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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 11, 2018. It is now read-only.


Andy Holmes edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 12 revisions

The extension is now available on the official extension website! The latest stable release can always be found in the releases page.

The master branch of this repository is usually fairly stable, but may contain some features still in development or unpolished user interface elements. If that's okay, you can build and install from git with Meson:

git clone
meson gnome-shell-extension-mconnect/ build
cd build
ninja install-zip


The extension is tested with Gnome Shell 3.24.x and has been reported working on 3.18.x. Other recent versions may also work; please report your results. In order to use this extension, you must also install either KDE Connect or MConnect.

For dependencies required for optional features, please see the Nautilus Integration and SMS pages in the Wiki.

KDE Connect

KDE Connect is the most supported backend, but will require about ~500MB of KDE dependencies for most Gnome Shell users. You should install KDE Connect through normal, stable distribution channels - current builds from git are known to contain some DBus API breaks and are not supported.


As of September 2017, MConnect is still under heavy development. If you have experience with Vala, consider contributing to the project. Currently MConnect supports:

  • Pairing and unpairing with devices
  • Sending and receiving notifications (automatically handled by MConnect)
  • Monitoring battery level and charging state

MConnect is currently unpackaged by distributions and must be built from git. The README in the mconnect repository is the best place to check for build instructions. Below is an unverified list of dependencies for building for a few common distributions.

Arch Fedora Ubuntu
automake automake automake
autoconf autoconf autoconf
libtool libtool libtool
pkg-config pkgconfig pkgconfig
vala vala valac
gobject-introspection gobject-introspection-devel libgirepository1.0-dev
json-glib json-glib-devel libjson-glib-dev
libgee libgee-devel libgee-0.8-dev
openssl openssl-devel libssl-dev
libnotify libnotify-devel libnotify-dev
gtk3 gtk3-devel libgtk-3-dev
glib2 glib2-devel libglib2.0-dev
at-spi2-core at-spi2-core-devel libatspi2.0-dev

Once you have the required dependencies installed, you can build the project like this:

git clone
cd mconnect
autoreconf -if 
./configure --prefix=/usr

Once you have run make you may build a package and install it cleanly if checkinstall is available:

sudo checkinstall --type=<slackware|rpm|debian>

If you have installed MConnect as a package or it is in your PATH, it can either be started from the User Menu or the extension can be configured to start it automatically. Otherwise you may run MConnect from the build directory:

./mconnect -d

Device Mounting

Mounting devices in KDE Connect is known to contain bugs, while mounting devices in MConnect is not yet supported.

Users of some distributions, Arch-based in particular, have reported that sshfs is not marked as a dependancy for KDE Connect and must be installed manually.

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