Releases: antvis/G6
Releases · antvis/G6
- perf: optimize the performance of combo graph first rendering;
- feat: maxLength for labelCfg;
- fix: custom layout warning and layout failed problem;
- fix: upgrade layout to fix DagreLayoutOptions type error;
- fix: upgrade layout to fix comboCombined with original node infomations problem;
- fix: spelling error for 'nodeselectChange', closes: #3736;
- fix: update node icon from show false to show true;
- fix: afterrender should be emitted when the layout is not configured;
- perf: update related edges while drag-combo;
- feat: combo supports collapsedSubstituteIcon showing after collapsed;
- feat: remove animations while first rendering with (collapsed)combos;
- refactor: toolbar plugin functions;
- fix: destroyLayout error, closes: #3727;
- fix: drag combo with stack problem, closes: #3699;
- fix: updateLayout does not take effect if update layout with same type as graph instance configuration, closes: #3706;
- fix: legendStateStyles typo, closes: #3705;
- perf: zoom-canvas take the maximum and minimum values instead of return directly;
- perf: minimap cursor move;
- feat: fitView and fitCenter with animation;
- feat: addItems to add multiple items into graph in the same time;
- feat: enable edge selection in click-select;
- chore: improve the types of graph events;
- fix: position animate considers origin attributes;
- feat: shouldDeselect param for lasso-select;
- fix: initial collapsed combos with unexpected size;
- fix: layoutController is null problem;
- feat: comboCombined Layout from @antv/layout;
- feat: combo supports position configurations for any situations;
- fix: run layout promise only when the layout is configured;
fix: tooltip with wrong duplicated child DOM nodes;