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Getting started


Wallet is responsible for generating and storing private keys and addresses, and signing transactions with private keys. There are two types of Wallet in EthereumKit. One is normal Wallet and another is HDWallet defined by BIP32 and BIP44. You can choose HDWallet for creating a multi-account wallet and Wallet for creating single-account wallet.

Create Wallet

You can create a wallet by two ways. One is by importing a private key from the other wallet and another is by generating a private key by the seed data. Mnemonic class is used for generating a seed data and mnemonic sentence for the back-up.

// It generates an array of random mnemonic words. Use it for back-ups.
// You can specify which language to use for the sentence by second parameter.
let mnemonic = Mnemonic.create(strength: .normal, language: .english)

// Then generate seed data from the mnemonic sentence.
// You can set password for more secure seed data.
let seed = Mnemonic.createSeed(mnemonic: mnemonic, withPassphrase: "password")

// Create wallet by passing seed data and which network you want to connect.
// for network, EthereumKit currently supports mainnet and ropsten.
let wallet: Wallet
do {
    wallet = try Wallet(seed: seed, network: .main)
} catch let error {
    // Handle error

// or

// You can create wallet just by passing teh private key which you want to import.
wallet = Wallet(network: .main, privateKey: "56fa1542efa79a278bf78ba1cf11ef20d961d511d344dc1d4d527bc06eeca667")

// If you want to create HD Wallet, use `HDWallet` with the same parameters.
let hdWallet = HDWallet(seed: seed, network: .main)

Generate Address

You can generate address and store private keys via Wallet

// Generate an address, or private key by simply calling
let address = wallet.generateAddress()
let privateKey = wallet.dumpPrivateKey()

// If you use `HDWallet`, you can specify an index
do {
    let firstAddress = try hdWallet.generateAddress(at: 0)
    let firstPrivateKey = try hdWallet.dumpPrivateKey(at: 0)
} catch let error {
    // Handle error


Geth is responsible for interacting with Ethereum network. Geth interacts with network via JSONRPC. You can see the list of JSONRPC requests here. To create Configuration struct for Geth, you need

  • url for Ethereum node. you can get one at
  • Etherscan API key. you can get one at Etherscan
// Create an instance of `Geth` with `Configuration`.
// In configuration, specify
// - network: network to use
// - nodeEndpoint: url for the node you want to connect
// - etherscanAPIKey: api key of etherscan

let configuration = Configuration(
    network: .main,
    nodeEndpoint: "",

let geth = Geth(configuration: configuration)

// To get a balance of an address, call `getBalance`.
geth.getBalance(of: address, blockParameter: .latest) { result in
    // Do something

Get Transactions

To get the list of transactions related to the specified address, Geth uses Etherscan API.

geth.getTransactions(address: address) { result in
    // Do something            

Send Ether

You need to create RawTransaction with

  • value (how much ether/wei you want to send)
  • to (which address you want to send to)
  • nonce (currenct nonce)

and send hash by Geth via JSONRPC.

// You can get the current nonce by calling 
geth.getTransactionCount(of: address) { result in
    // Do something


let rawTransaction = RawTransaction.create(ether: "0.125", address: address, nonce: nonce)
let tx: String
do {
    tx = try wallet.signTransaction(rawTransaction)
} catch let error {
    // Handle error

// It returns the transaction ID.
geth.sendRawTransaction(rawTransaction: tx) { result in
    // Do something