# Install huviz from github
git clone https://github.com/smurp/huviz.git
# On OSX Mavericks install homebrew
# If you want to run
# On OSX you should set up pyenv-virtualenv
# Make a virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv huvizenv
# use it
echo "PYENV_VERSION=huvizenv" > .python-version
# install the python requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install NodeJS from https://nodejs.org
# known to work on NodeJS > 0.10.1
# in package.json comment libxmljs back in then do
npm install
npm run dev
npm start
--limit 2
limit the number of writers processed
./orlandoScrape.py --outfile data/test_20.ttl --limit 20 -v
See data/test_20.ttl
Converting XML to NQuads
./orlandoScrape.py --outfile data/test_1.nq --limit 1
See data/test_q.nq
How to produce the full JSON output as orlando_all_entries_2013-03-04.json
(the default behaviour):
./orlandoScrape.py --infile orlando_all_entries_2013-03-04.xml --outfile orlando_all_entries_2013-03-04.json --regexes orlando2RDFregex4.txt
How to produce the poetess JSON output as orlando_poetesses_2013-02-12.json
./orlandoScrape.py --infile orlando_poetesses_2013-02-12.xml --outfile orlando_poetesses_2013-02-12.json --regexes orlando2RDFregex4.txt
How to produce orlando_timeline.json
egrep 'dateOf|standardName' orlando2RDFregex4.txt > orlando_timeline.regex
./orlandoScrape.py --infile orlando_all_entries_2013-03-04.xml --outfile orlando_timeline.json --regex orlando_timeline.regex -v
git clone https://github.com/smurp/huviz
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
open http://localhost:8000/timeline.html
./extractOrlandoTagInfo.py --compact --outfile orlando_tag_tree.json