Releases: antvis/G6
Releases · antvis/G6
- feat: fruchterman and gforce layout with gpu;
- feat: gforce;
- feat: updateChildren API for TreeGraph;
- feat: louvain clustering algorithm;
- feat: container of plugins with dom id;
- feat: label propagation clustering algorithm;
- feat: get color sets by subject color array;
- feat: canvas context menu;
- feat: stop gforce;
- feat: dark rules for colors;
- fix: text redidual problem, closes: #2045 #2193;
- fix: graph on callback parameter type problem, closes: #2250;
- fix: combo zIndex problem;
- fix: webworker updateLayoutCfg problem;
- fix: drag-canvas and click node on mobile;
- feat: drag the viewport of the minimap out of the the view;
- fix: extend modelRect with description problem, closes: #2235;
- feat: graph.setImageWaterMarker, graph.setTextWaterMarker API;
- feat: zoom-canvas support mobile;
- fix: drag-canvas behavior support scalable range, closes: #2136;
- fix: TreeGraph changeData clear all states, closes: #2173;
- chore: auto zoom tooltip & contextMenu component when zoom-canvas;
- chore: upgrade @antv/g-canvas;
- feat: destroyLayout API for graph, closes: #2140;
- feat: clustering for force layout, closes: #2196;
- fix: svg renderer minimap hidden elements probem, closes: #2174;
- feat: add extra parameter graph for menu plugin, closes: #2204;
- fix: tooltip plugin, crossing different shape cant execute the getContent function, closes: #2153;
- feat: add edgeConfig for create-edge behavior, closes: #2195;
- fix: remove the source node while creat-edge;
- feat: create-edge for combo, closes: #2211;
- fix: update the typings for G6Event;
- fix: toolbar redo undo addItem with type problem, closes #2043;
- fix: optimized drag-canvas with hidden items;
- fix: state style with 0 value problem, closes: #2039;
- fix: layout with webworker leads to twice beforelayout, closes: #2052;
- fix: context menu with sibling doms of graph container leads to position problem, closes: #2053;
- fix: changeData with combos problem, closes: #2064;
- fix: improve the position of the context menu before showing up;
- feat: fisheye allows user to config the trigger of scaling range(r) and magnify factor(d) by scaleRBy and scaleDBy respectively;
- feat: add the percent text of magnify factor(d) for fisheye and users are allowed to configure it by show showDPercent.
- fix: hide the tooltip plugin when drag node and contextmenu, closes #1975;
- fix: processParellelEdges without edge id problem;
- fix: label background with left, right position problem, closes #1861;
- fix: create-edge and redo undo problem, #1976;
- fix: tooltip plugin with shouldBegin problem, closes #2006;
- fix: tooltip behavior with shouldBegin problem, closes #2016;
- fix: the position of grid plugins when there is something on the top of the canvas, closes: #2012;
- fix: fisheye destroy and new problem, closes: #2018;
- fix: node event with wrong canvasX and canvasY problem, closes: #2027;
- fix: drag combo and drag node to drop on canvas/combo/node problem;
- feat: improve the performance on the combos;
- fix: redo and undo problem when update item after additem, closes #2019;
- feat: hide shapes beside keyShape while zooming;
- feat: improve the performance on the combos.
- feat: chart node;
- feat: bubble set;
- feat: custom node with JSX;
- feat: minimum spanning tree algorithm;
- feat: path finding algorithm;
- feat: cycle finding algorithm;
- chore: update antv/hierarchy to fix indented tree with dropCap problem.
- feat: find all paths and the shortest path between two nodes;
- feat: fisheye with dragging;
- feat: fisheye with scaling range and d;
- feat: click and drag to create an edge by create-edge behavior;
- feat: process multiple parallel edges to quadratic with proper curveOffset;
- fix: polyline with rect and radius=0 problem;
- fix: arrow state & linkpoint;
- fix: the position of the tooltip plugin;
- fix: drop a node onto a sub node of a combo;
- chore: update hierarchy to solve the children ordering problem for indented tree layout;
- chore: extract the public calculation to enhance the performance of fisheye.
- chore: update g-canvas to support quickHit and pruning the rendering of the graph outside the viewport;
- feat: add statistical chart nodes;
- feat: add hull for create smooth contour to include specific items;
- fix: clear combos before render;
- fix: menu plugin with clickHandler problem.