- Http
- Router
- query selector on nodes
- measure & measureLayout on Nodes
- Refactor source
- Clarify the needed polyfill and remove es6-shim if possible
- High-level Components
- Mac
- iOS
- documentation
- typings
- testability (unit & e2e tests)
Info APIs (see details at https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs ): Platform -> Object {OS: "android", Version: 22} NetInfo PixelRatio
Useful APIs: Alert AsyncStorage BackAndroid Clipboard GeoLocation IntentAndroid ToastAndroid StyleSheet
Animation APIs: Animated Dimensions InteractionManager LayoutAnimation
iOS APIs: ActionSheetIOS AdSupportIOS AlertIOS AppStateIOS ImagePickerIOS LinkingIOS PushNotificationIOS Settings StatusBarIOS VibrationIOS
Low level APIs: NativeMethodsMixin: to be done in Node PanResponder: gestures already done with hammer.js AppRegistry: for renderer only UIManager: for renderer only Dimensions: ???
At run time:
NativeModules.UIManager.RCTText.NativeProps =