This project aims create a plugin to integrate Stryker-Mutator and SonarQube.
To build the project, clone the repository and run this command:
mvn clean package
This generete a jar file of the plugin in "target" folder.
To use, copy the jar to extensions folder of the sonar.
After this, restart de sonar server.
After restart, create a new sonar quality profile, we recomend copy the sonar profile recommended.
And inform a new name
In the new profile select Activate More
The name of all rules of stryker starts with Stryker. Activete all.
Set the new profile as Default
In your project, in the sonar configuration, add the property 'sonar.javascript.stryker.path': '<<path to report json of stryker>>'
After this, the new analyzes will consider the new rules. The issues will be show in the Issues panel.
Selecting the issue, the bug is showing in class file.
Select why is this an issue? to view the documentation.