jump in minor version numbers to clarify the extent of the changes.)


  • head.Header: Removed the draft flag. Instead envelopes must now be signed in order to activate additional validation rules such as requiring the invoice code, and allow "stamps" in the header.
  • Renamed Calculate methods to Normalize and removed errors, to clearly differentiate between the two processes.
  • bill: Moved tax tags to the invoice level $tags property.
  • tax: Renamed Regime to RegimeDef.
  • tax: Renamed Category to CategoryDef.
  • tax: Renamed Rate to RateDef.
  • tax: Renamed RateValue to RateValueDef.
  • mx: local normalization, validation, and extensions moved to the addons/mx/cfdi package to use with the mx-cfdi-v4 key.
  • es: moved FacturaE and TicketBAI extensions to the addons/es/facturae and addons/es/tbai packages respecitvely.
  • pt: moved SAF-T specific extensions to addons/pt/saft.
  • it: moved SDI and FatturaPA extensions to addons/it/sdi with key it-sdi-v1.
  • gr: moved MyDATA to addons/gr/mydata, key gr-mydata-v1.
  • bill.Preceding: replaced with org.DocumentRef.
  • bill.Invoice: Ordering now using arrays of org.DocumentRef.
  • bill.Invoice: series and code now use cbc.Code and normalization instead of the independent invoice code.
  • cbc: Code now allows spaces, dashes, and lower-case letters. Normalization will remove duplicate symbols.


  • tax: Regime type now used to add $regime attribute to documents.
  • tax: Addons type which uses the $addons attribute to control which addons apply to the document.
  • tax: Tags type which adds the $tags attribute.
  • tax: Scenario now has Filter property to set a code function.
  • tax: AddonDef provides support for defining addon extension packs.
  • gr: gr-mydata-invoice-type extension with related tags and scenarios.
  • org: DocumentRef consolidates references to previous documents in a single place.
  • bill: invoice type option other for usage when regular scenarios do not apply.

[v0.115.1] - 2024-09-10


  • tax: totals calculator was ignoring tax combos with rate and percent, when they should be classed as exempt.

[v0.115.0] - 2024-09-10

This one is big...

Significant set of changes around Scenario handling. Scenarios defined by tax regimes can now set tax extensions at the document level automatically. The objective here is to move away from external projects using scenario summaries directly, and instead use the absolute values set in the document.

For example, the document format and type in Italy are now set inside the extensions and can be overriden if needed manually. This will be especially important when receiving and converting invoices into GOBL from external formats; its much easier to set specific values than trying to determine the appropriate tags.

Also included is support for defining the country in tax combos, making it possible for taxes from a customers country to applied directly if needed. Typical use case would be for selling digital goods into or between EU states for B2C customers.

Invoices in GOBL can now also finally produced for any country in the world, even if not explicitly defined inside the tax regimes.


  • bill.Invoice: customer can now be empty by default, the simplified simplified tag will have no effect on the document unless used by regime scenarios.
  • bill.Invoice: using the customer-rates tag will now automatically copy the customer's country code, if available, to the individual tax combo lines.
  • tax: moved NormalizeIdentity method from the regimes common package so that it can be applied to all tax IDs, regardless of if they have a regime defined or not.
  • pt: VAT rate key is now optional if pt-saft-tax-rate is provided.
  • gr: simplified validation to use tax categories.
  • it: always add it-sdi-fiscal-regime to Invoice suppliers.
  • it: renamed extension it-sdi-retained-tax to it-sdi-retained, now with validation on retained taxes.
  • it: renamed extension it-sdi-natura to it-sdi-exempt.
  • bill.Invoice: deprecated the ScenarioSummary method, as tax regimes themselves should be using extensions to apply all the correct data to a document up front.
  • mx: scenarios will now copy the document and relation types to the tax extensions.
  • cbc: consolidated "keys" and "codes" lists from key definitions into a single values array.
  • gr: switched to use the new round-then-sum calculation method
  • tax.Combo: rates when defined will always update the combo.
  • bill.Invoice: tax tags will always cause scenarios to update the document.
  • es: support for facturae tag which will correct set local extensions instead of using scenario summary codes.


  • tax: Combo now supports a country field.
  • tax.Category: added Validation method support for custom validation of a tax combo for a specific tax category.
  • tax.Scenario: added "extensions" to be able to automatically update document level extensions based on the scenario detected.
  • it: added ExtKeySDIDocumentType as an extension that will be automatically included according to the scenario.
  • it: now adding ExtKeySDIFormat value to document instead of just referencing from scenarios.
  • cbc.Note: now provides SameAs method that will compare key attributes, but not the text payload. This is now used in Schema Summaries.
  • bill.Line: added RequireLineTaxCategory validation helper method.
  • cbc: added new ValueDefinition.
  • gr: added "Income Classification" extensions.
  • tax.TotalCalculator: now supports round-then-sum as an alternative to the default sum-then-round calculation method to meet the requirements of regimes like Greece.


  • tax.Category: removed RateRequired flag, regimes should instead should help users determine valid extensions (eg. PT and GR).
  • cbc: removed CodeDefinition.


  • tax.Scenario: potential issue around matching notes.
  • tax.Set: improved validation embedded error handling.

[v0.114.0] - 2024-08-26


  • org.Name: either given or surname are required, as opposed to both at the same time.

[v0.113.0] - 2024-08-01


  • head: validation rule to check for the presence of stamps
  • GR: support for credit notes

[v0.112.0] - 2024-07-29

Significant set of small changes related to renaming of the l10n.CountryCode type. The main reason for this is an attempt to reduce confusion between regular ISO country selection, and the specific country codes used for tax purposes. Normally they coincide, but exception cases like for Greece, whose ISO code is GR but use EL for tax purposes, or XI for companies in Northern Ireland, mean that there needs to be a clear selection.


  • CO: improved regime's documentation
  • l10n: split "CountryCode" into "ISOCountryCode" and "TaxCountryCode", for the two explicit use-cases.
  • l10n: renamed CountryDefinitions variable to Countries() method.


  • Code coverage report (still a lot to improve there!)
  • GR: support for simplified invoices
  • l10n: ISO and Tax lists of country definitions available, e.g. l10n.Countries().ISO()
  • tax: support for alternative country codes
  • tax: Scenarios now handle extension key and value for filtering.
  • PT: exemption text handling moved to scenarios.



  • GR: fixed certain tax combos not getting calculated by the regime

[v0.111.1] - 2024-07-25


  • org.Address: recommended fields added


  • org.Address: locality no longer required.

[v0.111.0] - 2024-07-24


  • Including recommended array in more JSON Schema objects.
  • bill.Invoice: validation and changes around acceptance of simplified invoices with customer name. A customer without a tax ID now implies that a name is also not required.
  • uuid: Compact Base64 encoding and decoding of UUIDs for compact URLs.
  • head: New Link model for associating Envelopes with static URLs.
  • head.Header: Link array in addition to stamps.
  • PT: support for debit notes
  • PT: validations for debit and credit notes


  • CO: renamed credit and debit extension names to fit in UIs.
  • org.Party: name is now optional, but recommended.


  • org.People: name is now correctly validated.

[v0.110.2] - 2024-07-23


  • org.Person: now has label field.


  • org: Refining availability of label field.

[v0.110.0] - 2024-07-23

Multiple version upgrade after merging the gobl.cli project directly here instead.


  • CLI: move the command line interface and wasm binary support directly into GOBL.

[v0.83.0] - 2024-07-23


  • CO: support debit notes with additional validations for required reason extensions.


  • CO: renaming co-dian-correction code to co-dian-credit-code while also adding co-dian-debit-code to extensions.
  • CO: support debit notes
  • CO: updated validation for simplified invoices
  • GR: renamed greece country code to EL to reflect local naming in tax code, package still named gr for ease of use.
  • l10n: extension countries like EL, XI, EU for special tax cases
  • l10n: country definition extension flag to be able to filter ISO codes


  • IT: Company fiscal code can be the same as the VAT code.

[v0.82.0] - 2024-07-19


  • bill.Invoice: experimental ConvertInto method to convert the invoice's amounts from one currency into another.
  • DE: support for "de-tax-number" identity which can be used instead of regular tax ID code inside Germany.
  • DE: "simplified" tax tag removes requirement for supplier tax identification.

[v0.81.0] - 2024-07-17


  • tax.Regime: added new "Identity Keys" definition.
  • IT: it-sdi-format extension added with the two main document formats in Italy: FPA12 and FPR12 (default for B2B/C if none assigned).


  • tax.Identity: deprecated the type field, and directly removed the uuid and meta fields which no longer make sense here.
  • tax.Regime: standardised naming around key definitions to always include _keys as suffix.
  • IT: moved fiscal code (codice fiscale) from the org.Party Tax ID to the Identities array with the specific key it-fiscal-code. This implies that invoices can now be issued with both a VAT code (partita IVA) and a fiscal code (codice fiscale).
  • IT: data will be normalized automatically to move the fiscal code from the tax ID to the identities array.
  • IT: removed explicit support for Tax ID type field.
  • ES: moved Tax ID type usage to the identities array.
  • CO: moved Tax ID type definitions to identities array.

[v0.80.1] - 2024-07-11


  • GR: Invoice and address validations
  • GR: Payment means key definitions


  • GB: removed requirement for suppliers to have a tax ID code (country is still required!)

[v0.80.0] - 2024-06-27


  • num.Amount - RescaleDown method, that helps reduce accuracy from a number if higher.
  • num.Amount - RescaleRange method, ensures that the exponent is within a specific range.
  • Greece tax regime
  • tax.Combo - regime specific calculations now supported.

[v0.79.3] - 2024-06-18


  • org.Registration: added other field.


  • Field descriptions of org.Website

[v0.79.2] - 2024-06-18


  • PT: at-app-id stamp for the application ID used to register a document.

[v0.79.1] - 2024-06-18


  • num.AmountFromFloat64 method helps avoid rounding issues when using floats.
  • PT: at-hash stamp to store the AT's hash of an invoice


  • MX: Fuel account balance totals calculated maintaining item price precision.

[v0.79.0] - 2024-06-05


  • ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes (and a function to access them) added to the country definitions (l10n.CountryDef)
  • MX: mx.TaxIdentityCodeGeneric constant added with the generic RFC for final consumers


  • MX: customer extensions no longer required for foreign customers

[v0.78.1] - 2024-05-30


  • CH: fixing tax ID checksum validation that ends in 0.

[v0.78.0] - 2024-05-23


  • Default values added to correction options schema based on values from previous invoice.


  • In pay.Online, renamed name property to label, and addr to URL. Also added key property. Auto-migration included.


  • bill.Invoice: fixed issue with invalid currency codes that don't have a definition, will always resort to Tax Regime's currency.

[v0.77.0] - 2024-05-16

Fixing important bugs with some tax regimes and tax identity code validation, along with a new 'series' property for correction options.


  • series property added to bill Correction Options to allow a series for a credit note to be added.
  • label property added to org.Party.


  • Invoice Discounts and Charges will no longer update the base property according to the document's sum.
  • Exempt rate in tax.Combo no longer required when percent is empty.
  • When correcting an invoice, if no new series is provided, the previous document's series will be maintained.


  • Precision handling of calculated invoice discounts and charges.
  • Multiple tax regime were not validating the presence of supplier identity code.

[v0.76.0] - 2024-05-13

Finally, invoice multi-currency support! It's been a very long time coming, but we've finalized the details on how to handle currency conversion in invoices and potentially other documents.


  • Invoice Line Item alternative pricing added to be able to define custom prices in different currencies: line.AltPrices
  • Automatic conversion of invoice line item prices into invoice currency based on exchange rates defined in invoice if no alternative prices provided.
  • If an invoice has a currency that is different from that of the tax regime, a validation rule ensures that an exchange rate is defined.
  • currency.Amount - new model that combines a currency with an amount.
  • BE: added Belgium regime.


  • BREAKING: refactor of currency.ExchangeRate to clearly define from and to currencies (this was never supported, so we're not expecting anything to actually break).
  • Removed all regime specific currency validation, this is now performed by the invoice and depends on the available exchange rates.
  • MX: invoice line totals validated to be zero or more, instead of positive.


  • Removing code requirement from Tax ID validation in all regimes so that when issuing a document to another country, the customers tax ID code will be validated if present, but will not be required. Any local rules for the issuing country for foreign IDs will continue to be applied.

[v0.75.1] - 2024-05-07


  • MX: allow line taxes to be empty.

[v0.75.0] - 2024-05-06


  • Bill Invoice Tax objects now support tax extensions.
  • MX Stamps for signatures from CFDI and SAT.
  • MX: extension for Place of Issue code: mx-cfdi-issue-place that replaces previous post code option in the supplier. Automatic normalization added.
  • head package now has GetStamp method to find a stamp by its provider from an array.
  • num.Percentage has Base() method to access base amount.
  • MX: FuelAccountBalance complement now supports percent as an alternative to rate.
  • ES: added extra TicketBAI exemption reasons
  • Envelope Replicate() and supporting methods to be able to clone/replicate an envelope or document without any potentially conflicting data.


  • reverse-charge tag will no longer have impact on tax calculations, each tax combo per line should define if taxes are exempt or not.
  • Renaming mx.StampProviderSATUUID constant to just mx.StampSATUUID.
  • MX: FuelAccountBalance complement renamed tax code to cat (Category) with explicit usage of regular tax codes to be more aligned with other usage of tax categories.


  • UUID IsNotZero will not raise error for empty UUIDs.

[v0.74.1] - 2024-05-23

UUID Unmarshal fix.


  • UUID: parsing empty strings from JSON no longer causes error.

[v0.74.0] - 2024-05-23

Refining UUID library and moving to using version 7 as the default in GOBL.


  • Additional UUID validation rules: Valid, IsV6, Isv7, HasTimestamp, and Timeless.


  • Using Version 7 UUIDs as default in GOBL. This version enables ordering by UUID and uses random extra data instead of a node ID.


  • Parsing empty UUIDs now returns an empty UUID instead of an error.

[v0.73.0] - 2024-04-22

Refactoring UUID support.

IMPORTANT: When running Calculate(), a uuid will now be assigned automatically to the document embedded in an Envelope if not already set. This is important to ensure that links between documents can always be maintained, no matter the source.


  • Schema Object: Calculate() will now inject UUIDs.
  • Schema Object: UUID() method will provide the UUID of the underlying document.
  • schema.Identifiable interface to be able to read and set UUIDs on documents.
  • uuid.Identify that makes it easier to embed UUIDs into documents with helper methods.


  • UUID: refactored to use underlying string type instead of external package. This makes it easier to manage empty values, and avoids usage of pointers.
  • Removed all pointers to UUIDs and many cases replaced with uuid.Identify embedded structure.


  • none

[v0.72.0] - 2024-04-18

Refactoring region handling for Portugal VAT and now supporting - in cbc.Code.


  • Regimes: Extensions can now be used to match tax rates.
  • Tax: Extensions helper methods: Merge and Contains.


  • cbc.Code: Now supports - symbol alongside . as a separator. Mixed feelings on this as we wanted to avoid normalization complications, but it became clear with the PT changes that a bit more flexibility here is useful. (Side note: the original intent of cbc.Code was to avoid dashes in tax IDs, but these are now normalized automatically.)
  • PT: moving from tax tags azores and madeira to pt-region extension provided in taxes combo for each line.
  • PT: auto-migrate invoice supplier tax ID zone to appropriate line tax combo extension.


  • none

[v0.71.0] - 2024-04-08

New number formatting support! Expect some possible breaking SDK changes with the num packages. No significant schema changes.


  • This file (finally!)
  • Swiss (CH) tax regime.
  • Austrian (AT) tax regime.
  • num package now provides advanced number formatting.
  • currency provides "definitions" loaded from JSON with support for formatting.
  • Polish (PL) correction and preceding validation.
  • Polish (PL) header stamps for QR code.


  • num package refactored so that num.Percentage is independent from num.Amount.


  • Minor fixes around tax regime definitions.
  • invopop/yaml upgraded.

[v0.70.1] - 2024-03-25

  • Last version before