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Formalization of the Semidirect Product

All definitions and proofs here are from the paper "How to Twist Pointers without Breaking Them" by Chauhan,Kurur,Yorgey.

We will represent mathematical structures such as monoids, functors and semidirect products using type classes. Type classes are a recent addition to Coq, and make the code highly readable. They allow generic programming for a class of types, and present functions specific for those types.

Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
Require Import Coq.Program.Basics.
Require Import Coq.Init.Datatypes.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Import Datatypes.

Open Scope program_scope. 
Open Scope core_scope. 
Open Scope type_scope.


First we define the monoid type class. It has the identity element "one" , and an append function "append". The class also contains specifications for identity and associativity laws.

Class Monoid (a : Type) :=
    one : a;
    append : a -> a -> a;

    left_identity : forall x, append one x = x ;
    right_identity : forall x, append x one = x ;
    associativity : forall x y z, append x (append y z) = append (append x y) z

nat is an instance of monoid. And we need to prove that !

Instance Mnat : Monoid nat.
  split with 0 plus; intros; auto with arith.

Notation " m1 ♢ m2 " := (append m1 m2)
  (at level 40, left associativity).

A commutative monoid is a monoid, with commutativity :)

Class Commutative_Monoid a `{Monoid a} :=
    commutativity : forall x y, x ♢ y = y ♢ x

Print  Commutative_Monoid.


Similarly, we define a functor, using a function f to map elements from one type to another. We then define fmap and its identity and homomorphism.

Class Functor (f : Type -> Type) :=
    fmap {a b : Type} : (a -> b) -> (f a) -> (f b);

    ftor_identity : forall a (x : f a), fmap id x = x;
    ftor_homomorphism : forall a b c (p : b -> c) (q : a -> b), fmap (p ∘ q) = (fmap p) ∘ (fmap q)

An applicative functor is a functor, along with pure and app_star functions. Properties of app_star, including Identity, composition and homomorphism are also defined.

Class Applicative_Functor f `{Functor (f : Type -> Type)} :=
    pure {a : Type} : a -> f a;
    app_star {a b : Type} : f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b;

    appftor_identity : forall a (v : f a) , app_star (pure id) v = v;
    appftor_composition : forall a b c (u : f (b -> c)) (v : f (a -> b)) (w : f a), app_star (app_star (app_star (pure compose) u) v) w = app_star u (app_star v w); 
    appftor_homomorphism : forall a b (f : a -> b) (x : a), app_star (pure f) (pure x) = pure (f x)

Notation " fab <*> fa " := (app_star fab fa) (at level 40, left associativity).

Monoidal Functor is intuitively a type indexed monoid, in which the identity element is f applied on unit, and append takes 2 (different) types a and b, both of which are mapped to the same category by f, and then applied using mf_star
Class Monoidal_Functor f `{Functor (f : Type -> Type)} :=
    mf_unit : f unit;
    mf_star {a b : Type} : f a -> f b -> f (a * b);

    mf_left_identity : forall a {v : f a}, fmap snd (mf_star mf_unit v) = v;
    mf_right_identity : forall a {v : f a}, fmap fst (mf_star v mf_unit) = v;

Notation " u ✶ v " := (mf_star u v) (at level 40, left associativity).


Given a monoid m and a type a, a left action of m on a is a function by which elements of m can act as transformations on elements of type a. As monoids accumulate result, the actions also accumulate as is evident from the definition of act_comp.

Class Action m a `{Monoid m}  :=
    act : m -> a -> a;

    act_id : forall {e : a}, act one e = e;
    act_comp : forall {m1 m2 : m} {e : a}, act (m1 ♢ m2) e = (act m1 (act m2 e))
Notation "m • a" := (act m a) (at level 60, right associativity). 

Action of m on a can distribute, when a is itself a monoid composed of a1 and a2

Class Distr_Action m a `{Action m a} `{Monoid a}:=
    d_act_annih : forall {m1 : m}, m1 • one = one;
    d_act_dist : forall {m1 : m} {a1 a2 : a},  m1 • (a1 ♢ a2) = (m1 • a1) ♢ (m1 • a2)

Semidirect Product

Semidirect Product is just the product type (a,m) under the monoid operation, where m is a monoid acting distributively on the monoid a.

Here we define sdp a b which is the product (a,b)

Inductive sdp (a b : Type) : Type :=
  | SDP : a -> b -> sdp a b.

Notation "a ⋊ b" := sdp (at level 40, left associativity). 
Notation "a ':⋊' b" := SDP (at level 40, left associativity). 

Check SDP.
Check sdp.

Now we define the identity and append operations of Semidirect Product

Section SDP.
  Variables (a m : Type) (A : Monoid a) (M : Monoid m) (AMA : Action m a) (DAMA : Distr_Action m a) (a1 a2 : a) (m1 m2 : m).
  Definition sdp_one := SDP a m one one.
  Definition sdp_app := fun X Y =>
    match X, Y with
    |(SDP _ _ a1 m1),(SDP _ _ a2 m2) => (SDP a m (a1 ♢ (m1 • a2)) (m1 ♢ m2))

Ltac crush :=
  repeat match goal with
         | [ H : ?T |- ?T ] => exact H
         | [ |- ?T = ?T ] => reflexivity
         | [H : sdp _ _ |- _] => destruct H
         | [ |- context[sdp_one]] => unfold sdp_one
         | [ |- context[sdp_app]] => unfold sdp_app
         | [ |- context[_•_]] => try (rewrite act_id); try (rewrite act_comp); try (rewrite d_act_annih); try (rewrite d_act_dist)
         | [ |- context[_♢_]] => try (rewrite left_identity); try (rewrite right_identity); try (rewrite associativity)          

We need to prove that Semidirect Product of a and m is indeed a monoid.

Instance Semidirect_Product : Monoid (sdp a m).
  split with sdp_one sdp_app; intros.
  rewrite associativity.
  rewrite associativity.

End SDP.

Monoids can also act on functors as shown.

Class ActionF (m a : Type) (f:Type -> Type) `{Monoid m} `{Monoid a} `{Functor f} :=
    actf : m -> f a -> f a;

    actf_id : forall {e : f a}, actf one e = e;
    actf_comp : forall {m1 m2 : m} {e : f a}, actf (m1 ♢ m2) e = (actf m1 (actf m2 e));
    uniformity : forall {g : a -> a} {u : f a} {m1 : m}, actf m1 (fmap g u) = fmap g (actf m1 u)

Notation " m ⊙ fa " := (actf m fa) (at level 40, left associativity).