This tutorial extends the Hello World Service to use strings retrieved from Datomic. We will start from the "helloworld" service that we created in our first tutorial.
This tutorial assumes that you have Datomic running already. If not, hop over to the download site and download the free edition.
There are just a couple of steps to get our service hooked up to Datomic. First, we need to add the dependency to our project.clj.
(defproject helloworld "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.0"]
[io.pedestal/pedestal.service "0.1.0"]
[org.slf4j/jul-to-slf4j "1.7.2"]
[org.slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j "1.7.2"]
[org.slf4j/log4j-over-slf4j "1.7.2"]
[com.datomic/datomic-free "0.8.3826"]]
:profiles {:dev {:source-paths ["dev"]}}
:resource-paths ["config"]
:main ^{:skip-aot true} helloworld.server)
Run lein deps
to fetch any jars you need.
On Pedestal app, a suitable place to put a schema is the
resources/[your-project-name-here] directory. In this sample, the project
name is "helloworld", so place the Datomic schema file below in
. The schema is also pretty simple:
it has just one attribute.
{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db]
:db/ident :hello/color
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/fulltext true
:db/doc "Today's color"
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
This application doesn't have any way to write new data into Datomic
yet. So, in order to have something to show in a browser, we'll put
some seed data into Datomic. This file can also reside under the
resources/helloworld directory. Create the file
with the following contents.
{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1], :hello/color "True Mint"}
{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -2], :hello/color "Yellowish White"}
{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -3], :hello/color "Orange Red"}
{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -4], :hello/color "Olive Green"}
The funny looking negative IDs are a way to ask Datomic to assign entity IDs automatically.
Now we need create functions to establish a connection to Datomic,
define the schema, and retrieve data. This code is nothing new, just
a simple Datomic sample. Put the following code into
(ns helloworld.peer
(:require [datomic.api :as d :refer (q)]))
(def uri "datomic:mem://helloworld")
(def schema-tx (read-string (slurp "resources/helloworld/schema.edn")))
(def data-tx (read-string (slurp "resources/helloworld/seed-data.edn")))
(defn init-db []
(when (d/create-database uri)
(let [conn (d/connect uri)]
@(d/transact conn schema-tx)
@(d/transact conn data-tx))))
(defn results []
(let [conn (d/connect uri)]
(q '[:find ?c :where [?e :hello/color ?c]] (d/db conn))))
Next, we need to use results from the database. For this, we will add
a function to service.clj
. This new function will use peer.clj
access data.
Open up src/helloworld/service.clj
again and modify the ns
macro to
reference helloworld.peer:
(ns helloworld.service
(:require [io.pedestal.http :as bootstrap]
[io.pedestal.http.route.definition :refer [defroutes]]
[ring.util.response :refer [response]]
[helloworld.peer :as peer :refer [results]]))
Let's now rewrite the home-page
function in service.clj
so that we
see the output from Datomic.
(defn home-page
(response (str "Hello Colors! " (results))))
If you still have the service running from
Hello World Service, you will first
need to exit the REPL. Then, start the service the same way as
before: (server/start runnable-service)
Now point your browser at http://localhost:8080/ and you will see the thrilling string:
Hello Colors! [["True Mint"], ["Olive Green"], ["Orange Red"], ["Yellowish White"]]
Because home-page
returns a string, the HTTP response will be sent
with a content type of "text/plain", as we can see by using "curl" to
access the server.
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 20:31:06 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 82
Server: Jetty(8.1.9.v20130131)
Hello Colors! [["True Mint"], ["Orange Red"], ["Olive Green"], ["Yellowish White"]]
For more about Datomic, check out