Andrew Schoen | @andrewschoen | @pythonkc
A collection of content (words, pictures, files, events, news articles, schedules, employee bios, blog posts, videos, etc.) organized into menus.
- Drupal
- Expression Engine
- Wordpress
- Umbraco
- Sitecore
- Ektron
- Joomla
- Teamsite
@djangocms @divio
All the CMS features you want without the added complexity of most other options out there.
- Page & Menu Creation
- User Management
- User Permissions
- Page Moderation
- Multi-site
- Multi-lingual
- Frontend Editing
- Plugin system
Plus, everything that comes with Django. That's a lot.
Check it out & follow along with the examples in the next slides. Most of what we're about to talk about is represented there.
{% load cms_tags menu_tags sekizai_tags %} <html> <head> {% render_block 'css' %} </head> <body> {% cms_toolbar %} <ul>{% show_menu %}</ul> {% placeholder content %} {% render_block 'js' %} </body> </html>
Commonly used template tags and settings.
CMS_TEMPLATES = ( ('home.html', gettext('Homepage')), ('2col.html', gettext('2 Column')), ('3col.html', gettext('3 Column')), ('extra.html', gettext('Some extra fancy template')), )
{% placeholder "homepage_content" %} {% placeholder "homepage_content" or %} <p>Default content goes here</p> {% endplaceholder %} {% with 320 as width %}{% placeholder "home_content" %}{% endwith %} {% placeholder "home_content" inherit %}
CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF = { 'home_content': { 'plugins': ['TextPlugin', 'PicturePlugin'], 'text_only_plugins': ['LinkPlugin'] 'extra_context': {"width":640}, 'name':gettext("Content"), }, 'right-column': { "plugins": ['TeaserPlugin', 'LinkPlugin'], "extra_context": {"width":280}, 'name':gettext("Right Column"), 'limits': { 'global': 2, 'TeaserPlugin': 1, 'LinkPlugin': 1, }, }, }
{% show_placeholder "footer" "footer_container_page" %} {% show_placeholder "content" request.current_page.parent_id %} {% show_placeholder "teaser" request.current_page.get_root %} {% placeholder "teaser" or %} {% show_placeholder "teaser" request.current_page.get_root %} {% endplaceholder %}
page_url & page_attribute
<a href="{% page_url "help" %}">Help page</a> <a href="{% page_url request.current_page.parent %}">Parent page</a> # options for page_attribute: # "title", "menu_title", "page_title", # "slug", "meta_description", "meta_keywords" {% page_attribute "page_title" %} {% page_attribute "meta_description" "my_page_reverse_id" %} {% page_attribute "meta_keywords" request.current_page.parent_id %} {% page_attribute "slug" request.current_page.get_root %}
show_menu & show_menu_below_id
# start_level, end_level, extra_inactive, extra_active {% show_menu 0 100 0 100 %} # default {% show_menu 0 100 100 100 "myapp/menu.html" %} {% show_menu_below_id "meta" %} {% show_menu_below_id "meta" 0 100 100 100 "myapp/menu.html" %}
show_sub_menu & show_breadcrumb
{% show_sub_menu 1 %} {% show_breadcrumb 2 "myapp/breadcrumb.html" %}
page_language & language_chooser
{% page_language_url de %} {% page_language_url fr %} {% page_language_url en %} {% language_chooser %} {% language_chooser "myapp/language_chooser.html" %}
CMS_URL_OVERWRITE = True CMS_MENU_TITLE_OVERWRITE = False CMS_REDIRECTS = False CMS_SOFTROOT = False CMS_PERMISSION = False CMS_PUBLIC_FOR = all # or staff CMS_MODERATOR = False CMS_SHOW_START_DATE = False CMS_SHOW_END_DATE = False CMS_SEO_FIELDS = False CMS_CACHE_DURATIONS = { "content": 3600, "menus": 3600, "permissions": 3600, } CMS_CACHE_PREFIX = "cms-"
CMS_HIDE_UNTRANSLATED = True CMS_LANGUAGES = ( ('de', gettext('German')), ('en', gettext('English')), ) CMS_LANGUAGE_FALLBACK = True CMS_LANGUAGE_CONF = { 'de': ['en', 'fr'], 'en': ['de'], } CMS_SITE_LANGUAGES = { 1:['en','de'], 2:['en','fr'], } CMS_FRONTEND_LANGUAGES = ("de", "en", "fr")
You can use the built-in plugins, but the real power of plugins come from building your own.
- 'cms.plugins.file'
- 'cms.plugins.flash'
- 'cms.plugins.googlemap'
- ''
- 'cms.plugins.picture'
- 'cms.plugins.snippet'
- 'cms.plugins.teaser'
- 'cms.plugins.text'
- ''
- 'cms.plugins.twitter'
With custom plugins you can pull content from other django apps, create UI elements or do just about anything really.
It's like a Django view you can put inside a template.
We're going to be extending the standard Poll app from the Django tutorial. If you don't have experience with Django, start here.
from django.db import models class Poll(models.Model): question = models.CharField(max_length=200) pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published') class Choice(models.Model): poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll) choice = models.CharField(max_length=200) votes = models.IntegerField(default=0)
from cms.models import CMSPlugin class PollPlugin(CMSPlugin): poll = models.ForeignKey('polls.Poll', related_name='plugins') def __unicode__(self): return self.poll.question
from cms.plugin_base import CMSPluginBase from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool from polls.models import PollPlugin as PollPluginModel from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ class PollPlugin(CMSPluginBase): model = PollPluginModel # Model where data about this plugin is saved name = _("Poll Plugin") # Name of the plugin render_template = "polls/plugin.html" # template to render the plugin with def render(self, context, instance, placeholder): context.update({'instance':instance}) return context plugin_pool.register_plugin(PollPlugin) # register the plugin
<h1>{{ instance.poll.question }}</h1> <form action="{% url %}" method="post"> {% csrf_token %} {% for choice in instance.poll.choice_set.all %} <input type="radio" name="choice" id="choice{{ forloop.counter }}" value="{{ }}" /> <label for="choice{{ forloop.counter }}">{{ choice.choice }}</label><br /> {% endfor %} <input type="submit" value="Vote" /> </form>
You can hook your own django apps into a CMS page using apphooks.
from cms.app_base import CMSApp from cms.apphook_pool import apphook_pool from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ class PollsApp(CMSApp): name = _("Poll App") # give your app a name, this is required urls = ["polls.urls"] # link your app to url configuration(s) apphook_pool.register(PollsApp) # register your app
These typically live in in your app directory.
from cms.menu_bases import CMSAttachMenu from menus.base import Menu, NavigationNode from menus.menu_pool import menu_pool from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from polls.models import Poll class PollsMenu(CMSAttachMenu): name = _("Polls Menu") # give the menu a name, this is required. def get_nodes(self, request): nodes = [] for poll in Poll.objects.all(): node = NavigationNode( poll.question, reverse('polls.views.detail', args=(,)), ) nodes.append(node) return nodes menu_pool.register_menu(PollsMenu) # register the menu.
from cms.app_base import CMSApp from cms.apphook_pool import apphook_pool from polls.menus import PollsMenu from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ class PollsApp(CMSApp): name = _("Poll App") urls = ["polls.urls"] menus = [PollsMenu] # attach a CMSAttachMenu to this apphook. apphook_pool.register(PollsApp)
Some 3rd party apps you might want to try out.
Andrew Schoen | @andrewschoen | @pythonkc