Answer: Object. Actually Array is derived from Object. If you want to check array use Array.isArray(arr)
Answer: Object. arguments are array like but not array. it has length, can access by index but can't push pop, etc.
Answer: 3. The plus operator between a number and a boolean or two boolean will convert boolean to number. Hence, true converts to 1 and you get result of 2+1
Answer: 69. If one of the operands of the plus (+) operator is string it will convert other number or boolean to string and perform a concatenation. For the same reason, "2"+true will return "2true"
Answer: 91 . The addition starts from the left, 4+3 results 7 and 7+2 is 9. So far, the plus operator is performing addition as both the operands are number. After that 9 + "1" where one of the operands is string and plus operator will perform concatenation.
Answer: "124". For this one "1" + 2 will produce "12" and "12"+4 will generates "124".
Answer: -24. minus(-) in front of a string is an unary operator that will convert the string to a number and will make it negative. Hence, -'34' becomes, -34 and then plus (+) will perform simple addition as both the operands are number.
Answer: NaN. The plus (+) operator in front of a string is an unary operator that will try to convert the string to number. Here, JavaScript will fail to convert the "dude" to a number and will produce NaN.
Answer: "undefined"
Answer: 5. The comma operator evaluates each of its operands (from left to right) and returns the value of the last operand. ref: MDN
Answer: 8
Answer: false. ! is NOT. If you put ! in front of truthy values, it will return false. Using !! (double bang) is a tricky way to check anything truthy or falsy by avoiding implicit type conversion of == comparison.
Answer: 12.3
Answer: false
Answer: true
Answer: true
Answer: "undefined"
Answer: "object"
If null
is a primitive, why does typeof(null)
return "object"
Because the spec says so.
11.4.3 The typeof
The production UnaryExpression : typeof
UnaryExpression is evaluated as follows:
- Let val be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression.
- If Type(val) is Reference, then
a. If IsUnresolvableReference(val) is true, return "
". b. Let val be GetValue(val). - Return a String determined by Type(val) according to Table 20.
Answer: 3
var foo = 'outside';
function logIt() {
console.log(foo); var foo = 'inside';
Answer: undefined
Answer:-1. the result of remainder always get the symbol of first operand
Answer: This is not a javascript only limitation, it applies to all floating point calculations. The problem is that 0.1 and 0.2 and 0.3 are not exactly representable as javascript (or C or Java etc) floats. Thus the output you are seeing is due to that inaccuracy.
In particular only certain sums of powers of two are exactly representable. 0.5 = =0.1b = 2^(-1), 0.25=0.01b=(2^-2), 0.75=0.11b = (2^-1 + 2^-2) are all OK. But 1/10 = 0.000110001100011..b can only be expressed as an infinite sum of powers of 2, which the language chops off at some point. Its this chopping that is causing these slight errors.
Further Explanation
From The Floating-Point Guide:
Why don’t my numbers, like 0.1 + 0.2
add up to a nice round 0.3
, and
instead I get a weird result like 0.30000000000000004
Because internally, computers use a format (binary floating-point) that cannot accurately represent a number like 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3 at all. When the code is compiled or interpreted, your “0.1” is already rounded to the nearest number in that format, which results in a small rounding error even before the calculation happens.
The site has detailed explanations as well as information on how to fix the problem (and how to decide whether it is a problem at all in your case).
Answer: "42"
Answer: //SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
Answer: "42"
NaN != NaN
because they are not necessary the SAME non-number. Thus it makes a lot of sense...
Also why floats have both +0.00 and -0.00 that are not the same. Rounding may do that they are actually not zero.
As for typeof, that depends on the language. And most languages will say that NaN is a float, double or number depending on how they classify it... I know of no languages that will say this is an unknown type or null.
There are three kinds of operation which return NaN:
Operations with a NaN as at least one operand
Indeterminate forms
- The divisions 0/0, ∞/∞, ∞/−∞, −∞/∞, and −∞/−∞
- The multiplications 0×∞ and 0×−∞
- The power 1^∞
- The additions ∞ + (−∞), (−∞) + ∞ and equivalent subtractions.
Real operations with complex results:
- The square root of a negative number
- The logarithm of a negative number
- The tangent of an odd multiple of 90 degrees (or π/2 radians)
- The inverse sine or cosine of a number which is less than −1 or greater than +1.
All these values may not be the same. A simple test for a NaN is to test value == value
is false.
Question: What is 2 in [1,2]
Answer: false. Because "in" returns whether a particular property/index available in the Object. In this case object has index 0 and 1 but don't have 2. Hence you get false.
Answer -
++[[]][+[]] => 1 // [+[]] = [0], ++0 = 1
[+[]] => [0]
Then we have a string concatenation
1 + [0].toString() = 10
The result of 1/0
is Infinity
treats its first argument as a string which means first of all Infinity.toString()
is called, producing the string "Infinity"
. So it works the same as if you asked it to convert "Infinity"
in base 19 to decimal.
Here are the digits in base 19 along with their decimal values:
Base 19 Base 10 (decimal)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
a 10
b 11
c 12
d 13
e 14
f 15
g 16
h 17
i 18
What happens next is that parseInt
scans the input "Infinity"
to find which part of it can be parsed and stops after accepting the first I
(because n
is not a valid digit in base 19).
Therefore it behaves as if you called parseInt("I", 19)
, which converts to decimal 18 by the table above.
Here's the sequence of events:
evaluates toInfinity
and happily notes thatI
is 18 in base 19parseInt
ignores the remainder of the string, since it can't be converted.
Note that you'd get a result for any base >= 19
, but not for bases below that. For bases >= 24
, you'll get a larger result, as n
becomes a valid digit at that point.
To add to the above answers
is equivalent to parseInt("Infinity",19)
Within base 19 numbers 0-9
and A-I
(or a-i)
are a valid numbers. So, from the "Infinity" it takes I
of base 19 and converts to base 10 which becomes 18
Then it tries to take the next character i.e. n
which is not present in base 19 so discards next characters (as per javascript's behavior of converting string to number)
So, if you write parseInt("Infinity",19)
OR parseInt("I",19)
OR parseInt("i",19)
the result will be same i.e 18
Now, if you write parseInt("I0",19)
the result will be 342
as I X 19 (the base)^1 + 0 X 19^0
= 18 X 19^1 + 0 X 19^0
= 18 X 19 + 0 X 1
= 342
Similarly, parseInt("I11",19)
will result in 6518
18 X 19^2 + 1 X 19^1 + 1 X 19^0
= 18 X 19^2 + 1 X 19^1 + 1 X 19^0
= 18 X 361 + 1 X 19 + 1 X 1
= 6498 + 19 + 1
= 6518
and Object.freeze
are two completely different things.
applies to bindings ("variables"). It creates an immutable binding, i.e. you cannot assign a new value to the binding.
const person = {
name: "Leonardo",
let animal = {
species: "snake",
person = animal // ERROR "person" is read-only
works on values, and more specifically, object values. It makes an object immutable, i.e. you cannot change its properties.
let person = {
name: "Leonardo",
let animal = {
species: "snake",
Object.freeze(person) = "Lima" //TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'name' of object
and Object.freeze()
serve totally different purposes.
is there for declaring a variable which has to assinged right away and can't be reassigned. variables declared byconst
are block scoped and not function scoped like variables declared withvar
is a method which accepts an object and returns the same object. Now the object cannot have any of its properties removed or any new properties added.
Example 1: Can't reassign const
const foo = 5;
foo = 6;
The following code throws an error because we are trying to reassign the variable foo who was declared with the const
keyword, we can't reassign it.
Example 2: Data structures which are assigned to const
can be mutated
const object = {
prop1: 1,
prop2: 2
object.prop1 = 5; // object is still mutable!
object.prop3 = 3; // object is still mutable!
console.log(object); // object is mutated
In this example we declare a variable using the const
keyword and assign an object to it. Although we can't reassign to this variable called object, we can mutate the object itself. If we change existing properties or add new properties this will this have effect. To disable any changes to the object we need Object.freeze()
Example 1: Can't mutate a frozen object
object1 = {
prop1: 1,
prop2: 2
object2 = Object.freeze(object1);
console.log(object1 === object2); // both objects are refer to the same instance
object2.prop3 = 3; // no new property can be added, won't work
delete object2.prop1; // no property can be deleted, won't work
console.log(object2); // object unchanged
In this example when we call Object.freeze()
and give object1
as an argument the function returns the object which is now 'frozen'. If we compare the reference of the new object to the old object using the ===
operator we can observe that they refer to the same object. Also when we try to add or remove any properties we can see that this does not have any effect (will throw error in strict mode).
Example 2: Objects with references aren't fully frozen
const object = {
prop1: 1,
nestedObj: {
nestedProp1: 1,
nestedProp2: 2,
const frozen = Object.freeze(object);
frozen.prop1 = 5; // won't have any effect
frozen.nestedObj.nestedProp1 = 5; //will update because the nestedObject isn't frozen
This example shows that the properties of nested objects (and other by reference data structures) are still mutable. So Object.freeze()
doesn't fully 'freeze' the object when it has properties which are references (to e.g. Arrays, Objects).