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Releases: antigenomics/vdjdb-db

[CONTENT] Mus Musculus TCRs

13 Jun 02:29
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We've added a large dataset of paired alpha-beta TCR sequences from mouse and human subjects. The database now contains more than a thousand records for Mus Musculus, a species that was nearly absent in previous versions.

Current statistics

species gene records paired.records epitopes
HomoSapiens TRA 1372 608 78
HomoSapiens TRB 4991 590 117
MacacaMulatta TRA 74 0 1
MacacaMulatta TRB 1313 0 3
MusMusculus TRA 1286 1286 22
MusMusculus TRB 1309 1309 22

[INFRASTRUCTURE] [CONTENT] Getting doi from Zenodo

25 May 16:21
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  • First DOI release
  • Add datasets submitted by Sewell et al (2k+ sequences)
  • Minor change to scoring (lower frequency thresholds)

[INFRASTRUCTURE] [PROOFREADING] Minor fixes & info added

18 Mar 20:58
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  • Proofreading fixes
  • Fixed V/J mapping report messages
  • Added info on number of samples/papers a given TCR:pMHC was found

[INFRASTRUCTURE] [PROOFREADING] VDJdb web interface compatibility

10 Mar 00:41
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  • Some modifications to database output files added for better interoperability with VDJdb-server
  • Several chunks fixed (removed trailing residues after conserved Phe, etc)


02 Feb 11:28
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A better algorithm for CDR3AA markup, V/J segment mapping and V/J segment deduction (in case segment was not provided).

[CONTENT] Winter release

08 Jan 11:32
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Papers added

PMID:15753288 #144
PMID:16982909 #166
PMID:17121793 #152
PMID:18802118 #156
PMID:19349463 #140
PMID:21135165 #142
PMID:21752903 #138
PMID:22278241 #134
PMID:24600035 #146
PMID:27111229 #150
PMID:27645996 #148

Current statistics

species gene records paired.records epitopes
HomoSapiens TRA 619 327 77
HomoSapiens TRB 3452 325 113
MacacaMulatta TRA 74 0 1
MacacaMulatta TRB 1313 0 3
MusMusculus TRA 16 16 16
MusMusculus TRB 17 17 16

[CONTENT] Monthly release

05 Sep 11:12
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Papers added

PMID_23521884 #132
PMID_25801351 #130
PMID_17893201 #128
PMID_25911754 #122

[INFRASTRUCTURE] Updated VDJdb confidence scoring system

08 Jul 10:59
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  • Completely reworked VDJdb confidence scoring (a more transparent record confidence system)
    • Four confidence levels: 0 (no data), 1 (moderate), 2 (high) and 3 (very high confidence)
    • Now accounts for both sequencing and specificity
    • Changed how identification and in-vitro validation methodology is score, extensively validated records have the highest score
  • Added several new method annotations
  • More flexible parsing of method.frequency (x/X is now optional)
  • Small update to patches (replacement of typos and formatting issues in gene and species naming)

See README for more details and additional guidelines.

[CONTENT] [INFRASTRUCTURE] Another five papers added, some additions to infrastructure

25 Jun 20:11
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Papers added:

PMID_10756006 #23
PMID_10925283 #22
PMID_11756174 #27
PMID_22314361 #75
PMID_24069285 #20

Papers withheld:

PMID_7964506 #4


  • Added "correct" step to correct ambiguous antigen species/gene naming
  • Basic database summary generation
  • A draft of algorithm to optimize VDJdb search scoring system

[CONTENT] [INFRASTRUCTURE] Five more papers & db management fixes/modifications

15 Jun 16:25
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Papers added



  • Additional keyword for "direct validation" records, i.e. single cell affinity measurement & sequencing
  • Also fixed a bug that resulted in single-chain records having a non-zero complex id in flattened database