diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 82c0c1b..6cd1b12 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -118,8 +118,9 @@ You are more than welcome to contribute to this repository! Below are some instr
1. Clone this repository by running `git clone https://github.com/andreasbm/weightless.git`.
2. Run `npm i` to install all dependencies.
-3. Spin up the development server with `npm run s`. The browser should automatically be opened at the correct url.
-5. Run tests with `npm run test`.
+3. Spin up the development server with `npm run s`. The browser should automatically be opened at the correct url. If not, you can open your browser and go to `http://localhost:1350`.
+4. Run tests with `npm run test`.
+5. Lint the files with `npm run lint`.
6. Compile the documentation by running `npm run docs`.
The elements are written in [Typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) and the stylesheets are written in [SASS](https://sass-lang.com/). All of the web components uses [lit-element](https://lit-element.polymer-project.org/).
diff --git a/blueprint.md b/blueprint.md
index b7fddb2..30e5791 100644
--- a/blueprint.md
+++ b/blueprint.md
@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ You are more than welcome to contribute to this repository! Below are some instr
1. Clone this repository by running `git clone https://github.com/andreasbm/weightless.git`.
2. Run `npm i` to install all dependencies.
-3. Spin up the development server with `npm run s`. The browser should automatically be opened at the correct url.
-5. Run tests with `npm run test`.
+3. Spin up the development server with `npm run s`. The browser should automatically be opened at the correct url. If not, you can open your browser and go to `http://localhost:1350`.
+4. Run tests with `npm run test`.
+5. Lint the files with `npm run lint`.
6. Compile the documentation by running `npm run docs`.
The elements are written in [Typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) and the stylesheets are written in [SASS](https://sass-lang.com/). All of the web components uses [lit-element](https://lit-element.polymer-project.org/).
diff --git a/src/lib/button/README.md b/src/lib/button/README.md
index 2e2f05e..83aa8ce 100644
--- a/src/lib/button/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/button/README.md
@@ -12,18 +12,18 @@ Allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.
| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `fab` | `fab` | `boolean` | false | Makes the button round and squared. |
-| `flat` | `flat` | `boolean` | false | Makes the button flat. |
-| `inverted` | `inverted` | `boolean` | false | Inverts the colors of the button. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `noRipple` | `noRipple` | `boolean` | false | Deactivates the ripple. |
-| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | false | Makes the button outlined. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `fab` | `fab` | `boolean` | | Makes the button round and squared. |
+| `flat` | `flat` | `boolean` | | Makes the button flat. |
+| `inverted` | `inverted` | `boolean` | | Inverts the colors of the button. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `noRipple` | `noRipple` | `boolean` | | Deactivates the ripple. |
+| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | | Makes the button outlined. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "button" | Role of the button. |
| `type` | `type` | `"button" \| "submit"` | "submit" | Type of the button. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | "" | Value of the form element. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
diff --git a/src/lib/card/README.md b/src/lib/card/README.md
index 05072d7..ff498fd 100644
--- a/src/lib/card/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/card/README.md
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ Group related content and action.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `hoverable` | `hoverable` | `boolean` | false | Makes the card hoverable. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Description |
+| `hoverable` | `hoverable` | `boolean` | Makes the card hoverable. |
diff --git a/src/lib/checkbox/README.md b/src/lib/checkbox/README.md
index 01d4482..82c742b 100644
--- a/src/lib/checkbox/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/checkbox/README.md
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ Turn an option on or off.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | `string` | | Aria checked attribute. |
-| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | false | Checks the switch. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `indeterminate` | `indeterminate` | `boolean` | false | Indeterminate checkbox state. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "checkbox" | Role of the switch. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | "" | Value of the form element. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | `string` | | Aria checked attribute. |
+| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | | Checks the switch. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `indeterminate` | `indeterminate` | `boolean` | | Indeterminate checkbox state. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "checkbox" | Role of the switch. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
diff --git a/src/lib/dialog/README.md b/src/lib/dialog/README.md
index 5bce9c8..b39cca5 100644
--- a/src/lib/dialog/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/dialog/README.md
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ Highly interruptive messages.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `backdrop` | `backdrop` | `boolean` | false | Whether the backdrop is visible or not. |
-| `blockScrolling` | `blockScrolling` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay blocks the scrolling on the scroll container. |
-| `disableFocusTrap` | `disableFocusTrap` | `boolean` | false | Whether the focus trap be disabled. |
-| `duration` | `duration` | `number` | 200 | The duration of the animations. |
-| `fixed` | `fixed` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay is fixed or not. |
-| `open` | `open` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay is open or not. |
-| `persistent` | `persistent` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay is persistent or not. When the overlay is persistent, ESCAPE and backdrop clicks won't close it. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "dialog" | Role of the dialog. |
-| `scrollContainer` | `scrollContainer` | `EventTarget` | | The container the overlay lives in. |
-| `scrollable` | `scrollable` | `boolean` | false | Makes the dialog scrollable. |
-| `size` | `size` | `DialogSize` | | Size of the dialog. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `backdrop` | `backdrop` | `boolean` | | Whether the backdrop is visible or not. |
+| `blockScrolling` | `blockScrolling` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay blocks the scrolling on the scroll container. |
+| `disableFocusTrap` | `disableFocusTrap` | `boolean` | | Whether the focus trap be disabled. |
+| `duration` | `duration` | `number` | 200 | The duration of the animations. |
+| `fixed` | `fixed` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay is fixed or not. |
+| `open` | `open` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay is open or not. |
+| `persistent` | `persistent` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay is persistent or not. When the overlay is persistent, ESCAPE and backdrop clicks won't close it. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "dialog" | Role of the dialog. |
+| `scrollContainer` | `scrollContainer` | `EventTarget` | | The container the overlay lives in. |
+| `scrollable` | `scrollable` | `boolean` | | Makes the dialog scrollable. |
+| `size` | `size` | `DialogSize \| undefined` | | Size of the dialog. |
diff --git a/src/lib/divider/README.md b/src/lib/divider/README.md
index 92734bb..eae425c 100644
--- a/src/lib/divider/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/divider/README.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Thin line that groups content in lists and layouts.
| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "separator" | Role of the backdrop. |
-| `vertical` | `vertical` | `boolean` | false | Makes the divider vertical. |
+| `vertical` | `vertical` | `boolean` | | Makes the divider vertical. |
diff --git a/src/lib/expansion/README.md b/src/lib/expansion/README.md
index 3c66e24..2b1952b 100644
--- a/src/lib/expansion/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/expansion/README.md
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ Provide an expandable details-summary view.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `ariaChecked` | `ariaChecked` | `string` | | Aria expanded attribute. |
-| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | false | Opens the expansion. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `duration` | `duration` | `number` | 250 | The duration of the animations. |
-| `icon` | `icon` | `string` | "expand_more" | Icon name. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `noRipple` | `noRipple` | `boolean` | false | Deactivates the ripple. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "radio" | Role of the radio behavior. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | "" | Value of the form element. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | `string` | | Aria expanded attribute. |
+| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | | Opens the expansion. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `duration` | `duration` | `number` | 250 | The duration of the animations. |
+| `icon` | `icon` | `string \| undefined` | "expand_more" | Icon name. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `noRipple` | `noRipple` | `boolean` | | Deactivates the ripple. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "radio" | Role of the radio behavior. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
diff --git a/src/lib/label/README.md b/src/lib/label/README.md
index 3fccffc..1ffa6dd 100644
--- a/src/lib/label/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/label/README.md
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ Make form elements more accessible.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `for` | `for` | `string` | | Query of the form element click events are re-fired upon. |
-| `nowrap` | `nowrap` | `boolean` | false | Caps the label element with ellipsis if overflowing. |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Styles the label as required. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Description |
+| `for` | `for` | `string \| undefined` | Query of the form element click events are re-fired upon. |
+| `nowrap` | `nowrap` | `boolean` | Caps the label element with ellipsis if overflowing. |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | Styles the label as required. |
diff --git a/src/lib/list-item/README.md b/src/lib/list-item/README.md
index f1246f5..9a23ae8 100644
--- a/src/lib/list-item/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/list-item/README.md
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ Display an item in a list.
| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `clickable` | `clickable` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element clickable. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `noRipple` | `noRipple` | `boolean` | false | Deactivates the ripple. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `clickable` | `clickable` | `boolean` | | Makes the element clickable. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `noRipple` | `noRipple` | `boolean` | | Deactivates the ripple. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "listitem" | Role of the list item. |
| `type` | `type` | `"button" \| "submit"` | "submit" | Type of the button. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | "" | Value of the form element. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
diff --git a/src/lib/nav/README.md b/src/lib/nav/README.md
index e8376a8..4e1c083 100644
--- a/src/lib/nav/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/nav/README.md
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ Provide access to destinations in your app.
| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `fixed` | `fixed` | `boolean` | false | Fixes the nav to the top of the page. |
+| `fixed` | `fixed` | `boolean` | | Fixes the nav to the top of the page. |
| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "navigation" | Role of the nav. |
-| `shadow` | `shadow` | `boolean` | false | Gives the nav a shadow. |
+| `shadow` | `shadow` | `boolean` | | Gives the nav a shadow. |
diff --git a/src/lib/popover/README.md b/src/lib/popover/README.md
index 2b29f89..7c8758a 100644
--- a/src/lib/popover/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/popover/README.md
@@ -10,26 +10,27 @@ Contextual anchored elements.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `anchor` | `anchor` | `string \| Element` | | Anchor element or query. |
-| `anchorCloseEvents` | `anchorCloseEvents` | `string[]` | | Events on the anchor that makes the popover close itself. |
-| `anchorOpenEvents` | `anchorOpenEvents` | `string[]` | | Events on the anchor that makes the popover open itself. |
-| `anchorOriginX` | `anchorOriginX` | `OriginX` | "left" | X origin of the anchored point. |
-| `anchorOriginY` | `anchorOriginY` | `OriginY` | "top" | Y origin of the anchored point. |
-| `backdrop` | `backdrop` | `boolean` | false | Whether the backdrop is visible or not. |
-| `blockScrolling` | `blockScrolling` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay blocks the scrolling on the scroll container. |
-| `closeOnClick` | `closeOnClick` | `boolean` | false | Makes the popover close when it is clicked upon. |
-| `disableFocusTrap` | `disableFocusTrap` | `boolean` | false | Whether the focus trap be disabled. |
-| `duration` | `duration` | `number` | 200 | The duration of the animations. |
-| `fixed` | `fixed` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay is fixed or not. |
-| `noFallback` | `noFallback` | `boolean` | false | Whether a fallback strategy for the positioning should be used when there are no room for the popover. |
-| `open` | `open` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay is open or not. |
-| `persistent` | `persistent` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay is persistent or not. When the overlay is persistent, ESCAPE and backdrop clicks won't close it. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "menu" | Role of the popover. |
-| `scrollContainer` | `scrollContainer` | `EventTarget` | | The container the overlay lives in. |
-| `transformOriginX` | `transformOriginX` | `OriginX` | "left" | X origin of the transform. |
-| `transformOriginY` | `transformOriginY` | `OriginY` | "top" | Y origin of the transform. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `anchor` | `anchor` | `string \| Element \| undefined` | | Anchor element or query. |
+| `anchorCloseEvents` | `anchorCloseEvents` | `string[] \| undefined` | | Events on the anchor that makes the popover close itself. |
+| `anchorOpenEvents` | `anchorOpenEvents` | `string[] \| undefined` | | Events on the anchor that makes the popover open itself. |
+| `anchorOriginX` | `anchorOriginX` | `OriginX` | | X origin of the anchored point. |
+| `anchorOriginY` | `anchorOriginY` | `OriginY` | | Y origin of the anchored point. |
+| `backdrop` | `backdrop` | `boolean` | | Whether the backdrop is visible or not. |
+| `blockScrolling` | `blockScrolling` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay blocks the scrolling on the scroll container. |
+| `closeOnClick` | `closeOnClick` | `boolean` | | Makes the popover close when it is clicked upon. |
+| `disableFocusTrap` | `disableFocusTrap` | `boolean` | | Whether the focus trap be disabled. |
+| `duration` | `duration` | `number` | 200 | The duration of the animations. |
+| `fixed` | `fixed` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay is fixed or not. |
+| `helloWorld` | `helloWorld` | `boolean` | | |
+| `noFallback` | `noFallback` | `boolean` | | Whether a fallback strategy for the positioning should be used when there are no room for the popover. |
+| `open` | `open` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay is open or not. |
+| `persistent` | `persistent` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay is persistent or not. When the overlay is persistent, ESCAPE and backdrop clicks won't close it. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "menu" | Role of the popover. |
+| `scrollContainer` | `scrollContainer` | `EventTarget` | | The container the overlay lives in. |
+| `transformOriginX` | `transformOriginX` | `OriginX` | | X origin of the transform. |
+| `transformOriginY` | `transformOriginY` | `OriginY` | | Y origin of the transform. |
diff --git a/src/lib/progress-bar/README.md b/src/lib/progress-bar/README.md
index 70ecb0d..6ef8565 100644
--- a/src/lib/progress-bar/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/progress-bar/README.md
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ Fills a bar from 0% to 100%.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `buffer` | `buffer` | `number` | 0 | Buffer progress value. |
-| `bufferMax` | `bufferMax` | `number` | 1 | Max buffer progress value. |
-| `bufferMin` | `bufferMin` | `number` | 0 | Min buffer progress value. |
-| `max` | `max` | `number` | 1 | Max progress value. |
-| `min` | `min` | `number` | 0 | Min progress value. |
-| `mode` | `mode` | `ProgressMode` | "indeterminate" | Animation mode. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "progressbar" | Role of the progress behavior. |
-| `value` | `value` | `number` | 0 | Progress value. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `buffer` | `buffer` | `number` | | Buffer progress value. |
+| `bufferMax` | `bufferMax` | `number` | 1 | Max buffer progress value. |
+| `bufferMin` | `bufferMin` | `number` | | Min buffer progress value. |
+| `max` | `max` | `number` | 1 | Max progress value. |
+| `min` | `min` | `number` | | Min progress value. |
+| `mode` | `mode` | `ProgressMode` | | Animation mode. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "progressbar" | Role of the progress behavior. |
+| `value` | `value` | `number` | | Progress value. |
diff --git a/src/lib/progress-spinner/README.md b/src/lib/progress-spinner/README.md
index 06484df..e337929 100644
--- a/src/lib/progress-spinner/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/progress-spinner/README.md
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ Fills a circle from 0% to 100%.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `buffer` | `buffer` | `number` | 0 | Buffer progress value. |
-| `bufferMax` | `bufferMax` | `number` | 1 | Max buffer progress value. |
-| `bufferMin` | `bufferMin` | `number` | 0 | Min buffer progress value. |
-| `max` | `max` | `number` | 1 | Max progress value. |
-| `min` | `min` | `number` | 0 | Min progress value. |
-| `mode` | `mode` | `ProgressMode` | "indeterminate" | Animation mode. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "progressbar" | Role of the progress behavior. |
-| `value` | `value` | `number` | 0 | Progress value. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `buffer` | `buffer` | `number` | | Buffer progress value. |
+| `bufferMax` | `bufferMax` | `number` | 1 | Max buffer progress value. |
+| `bufferMin` | `bufferMin` | `number` | | Min buffer progress value. |
+| `max` | `max` | `number` | 1 | Max progress value. |
+| `min` | `min` | `number` | | Min progress value. |
+| `mode` | `mode` | `ProgressMode` | | Animation mode. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "progressbar" | Role of the progress behavior. |
+| `value` | `value` | `number` | | Progress value. |
diff --git a/src/lib/radio/README.md b/src/lib/radio/README.md
index a1dfbeb..d1bc695 100644
--- a/src/lib/radio/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/radio/README.md
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ Select one option from a set.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | `string` | | Aria checked attribute. |
-| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | false | Checks the switch. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "radio" | Role of the radio behavior. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | "" | Value of the form element. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | `string` | | Aria checked attribute. |
+| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | | Checks the switch. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "radio" | Role of the radio behavior. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
diff --git a/src/lib/ripple/README.md b/src/lib/ripple/README.md
index e5db285..afb12c6 100644
--- a/src/lib/ripple/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/ripple/README.md
@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ Indicate touch actions.
| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `autoRelease` | `autoRelease` | `boolean` | false | Releases the ripple after it has been spawned. |
-| `centered` | `centered` | `boolean` | false | Makes ripple appear from the center. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the ripple. |
-| `focusable` | `focusable` | `boolean` | false | Allows focusin to spawn a ripple. |
+| `autoRelease` | `autoRelease` | `boolean` | | Releases the ripple after it has been spawned. |
+| `centered` | `centered` | `boolean` | | Makes ripple appear from the center. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the ripple. |
+| `focusable` | `focusable` | `boolean` | | Allows focusin to spawn a ripple. |
| `initialDuration` | `initialDuration` | `number` | 350 | Initial animation duration. |
-| `overlay` | `overlay` | `boolean` | false | Overlays the ripple. |
+| `overlay` | `overlay` | `boolean` | | Overlays the ripple. |
| `releaseDuration` | `releaseDuration` | `number` | 500 | Fade out animation duration. |
| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "presentation" | Role of the ripple. |
| `target` | `target` | `EventTarget` | | Target for the spawn ripple events. |
-| `unbounded` | `unbounded` | `boolean` | false | Makes the ripple visible outside the bounds. |
+| `unbounded` | `unbounded` | `boolean` | | Makes the ripple visible outside the bounds. |
| `x` | | `number` | **required** | |
| `y` | | `number` | **required** | |
diff --git a/src/lib/ripple/ripple.ts b/src/lib/ripple/ripple.ts
index ee98082..97e85ba 100644
--- a/src/lib/ripple/ripple.ts
+++ b/src/lib/ripple/ripple.ts
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ export class Ripple extends LitElement implements IRippleProperties {
protected addListeners () {
if (this.target == null) return;
- addListener(this.target, "mousedown", e => this.spawnRipple.bind(e), {passive: true}),
+ addListener(this.target, "mousedown", (e: MouseEvent) => this.spawnRipple(e), {passive: true}),
addListener(this.target, "focusin", this.onFocusIn.bind(this), {passive: true}),
addListener(this.target, "focusout", this.onFocusOut.bind(this), {passive: true})
@@ -202,8 +202,7 @@ export class Ripple extends LitElement implements IRippleProperties {
if (this.disabled) {
// Return an empty noop function
- return (() => {
- });
+ return (() => {});
// Release the existing ripple if there is one
diff --git a/src/lib/select/README.md b/src/lib/select/README.md
index 311c0d8..194af0d 100644
--- a/src/lib/select/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/select/README.md
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ Select one or more values from a set of options.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `autocomplete` | `autocomplete` | `"on" \| "off"` | | Whether autocomplete is on or off. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | false | Fills the input with a solid color. |
-| `label` | `label` | `string` | | Label text. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | false | Makes the input outlined. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
-| `role` | | `AriaRole` | "select" | Role of the select. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
-| `valueAsNumber` | `valueAsNumber` | `number` | | Value of the slider. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `autocomplete` | `autocomplete` | `"on" \| "off" \| undefined` | | Whether autocomplete is on or off. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | | Fills the input with a solid color. |
+| `label` | `label` | `string \| undefined` | | Label text. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | | Makes the input outlined. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "select" | Role of the select. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
+| `valueAsNumber` | `valueAsNumber` | `number` | | Value of the slider. |
diff --git a/src/lib/select/select.ts b/src/lib/select/select.ts
index b696c2e..098811f 100644
--- a/src/lib/select/select.ts
+++ b/src/lib/select/select.ts
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export class Select extends InputBehavior implements ISelectProperties {
- tabindex="${this.disabled ? "-1" : "0"}">
+ tabindex="${this.disabled ? -1 : 0}">
diff --git a/src/lib/slider/README.md b/src/lib/slider/README.md
index 95d5e5e..6b8c1d1 100644
--- a/src/lib/slider/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/slider/README.md
@@ -10,26 +10,26 @@ Make selections from a range of values.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `autocomplete` | `autocomplete` | `"on" \| "off"` | | Whether autocomplete is on or off. |
-| `bufferMax` | `bufferMax` | `number` | 100 | The maximum buffer value allowed. |
-| `bufferMin` | `bufferMin` | `number` | 0 | The minimum buffer value allowed. |
-| `bufferValue` | `bufferValue` | `number` | | The buffer value. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | false | Fills the input with a solid color. |
-| `label` | `label` | `string` | | Label text. |
-| `max` | `max` | `number` | 100 | The maximum value allowed. |
-| `min` | `min` | `number` | 0 | The minimum value allowed. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | false | Makes the input outlined. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "slider" | Role of the slider. |
-| `step` | `step` | `number` | | The legal number intervals |
-| `thumbLabel` | `thumbLabel` | `boolean` | false | Label above the thumb that shows the value. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
-| `valueAsNumber` | `valueAsNumber` | `number` | | Value of the slider. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `autocomplete` | `autocomplete` | `"on" \| "off" \| undefined` | | Whether autocomplete is on or off. |
+| `bufferMax` | `bufferMax` | `number` | 100 | The maximum buffer value allowed. |
+| `bufferMin` | `bufferMin` | `number` | | The minimum buffer value allowed. |
+| `bufferValue` | `bufferValue` | `number \| undefined` | | The buffer value. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | | Fills the input with a solid color. |
+| `label` | `label` | `string \| undefined` | | Label text. |
+| `max` | `max` | `number` | 100 | The maximum value allowed. |
+| `min` | `min` | `number` | | The minimum value allowed. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | | Makes the input outlined. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "slider" | Role of the slider. |
+| `step` | `step` | `number \| undefined` | | The legal number intervals |
+| `thumbLabel` | `thumbLabel` | `boolean` | | Label above the thumb that shows the value. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
+| `valueAsNumber` | `valueAsNumber` | `number` | | Value of the slider. |
diff --git a/src/lib/snackbar/README.md b/src/lib/snackbar/README.md
index 2c0e5eb..4eb7f17 100644
--- a/src/lib/snackbar/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/snackbar/README.md
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ Provide brief messages at the bottom of the screen.
| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `backdrop` | `backdrop` | `boolean` | false | Whether the backdrop is visible or not. |
-| `blockScrolling` | `blockScrolling` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay blocks the scrolling on the scroll container. |
-| `disableFocusTrap` | `disableFocusTrap` | `boolean` | false | Whether the focus trap be disabled. |
+| `backdrop` | `backdrop` | `boolean` | | Whether the backdrop is visible or not. |
+| `blockScrolling` | `blockScrolling` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay blocks the scrolling on the scroll container. |
+| `disableFocusTrap` | `disableFocusTrap` | `boolean` | | Whether the focus trap be disabled. |
| `duration` | `duration` | `number` | 200 | The duration of the animations. |
-| `fixed` | `fixed` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay is fixed or not. |
+| `fixed` | `fixed` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay is fixed or not. |
| `hideDelay` | `hideDelay` | `number` | 5000 | Time in ms before the snackbar is hidden automatically. |
-| `open` | `open` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay is open or not. |
-| `persistent` | `persistent` | `boolean` | false | Whether the overlay is persistent or not. When the overlay is persistent, ESCAPE and backdrop clicks won't close it. |
+| `open` | `open` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay is open or not. |
+| `persistent` | `persistent` | `boolean` | | Whether the overlay is persistent or not. When the overlay is persistent, ESCAPE and backdrop clicks won't close it. |
| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "banner" | Role of the snackbar. |
| `scrollContainer` | `scrollContainer` | `EventTarget` | | The container the overlay lives in. |
diff --git a/src/lib/switch/README.md b/src/lib/switch/README.md
index e3acc52..bdfd235 100644
--- a/src/lib/switch/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/switch/README.md
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ Turn an option on or off.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | `string` | | Aria checked attribute. |
-| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | false | Checks the switch. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "checkbox" | Role of the switch. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | "" | Value of the form element. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | `string` | | Aria checked attribute. |
+| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | | Checks the switch. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "checkbox" | Role of the switch. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
diff --git a/src/lib/tab-group/README.md b/src/lib/tab-group/README.md
index 5095ade..e64e61a 100644
--- a/src/lib/tab-group/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/tab-group/README.md
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ Organize navigation between groups of content.
| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
| `align` | `align` | `TabGroupAlignment` | "start" | Alignment of the tabs. |
-| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | false | Adds a filled color style to the tab. |
+| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | | Adds a filled color style to the tab. |
| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "tablist" | Role of the tab. |
-| `vertical` | `vertical` | `boolean` | false | Makes the tabs vertical. |
+| `vertical` | `vertical` | `boolean` | | Makes the tabs vertical. |
diff --git a/src/lib/tab/README.md b/src/lib/tab/README.md
index 4cf355a..b92ddc7 100644
--- a/src/lib/tab/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/tab/README.md
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ Organize navigation between groups of content.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | `string` | | Aria checked attribute. |
-| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | false | Checks the switch. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "tab" | Role of the tab. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | "" | Value of the form element. |
-| `vertical` | `vertical` | `boolean` | false | Vertical tab style. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | `string` | | Aria checked attribute. |
+| `checked` | `checked` | `boolean` | | Checks the switch. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "tab" | Role of the tab. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
+| `vertical` | `vertical` | `boolean` | | Vertical tab style. |
diff --git a/src/lib/textarea/README.md b/src/lib/textarea/README.md
index dc6500b..05fee72 100644
--- a/src/lib/textarea/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/textarea/README.md
@@ -10,22 +10,22 @@ Multiline text fields.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `autocomplete` | `autocomplete` | `"on" \| "off"` | | Whether autocomplete is on or off. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | false | Fills the input with a solid color. |
-| `label` | `label` | `string` | | Label text. |
-| `maxLength` | `maxLength` | `number` | | Max value length. |
-| `minLength` | `minLength` | `number` | | Min value length. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | false | Makes the input outlined. |
-| `pattern` | `pattern` | `string` | | Value pattern. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "textbox" | Role of the input. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
-| `valueAsNumber` | `valueAsNumber` | `number` | | Value of the slider. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `autocomplete` | `autocomplete` | `"on" \| "off" \| undefined` | | Whether autocomplete is on or off. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | | Fills the input with a solid color. |
+| `label` | `label` | `string \| undefined` | | Label text. |
+| `maxLength` | `maxLength` | `number \| undefined` | | Max value length. |
+| `minLength` | `minLength` | `number \| undefined` | | Min value length. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | | Makes the input outlined. |
+| `pattern` | `pattern` | `string \| undefined` | | Value pattern. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "textbox" | Role of the input. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
+| `valueAsNumber` | `valueAsNumber` | `number` | | Value of the slider. |
diff --git a/src/lib/textarea/textarea.ts b/src/lib/textarea/textarea.ts
index 99766ab..93c137a 100644
--- a/src/lib/textarea/textarea.ts
+++ b/src/lib/textarea/textarea.ts
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ export class Textarea extends TextfieldBehavior implements ITextareaProperties {
return html`
+ rows="1"
+ tabindex="${this.disabled ? -1 : 0}"
+ >${this.initialValue || ""}
diff --git a/src/lib/textfield/README.md b/src/lib/textfield/README.md
index 23fe7c0..7aaa65e 100644
--- a/src/lib/textfield/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/textfield/README.md
@@ -10,26 +10,26 @@ Singleline text fields.
## ➤ Properties
-| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
-| `autocomplete` | `autocomplete` | `"on" \| "off"` | | Whether autocomplete is on or off. |
-| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | false | Disables the element. |
-| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | false | Fills the input with a solid color. |
-| `label` | `label` | `string` | | Label text. |
-| `list` | `list` | `string` | | Datalist id. |
-| `max` | `max` | `number` | | Max number value. |
-| `maxLength` | `maxLength` | `number` | | Max value length. |
-| `min` | `min` | `number` | | Min number value. |
-| `minLength` | `minLength` | `number` | | Min value length. |
-| `name` | `name` | `string` | | Name of the native form element. |
-| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | false | Makes the input outlined. |
-| `pattern` | `pattern` | `string` | | Value pattern. |
-| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
-| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | false | Makes the element required in a form context. |
-| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "textbox" | Role of the input. |
-| `type` | `type` | `TextfieldType` | "text" | Type of the input. |
-| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
-| `valueAsNumber` | `valueAsNumber` | `number` | | Value of the slider. |
+| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
+| `autocomplete` | `autocomplete` | `"on" \| "off" \| undefined` | | Whether autocomplete is on or off. |
+| `disabled` | `disabled` | `boolean` | | Disables the element. |
+| `filled` | `filled` | `boolean` | | Fills the input with a solid color. |
+| `label` | `label` | `string \| undefined` | | Label text. |
+| `list` | `list` | `string \| undefined` | | Datalist id. |
+| `max` | `max` | `number \| undefined` | | Max number value. |
+| `maxLength` | `maxLength` | `number \| undefined` | | Max value length. |
+| `min` | `min` | `number \| undefined` | | Min number value. |
+| `minLength` | `minLength` | `number \| undefined` | | Min value length. |
+| `name` | `name` | `string \| undefined` | | Name of the native form element. |
+| `outlined` | `outlined` | `boolean` | | Makes the input outlined. |
+| `pattern` | `pattern` | `string \| undefined` | | Value pattern. |
+| `readonly` | `readonly` | `boolean` | | Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable) |
+| `required` | `required` | `boolean` | | Makes the element required in a form context. |
+| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "textbox" | Role of the input. |
+| `type` | `type` | `TextfieldType` | "text" | Type of the input. |
+| `value` | `value` | `string` | | Value of the form element. |
+| `valueAsNumber` | `valueAsNumber` | `number` | | Value of the slider. |
diff --git a/src/lib/textfield/textfield.ts b/src/lib/textfield/textfield.ts
index 47b611a..aab7871 100644
--- a/src/lib/textfield/textfield.ts
+++ b/src/lib/textfield/textfield.ts
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ export class Textfield extends TextfieldBehavior implements ITextfieldProperties
diff --git a/src/lib/title/README.md b/src/lib/title/README.md
index 9c93951..755561e 100644
--- a/src/lib/title/README.md
+++ b/src/lib/title/README.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Indicate the start of a new section.
| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
| `level` | `level` | `TitleLevel` | 1 | Level of the title. |
-| `nowrap` | `nowrap` | `boolean` | false | Caps the title element with ellipsis if overflowing. |
+| `nowrap` | `nowrap` | `boolean` | | Caps the title element with ellipsis if overflowing. |
| `role` | `role` | `AriaRole` | "heading" | Role of the title. |