This document holds some notes on the TF-Luna laser rangefinder
- Claimed range: 0.2m - 8m (indoors and with white object)
- 0.2m-3m for 10% reflectivity black object
- Accuracy: +-6cm in range 0.2m-3m, +-2% in range 3m-8m
- +-16cm at worst
- Units: cm (says it can be configured)
- Rate: 100Hz (can be configured 1-250Hz)
- Higher rates lower accuracy
- Has a mode to use single frequency, which requires you to only hit things under 15m, but allows for reading darker objects.
- Supports a mode that reads only occasionally, to lower power.
- There are many kinds of data frames and control frames
- Control frame:
- 0: 0x5A
- 1: Len (4-255) - Length of bytes from head to checksum
- 2: ID - Indicates payload format
- 3-Len-2: Payload - Data segment
- Len-1: Checksum - Lower 8 bytes of the sum from Head to payload
- Vcc = 5v
- 3v3 TTL
- Same as Pi
- Peak current = 150mA@5v
- Avg current = <70mA@5v (assuming continues ranging)
- Pins:
- 5v
- Rx
- tx
- gnd
- none
- none