This section tells you how to use webhooks to automatically receive updates after payment events.
A webhook is when GOV.UK Pay sends automatic POST requests to your service after payment events. A payment event is when a payment reaches a milestone in its journey and its state
updates, such as when it’s created, paid, or refunded.
You can receive updates when:
- a payment is started
- a payment succeeds
- a payment is captured
- a payment is refunded
You can create webhooks in the GOV.UK Pay admin tool. After certain payment events, your webhook sends a webhook message using a POST request to a secure callback URL you have configured. Your service acknowledges receipt of the webhook message.
You need to set up an endpoint that can receive webhook messages before creating the webhook.
You must set up your endpoint to receive the POST body from your webhook and respond with a 2xx successful reply quickly.
Your callback URL must support HTTPS and present a valid certificate. You can use a HTTP URL for test accounts. GOV.UK webhooks support TLS version 1.2+.
You can create a webhook for your service from the GOV.UK Pay admin tool.
- Select your service from the Overview page in the GOV.UK Pay admin tool.
- Select Settings.
- Select Webhooks.
- Select Create a new webhook.
- Enter a Callback URL and Description.
- Select the payment events that the webhook will send.
- Select Create webhook.
To change the callback URL, description, and payment event subscriptions select Manage webhook from the Webhooks page in the GOV.UK Pay admin tool.
You can deactivate a webhook at any time. Deactivated webhooks do not send events to your callback URL.
To deactivate your webhook, select Manage webhook from the Webhooks page in the GOV.UK Pay admin tool. Select Deactivate webhook.
You can reactivate the webhook at any time.
Once you’ve created a webhook, GOV.UK Pay sends a webhook message to your callback URL after any of the events you subscribed to.
Your service must send a 2xx successful response.
⚠️ Your service may receive webhooks messages in an unexpected order. Make sure that your integration does not depend on receiving events in a particular order.
Every webhook message from GOV.UK Pay is signed with the Pay-Signature header. The value of this header is a lower-case, hexadecimal hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) of the webhook message body, generated using the SHA-256 hash function. Your webhook signing secret is used as the key.
To view your webhook’s signing secret, select Manage signing secret from the Manage webhook page.
Use your signing secret and the webhook message payload to verify the webhook message.
- Generate a HMAC of the webhook message body. When generating the HMAC:
- use the SHA-256 hash function
- the message is the webhook message body, which is encoded as UTF-8 with no byte order mark (BOM)
- the key is your webhooks’s signing secret, encoded as UTF-8 bytes with no BOM
- output the HMAC as a lower-case hexadecimal string
- Compare the value of the Pay-Signature header to your generated HMAC. If they do not match, the request has not come from GOV.UK Pay and should be ignored.
Example code:
// JavaScript
// webhookMessageBody - the POST body sent from GOV.UK Pay
// webhookSigningSecret - the signing secret unique to the GOV.UK Pay webhook
// paySignatureHeader - the value of the `Pay-Signature` header received with the POST from GOV.UK Pay
const crypto = require('crypto')
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', webhookSigningSecret)
const valid = hmac === paySignatureHeader
"id": "123abc",
"api_version": 1
"created_date": "2019-07-11T10:36:26.988Z",
"resource_id": "hu20sqlact5260q2nanm0q8u93",
"resource_type": "PAYMENT",
"resource": {
"amount": 5000,
"description": "Test",
"reference": "Test",
"language": "en",
"email": "[email protected]",
"state": {
"status": "submitted",
"finished": false
"payment_id": "hu20sqlact5260q2nanm0q8u93",
"payment_provider": "stripe",
"created_date": "2021-10-19T10:05:45.454Z",
"refund_summary": {
"status": "pending",
"amount_available": 5000,
"amount_submitted": 0
"settlement_summary": {},
"card_details": {
"last_digits_card_number": "1234",
"first_digits_card_number": "123456",
"cardholder_name": "Sherlock Holmes",
"expiry_date": "04/24",
"billing_address": {
"line1": "221 Baker Street",
"line2": "Flat b",
"postcode": "NW1 6XE",
"city": "London",
"country": "GB"
"card_brand": "Visa",
"card_type": "debit"
"delayed_capture": false,
"moto": false,
"provider_id": "10987654321",
"return_url": "",
"card_brand": "Visa"
Name | Type | Meaning |
id |
string | The unique identifier of this webhook message. |
created_date |
date (ISO 8601) | When the payment event happened and activated the webhook. This value uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ |
resource_id |
string | The unique ID that GOV.UK Pay automatically generated for the payment or reference. When the resource is a payment, resource_id is identical to the payment_id . When the resource is a refund, resource_id is identical to the refund_id . |
resource |
object | Contains details of the payment or refund that has activated the webhook. You can read about the attributes in the resource object on our reference page for getting information about a payment. |
resource_type |
string | Indicates whether the resource is a payment or a refund. resource_type is one of the following: PAYMENT , REFUND |
event_type |
string | The event that activated the webhook. This value will be one of the events you selected when you created the webhook Possible values are: CARD_PAYMENT_SUCCEEDED - your payment service provider has authorised the paymentCARD_PAYMENT_CAPTURED - GOV.UK Pay has taken (‘captured’) the payment from the user’s bank accountCARD_PAYMENT_SETTLED - your payment service provider has sent the payment to your bank account.CARD_PAYMENT_REFUNDED - the refund has been sent to the user’s bank account by your payment service provider |
If your service does not return a 2xx successful response quickly after receiving a webhook message, we’ll send the message again.
You can see the history of payment events and the message delivery status of each event by selecting Manage webhook. Each line of the Events history table is a single event. Select a payment event to see details of that event, including when it was sent, the body of the webhook message, and any previous delivery attempts.