EthereumKit is a Swift framework that enables you to create Ethereum wallet and use it in your app. Architectures are highly inspired by WalletKit and BitcoinKit
🚨 EthereumKit is currently under development. not ready for the production use 🚨
- Generate seed and convert it to mnemonic sentence.
let entropy = Data(hex: "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")
let mnemonic = Mnemonic.create(entropy: entropy)
// abandon amount liar amount expire adjust cage candy arch gather drum buyer
let seed = Mnemonic.createSeed(mnemonic: mnemonic)
- PrivateKey and key derivation (BIP32)
let masterPrivateKey = PrivateKey(seed: seed, network: .main)
// m/44'
let purpose = masterPrivateKey.derived(at: 44, hardens: true)
// m/44'/60'
let coinType = purpose.derived(at: 60, hardens: true)
// m/44'/60'/0'
let account = coinType.derived(at: 0, hardens: true)
// m/44'/60'/0'/0
let change = account.derived(at: 0)
// m/44'/60'/0'/0
let firstPrivateKey = change.derived(at: 0)
- Create your wallet and generate addresse
// It generates master key pair from the seed provided.
let wallet = Wallet(seed: seed, network: .main)
let firstAddress = wallet.generateAddress(at: 0)
let secondAddress = wallet.generateAddress(at: 1)
let thirdAddress = wallet.generateAddress(at: 2)
EthereumKit is released under the MIT License.