As a long-time NBA fanatic and stat geek, I've always just loved to look up NBA players' stats for no reason. Looking to brush up my Shiny skills, I built a simple Shiny app to track players' fantasy scores and form fantasy teams of my own. The app contains four main functions:
Compare players' different stats over the years at a glance, using the combination of ggplots and plotly.
Search for every players' career stats, displayed in a datatable format.
Build your fantasy starting lineup, and check out your teams' total fantasy score!
Calculate the career fantasy score average for each player! The official formula is listed below:
PTS + 1.2 * TRB + 1.5 * AST + 3 * STL + 3 * BLK - TOV
The Shiny UI and server is placed in the nba file, while nba_layout contains the code for the sidebar and body design, and nba_func has some functions I wrote for the app to be more effective.
This is just a simple prototype of my fantasy score tracker, and there are still some bugs yet to be fixed, but I'll definitely be adding more features to it as I continue to build up my skills in R. Find my detailed description here, and the app deployed on here.