All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
3.0.0 - 2024-05-03
- drop support of drupal 9.x
- drop support of CKEditor 4.x
- add official support of drupal 11
2.3.0 - 2024-04-08
- fix latests phpcs latests changes
- add coverage of Drupal 10.1.x
- add coverage of Drupal 10.2.x
- add Drupal GitlabCI
- add eslitrc.json from Drupal Core
- add styleintrc.json from Drupal core
- add cpsell project words for Gitlab-CI
- add phpstan.neon in order to ignore new static() errors
- fix missing force execution in in order to set attributes even when the Balloon form has still not been used - Issue #3337618 by mvogel
2.2.0 - 2023-10-17
- CKEditor 5: Allow disabling the Balloon - Issue #3337623 by mvogel, wengerk
- CKEditor 5: automatically apply configured default CSS class - Issue #3337618 by mvogel
- fix running tests on multiple Drupal (9 & 10) with CKEditor4to5UpgradeCompletenessTest
- improve UI of the EAI Ballon form Panel
- remove hard dependency on ckeditor4 - #3337628
- remove hard dependency on ckeditor5 - #3337628
2.1.0 - 2023-01-16
- add official support of drupal 10.0 (with CKEditor 4)
- add support for CKEditor 5 - Issue #3333406 by wengerk: CKEditor 5 compatibility
- upgrade path from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5
- add official support of drupal 9.5
- drop support of drupal below 9.3.x
- drop support of drupal below 9.4.x
2.0.0 - 2022-10-21
- move changelog format in order to use Keep a Changelog standard
- force functional tests to fail on risky (skipped) tests
- disable deprecation notice PHPUnit
- drop support of drupal 8.8 & 8.9
- add dependabot for Github Action dependency
- add upgrade-status check
- add coverage for Drupal 9.3, 9.4 & 9.5
- remove satackey/action-docker-layer-caching on Github Actions
- remove trigger github actions on every pull-request, keep only push
- fixed docker test Javascript on CI
- fix issue #3257427: When adding an image with align filter selected it doesn't works properly
2.0.0-beta1 - 2020-07-03
- close #3045122 - fix Drupal-CI Composer failure since Drupal 8.7.x+ - Update of drupal/coder squizlabs/php_codesniffer"
- replace drupal_ti by wengerk/docker-drupal-for-contrib
- ensure compatibility with Drupal 8.8+
- ensure compatibility with Drupal 9
1.0.0-beta5 - 2018-11-29
- fix #2987982 - Classes not saving on captioned images
- fix #3010610 - Removes links on images
1.0.0-beta4 - 2018-02-21
- fix #2919949 - The originalUpcast trigger a false positif
- fix #2930454 - Doesn't work with imce image button
- fix #2943420 - A parsing error, in the code below, with title and id attributes, while editing content
0.0.1 - 2017-03-07
- First draft.