Simple console app in Scala which fetch tweets for most popular GitHub repositories by keyword
Application first searches GitHub for keyword
, sort projects by stars, limit the number of retrieved project by 10
and then fetches most recent tweets for these projects.
App is built using SBT + Scala + Spring Boot.
Application can be run via either com.github.tweets.TweetsGatherer
Main Class or via the built Jar file.
In order to build the jar file call
sbt clean oneJar
in order to launch the jar call
java -jar tweets-for-github-projects-gatherer_2.11-1.0-one-jar.jar --keyword="star wars" --output=out1.json
argument is mandatory. App will fail without it. If noouput
argument is provided, then json will be printed in console -
there should file next to the jar with two properties e.g.
otherwise program will fail. Key and Secret should be valid twitter keys. They are private so they are not provided.
- in order to launch tests call
sbt test