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➤ wl-checkbox

Turn an option on or off.


➤ Properties

Property Attribute Type Default Description
ariaChecked aria-checked string Aria checked attribute.
checked checked boolean false Checks the switch.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the element.
indeterminate indeterminate boolean false Indeterminate checkbox state.
name name string | undefined Name of the native form element.
readonly readonly boolean false Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable)
required required boolean false Makes the element required in a form context.
role role AriaRole "checkbox" Role of the switch.
value value string "" Value of the form element.


➤ Events

Event Description
change Dispatched when the checked property changes due to a user interaction.


➤ CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--checkbox-bg Background
--checkbox-bg-checked Background when checked
--checkbox-bg-disabled Background when disabled
--checkbox-bg-disabled-checked Background when checked and disabled
--checkbox-border-config Border configuration (width and style)
--checkbox-border-radius Border radius
--checkbox-checkmark-path-dasharray Dasharray of the checkmark
--checkbox-checkmark-path-delay Transition delay of the checkmark animation
--checkbox-checkmark-path-width Width of the checkmark
--checkbox-checkmark-size Width and height of the checkmark
--checkbox-checkmark-stroke-color Color of the checkmark stroke
--checkbox-checkmark-transition Transition of the checkmark
--checkbox-color Color
--checkbox-color-checked Color when checked
--checkbox-color-disabled Color when disabled
--checkbox-color-disabled-checked Color when disabled and checked
--checkbox-ripple-transform Transform of the ripple
--checkbox-size Width and height
--checkbox-transition Transition


➤ Usage

Go here to try the demo.


➤ Contributors

Andreas Mehlsen You?
Andreas Mehlsen You?


➤ License

Licensed under MIT.