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OSP 2wireSPI aospi

Library "OSP 2wireSPI aospi", usually abbreviated to "aospi", is one of the aolibs; short for Arduino OSP libraries from ams-OSRAM. This suite implements support for chips that use the Open System Protocol, like the AS1163 ("SAID") or the OSIRE E3731i ("RGBi"). The landing page for the aolibs is on GitHub.


Library aospi implements 2-wire SPI towards and from OSP nodes.

aospi in context

It implements the communication layer between the MCU and OSP nodes; it allows sending and receiving telegrams (actually, raw byte arrays) using the SPI blocks of the MCU.

Another library - aoosp - implements how the telegrams byte arrays are formatted: the encoding of the arguments into bytes, the preamble, payload size indicator, CRC, what response telegrams comes with which command telegram. It builds on top of aospi.

System overview

The aospi library is written for the OSP32 board in the SAID evaluation kit. The diagram below gives an abstract overview of the OSP32 board and how to connect demo boards. Demo boards are strips of OSP nodes, at the moment of writing this document two types of nodes exist: the AS1163 ("SAID") and the OSIRE E3731i ("RGBi").


The OSP32 board contains an MCU: an ESP32 micro-controller. The MCU has two SPI blocks, one for sending telegrams ("SPI OUT") and one for receiving telegrams ("SPI IN"). The SPI OUT is wired to an on-board OSP node ("SAID OUT"), which drives two RGB triplets and one I2C bus. The SAID OUT is wired to a connector on the edge of the OSP32 board ("OUT").

The OUT connector is wired via zero or more demo boards to either a terminator or, with a cable, back to a second connector on the edge of the OSP32 board ("IN"). The IN connector wires to a second OSP node ("SAID IN"), which drives three RGB triplets.

When the terminator is present, the chain of OSP nodes is said to be in bidirectional mode ("BiDir"). In BiDir mode responses from OSP nodes are sent backwards over the chain, and thus appear on sio1 of SAID OUT. When the cable is present, the chain of OSP nodes is said to be in loop-back mode ("Loop"). In Loop mode responses from OSP nodes are sent forwards over the chain, and thus appear on sio2 of SAID IN.

A switch known as "DIRMUX" either connects the sio1 of SAID OUT or the sio2 of SAID IN to the SPI receiver ("SPI IN"). The DIRMUX is controlled with a GPIO pin of the MCU. There are two LEDs on the OSP32 board (labeled BIDIR and LOOP, not shown in the diagram) which indicate the state of the DIRMUX.

Note that SAID OUT (channel 2) is wired to an I2C bus (with an on-board I2C EEPROM memory). This allows testing the I2C capabilities of the SAID without the need to create additional hardware. Not shown in the diagram is that SAID IN also has a test feature: there is an option to connect channel 1/blue to the MCU and use that to issue a SYNC pulse. Finally note that the OSP32 board has several test pins. This allows hooking up a logic analyzer, to trace telegrams.


This library comes with the following examples. You can find them in the Arduino IDE via File > Examples > OSP 2wireSPI aospi > ...

  • aospi_tx (source)
    In this demo, a small set of telegrams has been hand-constructed. Those telegrams are passed directly to the SPI layer (aospi lib). The demo uses a minimal amount of telegrams to switch on the LEDs of the first SAID of the OSP32 board.

  • aospi_txrx (source)
    In this demo, a small set of telegrams has been hand-constructed. Those telegrams are passed directly to the SPI layer (aospi lib). Some telegrams cause a response which is passed back from aospi, analyzed and printed.

    The demo can be run in BiDir or Loop mode.

  • aospi_time (source)
    This demo measures, in a BiDirectional chain, the round trip time for two telegrams: READSTAT (5 byte responses) and IDENTIFY (8 byte responses). Both telegrams are sent to each node in chain of length 5 (and then 10 times to allow some averaging). The measured times are compared with each other, to check two aspects. The first is the impact of addressing nodes further in the chain (adding the fast forwarding time for each intermediate node). The second aspect is the impact of longer telegrams.

  • aospi_bringup (source)
    This sketch just sends a RESET telegram to a node. We check whether that node forwards the telegram. The checking is done using a logic analyzer. A next step is sending INITBIDIR. It is an example of how to bring-up new hardware/software. There is a more detailed to explain the process.


The header aospi.h contains the API of this library. The header contains little documentation; for that see the aospi.cpp source file.

Here is a quick overview:

  • aospi_tx(...) sends a command telegram.

  • aospi_txrx(...) sends a command telegram and receives the response.

  • aospi_dirmux_set_loop() and aospi_dirmux_set_bidir() set the direction mux to Loop respectively BiDir. One of these functions is typically called once during OSP chain initialization time, but must be called before using aospi_txrx() (since that uses the direction mux). There are also observers of the current direction mux setting (aospi_dirmux_is_loop() and aospi_dirmux_is_bidir()).

  • For statistics, the library keeps track of the number of telegrams sent (with aospi_tx() and aospi_txrx()) or received (with aospi_txrx()). These counters can be retrieved with aospi_txcount_get() respectively aospi_rxcount_get(). These counter can be reset to 0 with aospi_txcount_reset() and aospi_rxcount_reset().

  • For measurements, two functions are provided. The function aospi_txrx_us() returns the round trip time of the last aospi_txrx(). The function aospi_txrx_hops(...) returns an estimate of the number of hops (telegram forwards by intermediate nodes) that were needed by the last aospi_txrx().

  • To test the (OSP32) PCB the following functions are provided. The first pair aospi_outoena_set(...)/aospi_outoena_get() allows testing the control line of the output enable of the outgoing level shifter, the second pair aospi_inoena_set(...)/aospi_inoena_get() allows testing the control line of the output enable of the incoming level shifter. Do not use during regular operation.

  • aospi_init() must be called before using any of the above functions. This configures all pins, interrupt routine, SPI master and SPI slave drivers and puts the mux to BiDir.

  • The macro AOSPI_TELE_MAXSIZE defines the maximum size of an OSP telegram.

  • Finally, there is the macro AOSPI_VERSION, which identifies the version of the library.

Telegram dissector

This library comes with a small Python program that dissects a byte array into telegram fields, checks CRC and pretty prints all results. See telegram for instructions.

This is an example of a pretty printed telegram, in this case the reply for an initbidir of a chain of length 5.

(env) OSP_aospi\python\telegram>run A0 15 02 6F 50 30
byteval   |      A0       |      15       |      02       |      6F       |      50       |      30       |
byteix    |0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1|2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2|3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3|4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4|5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5|
bitix     |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
bitval    |1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0|0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1|0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0|0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1|0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0|0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0|
field     |preambl|      address      | psi |   command   |            payload            |      crc      |
bin       | 1010  |    0000000101     | 010 |   0000010   |   01101111    :   01010000    |   00110000    |
hex       |  0xA  |       0x005       | 0x2 |    0x02     |     0x6F      :     0x50      |   0x30 (ok)   |
meaning   |   -   |         5         |  2  |  initbidir  |      111      :      80       |    48 (ok)    |

Board design

The aospi library assumes presence of certain peripherals and connections.

  • An ESP32S3 is connected to two SAIDs.

  • Level shifters with output enable separate the SAIDs from the ESP.

  • A mux is implemented to select between the BiDir or Loop mode (by enabling the associated level shifter).

  • Several pull-up and pull-down resistors configure default line levels.

At the moment, the OSP32 board implements all these assumptions.

High level schematic diagram

The following diagram sketches the assumed connections.


Explanation of the schematic

The communication between the ESP and OSP chain involves several lines.

There are three lines (top part of drawing) for mastering command telegrams: clock (SCLK), data (MOSI), and enable (OENA). The SCLK and MOSI are the output lines of the SPI master in the ESP. The OENA is a GPIO of the ESP, which enables the output of the level shifter when telegrams are being send over SCLK/MOSI.

Sending command telegrams (TX) uses the so-called OUT pipe (perspective of the ESP).

There are in total seven lines (bottom part of drawing) for receiving response telegrams: clock (SCLK), data (MOSI), enable (ONEA); and also one tap to monitor the clock (CINT) - this used to be done with an interrupt, hence the now bad name.

Furthermore the SPI slave in the ESP needs as input a select line (SSEL), and since the OSP node doesn't provide that, the ESP generates it (MSEL). Finally, there is a GPIO line (DIRL) that controls the BiDir or Loop mode - it controls whether the IN.BIDIR or the IN.LOOP level shifter has its output enabled (towards the ESP) when OENA asserts. This implements a direction mux.

Receiving response telegrams (RX) uses the so-called IN pipe (perspective of the ESP).


Some issues controlling OSP nodes deserve above normal attention. They are discussed in various sections of this document.

  • RESET issue
  • level shifter pull-ups issue
  • missing SSEL issue
  • dual master issue
  • different modes issue
  • fixed clock issue
  • mux issue

Level shifter for sending

On the OSP32 board there is a level shifter between the MCU and the first SAID, dedicated to sending. This level shifter has several roles.

  • As the name indicates, it shifts the 3V3 SPI lines of the MCU to the 5V SION and SIOP lines of the first OSP node.

  • The level shifter, has an output disable on the OSP side. The MCU sets the output always to tri-state (not connected) except while sending a telegram. This is important, because in BiDir mode, the first OSP node can also master a response telegram. If this happens at the same moment the MCU is mastering a command telegram, then two masters would drive the lines, giving the possibility of a shortcut. This is referred to as the dual master issue.

  • The output disable also solves the RESET issue. When the MCU sends a RESET telegram to the first node, the node will also reset its comms mode (MCU, EOL, LVDS, CAN). To select which of the four modes to use the node will look at the SIO line levels and these should indicate MCU (high for SIO.P and low SIO.N).

    If not, the OSP node will select another comms mode (e.g. LVDS) and from that moment it is no longer possible to send telegrams from the MCU to the OSP node. It is effectively locked, until a power cycle.

    The MCU must ensure the correct N and P line levels after mastering the RESET telegram (not the N and P levels that the SPI master happens to leave the SCLK and MOSI lines in). An easy way to do that is to disconnect the SPI block from the node by using the output disable of the level shifter.

The level shifter used on the OSP32 board is unidirectional, but that is not very relevant.

If the MCU has 5V SPI lines, level shifting is not needed. However, the second (dual masters) and third bullet (RESET issue) still need to be covered. Both could be covered with a buffer. Another option is to reconfigure the MCU pins after an SPI transaction, switching them to tri-state.

Warning: some level shifters have internal pull-ups. This leads to a problem related to the RESET issue, the level shifter pull-ups issue. If the level shifter has internal pull-ups on the lines that connect to the SIO port, then, after a power on, the port will be configured for CAN mode, effectively blocking the node from receiving any message.

Two level shifters for receiving

On the OSP32 board there are two level shifters between the MCU and the OSP chain dedicated for reception: one for the first node (in case of BiDir setup) and one for the last node (in case of Loop setup). Like the "send level shifter", these two level shifter have several roles.

  • As the name indicates, they shift the 5V SION and SIOP lines of the first or last OSP node to the 3V3 SPI lines of the MCU.

  • The level shifters have an output disable on the MCU side. Their outputs are wired together, but the selector block only enables one of them at a time solving the mux issue. The three together implement an input mux under control of the MCU. It selects between BiDir responses (from the first OSP node) or Loop responses (from the last OSP node).


  • The MCU sets the outputs always to tri-state (output disable) except while receiving a telegram. This helps, in BiDir mode, to not receive the command telegram which is send.

  • The level shifters are unidirectional. This solves the RESET issue (see above) for reception side.

    Warning: some (bidirectional) level shifters have pull-ups on both sides. If such a shifter were used on the reception side, the RESET issue pops up here as well: when the last node receives a RESET, it would see both SIO lines towards the MCU being pulled up, making the node reconfigure that SIO port to CAN instead of EOL.

  • On the OSP32 board, the selector block is implemented with a quad NOR. It ensures that at no time both level shifters have their output enabled.

Real-life applications (as opposed to the evaluation kit the OSP32 is) typically chose either BiDir or Loop but not both. As a result, the selector and one level shifter can be removed.

On top of that, if the MCU has 5V SPI lines, the (last) level shifter is also not needed. However, the RESET issue must be solved (but probably having the MOSI and SCLK line as inputs is sufficient).

No level shifters - 5V MCU

When the MCU is 5V, there is no reason to have level shifters. However, the RESET issue and dual master issue still need to be solved. This could be solved by replacing the OUT level shifter by an external buffer with tri-state output. If that one is controlled via the OENA line, there is no need to change the library. The IN (either from BiDir or Loop) is 5V input so no need for a buffer.

If the IN also needs the MUX (support for both BiDir and Loop), the two IN level shifters could be replaced by two external buffers with tri-state output (or some other switch). Again, if they are controlled via the OENA.BIDIR and OENA.LOOP lines, there is no need to change the library.

It is even possible, if the MCU supports those capabilities, to absorb the tri-stating in the MCU, by configuring the OUT pads as tri-state instead of setting OUT OENA low. This would require a change in the library.

Also the MUX could be implemented by an MCU if it has an internal pin MUX. Also this would require a change in the software, re-configuring pins when the current firmware changes DIRL.

The diagram below shows the various connection possibilities, upper left (green) the OSP32 board.


The left-most column assumes a 3V3 MCU, and thus uses level shifters. The three architectures in this column are supported by the aospi lib.

The center column assume a 5V MCU, so no level shifters are needed. However due to the RESET issue and dual master issue, a buffer with tri-state is needed. For BiDir and Loop only rows, no mux is needed, so the IN buffers can be avoided in the lower two rows. The three architectures in the center column are supported by the aospi lib.

The right-most column assumes a 5V MCU, so no level shifters are needed. This column assumes an MCU that can dynamically re-configure its (OUT) pads to tri-state, and can dynamically re-route (IN) pads to internal peripherals (thus implementing a pin MUX). The ESP32S3 on the OSP32 board has these features (but it is 3V3). The three architectures in the right-most column require changes to the aospi lib: replacing control of the output enable lines (red) or BiDir/Loop select line (blue) with pad-configuration or pad-reroute instructions specific for that MCU.

The two options in the lower right (green) would be typical production board implementations (no extraneous components, like on the evaluation board)

Module architecture

ESP32S3 integrates 4 SPI peripherals. SPI0 and SPI1 are used internally to access the ESP's attached flash memory. This library uses SPI2/HSPI for mastering and SPI3/FSPI for slaving.

The SPI master driver comes with the ESP tool chain. The SPI slave driver comes from Hideaki Tai. The aospi library comes with a copy of ESP32SPISlave included, to ensure there are no versioning issues. The imported library is actually a single h-file (with code).


The aospi.cpp wraps the master and slave driver, with code to handle the level shifters, selector, slave select, etc.

Execution architecture

Sending command telegrams using 2-wire SPI is relatively straightforward using the standard ESP SPI master driver.

Receiving response telegrams is harder, even with Hideaki Tai's driver. This is mainly due to the stringent timing requirements. Most tough scenario is getting a response from the first node in BiDir mode. The ESP has 5us to switch from mastering to slaving.

This chapter explains the execution architecture in more detail.

Sending command telegrams

  • The MCU sends (command) telegrams to the first node of the OSP chain (SAID OUT on OSP32 board). The MCU typically uses an SPI master block for that.

  • The first node must always be configured in MCU mode (pull-up on SIO.P and pull-down on SIO.N).

  • The communication between MCU and first node is either 1-wire SPI or 2-wire SPI.

    • 1-wire SPI only uses the P wire. The signal contains clock and data by using so-called Manchester encoding. This means that the MCU firmware must "double" the telegram bits before it passes the telegram to the SPI master block.

    • 2-wire SPI uses the P wire for data and the N wire for clock. This means that the MCU firmware can just pass the telegram to the SPI master.

    • The selection between 1-wire SPI and 2-wire SPI is made by an OTP bit in the SAID (bit 0D.3 SPI_mode).

    • The SAID AS1163 has this OTP bit, the OSIRE RGBi E3731i only supports 1-wire SPI.

    • The aospi library only supports 2-wire SPI.

Receiving response telegrams

  • The OSP chain sends (response) telegrams back to the MCU. The MCU typically uses an SPI slave block for that.

  • A configuration choice has to be made: either the first or the last node of the chain sends back the responses.

    • If the first node is chosen, this is known as bi-directional (BiDir) communication.


    • If the last node is chosen, this is known as uni-directional (Loop) communication.


    • The OSP32 board and this library support both modes.

  • In either case, the last node must be configured for EOL mode (pull-down on SIO.P and pull-up on SIO.N).

    • In Bidir, a terminator (which has the two resistors) must be attached to the last node. Secondly, the first node must be connected to the MCU slave block.

    • In Loop, a wire connects the last node to the MCU slave block (SAID IN on OSP32 board) and it must be configured for EOL mode (pull-down on SIO.P and pull-up on SIO.N).

  • On the OSP32 board, the first node is connected to the SPI slave, and the last node is connected to the SPI slave, and a mux selects the active connection.


Telegram timing

  • Below diagram is the timing of one telegram to one node. The diagram focuses on the OSP node that receives the command, executes the command and (optionally) gives a response.

    Timing node

  • The resulting system trip timing, not in one node but in a chain, is depicted below. Here we also look at the nodes before and after the executing node.

    Timing chain

  • We have temporarily modified aospi.cpp to pulse OENA to flag the moments the round trip timing measurements are made in the driver.

    This allows us to validate the theoretical timings with reality. There is a bit of time delay introduced by software (t_swpre and t_swpost), but the match is quite accurate, see below trace.


Implementation notes

  • The aospi library is hardwired to use specific pins of the ESP32S3. The library could be used with other pins of the ESP32S3, and maybe even with other ESP32xx MCUs. In this case the macros that identify pins (like #define AOSPI_OUT_SCLK 4) have to be changed. See aospi.cpp for those macros, and refer to the high level schematic diagram.

  • To send a command telegram (aospi_tx()), the SPI master driver on the ESP is used. It follows the Arduino documentation.

      digitalWrite(SSEL, ACTIVE);
      spi.transferBytes( txbuf, rxbuf, size );
      digitalWrite(SSEL, INACTIVE); 

    The aospi implementation (aospi_tx()), replaces the SSEL with OENA to enable the output of the level shifter. This is relevant for the RESET issue and the dual master issue (see above).

    One timing requirement that is not free in OSP is on SCLK (in plain SPI, the master can vary the clock as long as it is not too fast). The clock must be 2.4MHz and no delays are allowed e.g. between bytes (fixed clock issue). The reason is that OSP has no SSEL, so a dead time of about two clocks signals end-of-frame.

    Another timing requirement is on RESET. All commands execute faster than they can be forwarded, so multiple writes cause no problems (ignoring writes that trigger a response). There are a couple of exceptions to this rule; one is the RESET command. A node forwards the RESET to its successor (in the usual fast way of 7 us), but then RESETs itself. This takes 150us, and during that time no telegrams should be send to that node.

  • The SPI slave driver from Hideaki Tai has a non-trivial API especially for the most flexible use "Non-blocking multiple transactions". The SPI slave drivers maintains a queue of transactions (byte buffers). It is only possible to receive SPI messages when the queue is non-empty. This is known as "transactions are in flight". When an SPI message comes in, the driver takes a transaction (buffer) from the queue, and uses that to store the incoming bytes. Then, "the transaction is completed". See driver documentation.

  • The SPI slave sees response telegrams either from the first node (when using BiDir direction), or from the last node (Loop direction). Recall that the first node has its SIO configured in MCU mode, with P pulled up, and N pulled down. The last node has its SIO configured as EOL, with P pulled down, and N pulled up.

    This is relevant, because when an OSP node acts a master (for a response), its default clock line (N pad) follows this convention. In other words, when an OSP node masters in MCU configuration (BiDir), it uses SPI mode 0: clock (N pad) default low. When an OSP node masters in EOL configuration (Loop), it uses SPI mode 3: clock (N pad) default high. This is known as the different modes issue. In both cases data is captured by the SPI slave in the MCU on the rising clock. The MOSI line (P pad) does not have defaults in the SPI protocol.

    In OSP context, the SPI block is only receiving data (MOSI) it is not sending data (MISO) back to the master (OSP node). Sending would happen on the opposite clock edge (falling clock).

    Since the slave only needs to receive, it is only triggered by the rising edges of the clock. As a result, the ESP SPI slave driver can receive both BiDir and Loop telegrams using both MODE0 or MODE3.

    This is expected to hold for other MCUs as well but has not been checked.

  • To receive a response telegram, first a command telegram has to be send (aospi_txrx()). This function is time critical. It consists of the following steps.

    queue a transaction in the underlying SPI slave driver
    transmit the command telegram (OUT OENA hi, transfer bytes, OUT OENA lo)
    connect ESP to OSP chain (IN OENA hi), enable reception (assert IN SSEL via MSEL)
      wait for response (see below)
    disable reception (deassert IN SSEL) and disconnect ESP (IN OENA lo)
    pick up received bytes from SPI slave driver
  • Note that a couple of actions need to be taken after sending and before receiving. Among that are three GPIO writes (OUT OENA, IN OENA, MSEL). In order not to lose time (OSP gives 5 us for the switch over), Arduino's digitalWrite() has been replaced with direct SFR (special function register) access (eg AOSPI_IN_OENA_SET()).

  • Next to the short handover time, there is another issue: the missing SSEL issue. OSP nodes do not have an outgoing SSEL line, and ESPs cannot work without them (they need them to frame a message to know which byte is the last). The OSP32 board has a loop back wire (from MSEL to SSEL). Since a response comes as an answer to a command, there is a known moment to assert MSEL.

    However, the SPI slave driver does not have a call-back when it receives bytes. If MSEL would de-assert early, the SPI driver would return a transaction (byte buffer) of length 0.

    To solve this there is another line, a tap on SCLK to GPIO pin named CINT. A busy wait checks for the first clock flip on CINT. Since response telegram length is given (max 12 bytes or 96 clock ticks) this tells when to de-assert MSEL once this first flip is detected.

    The wait for response (above) is implemented as follows.

      wait for flip on CINT but no longer than 17.4ms (timeout)
      wait num bytes in response *8 / 2.4MHz
  • The time out of 17.4 ms used in the code is based on the worst-case chain (longest OSP chain in BiDir) and the worst-case command (I2C read of 8 bytes with slowest clock).


Two traces from a logic analyzer are available with this documentation. The high level schematic diagram indicates where the probes of the logic analyzer are placed (colored circles).

BiDir mode

A trace is made, while running aospi_txrx in BiDir mode. The trace is also part of the documentation: aospi-txrx.bidir.sal.

bidir mode, trace all

  • The purple pulses (D7, OUT.MCU.OENA) indicates when the OUTlevel shifter is enabled, i.e. when a command telegram is send. The above screenshot shows four: RESET, INITBIDIR, CLRERROR, and GOACTIVE.
  • The blue and green lines show data (D5 OUT.SAID.MOSI) and clock (D5 OUT.SAID.SCLK) of the first node. See below for a zoom in.
  • The orange and red lines show data (D3 IN.SAID.MOSI) and clock (D2 IN.SAID.SCLK) of the last node.
  • Observe that after the RESET telegram both the clock of the first and the data of the last node show a pulse. This is part of the reset cycle of those nodes, establishing their new comms mode.
  • Observer that after the second pulse (INITBIDIR), the first node starts mastering the response.
  • The brown and white lines show data (D1 IN.MCU.MOSI) and clock (D0 IN.MCU.SCLK) of the slave block.
  • Observe that the slave sees the response.

The figure below shows details of the INITBIDIR command ans response.

bidir mode, trace BIDIR

  • The BIDIR command telegram being send is sliced by the logic analyzer as A0 04 02 A9; this matches the source code.
  • The response telegram is sliced as A0 09 02 00 50 6D, which shows that the last node has address 2 in response to a INITBIDIR.

The figure below shows details of the INITBIDIR command ans response.

bidir mode, trace BIDIR

  • Observe the tight timing (5 us) between command and response.
  • The response telegram is sliced as A0 06 07 00 00 00 40 AA, the 00000040 is the type for SAID.
  • Observer that the default clock line of the response is low.

Loop mode

A trace is made, while running aospi_txrx in Loop mode. The trace is also part of the documentation: aospi-txrx.loop.sal.

loop mode, trace all

  • We see the same pulses after the RESET telegram.
  • Observer that after the second pulse (INITLOOP), the last node starts mastering the response. We see that on the orange and red lines (D3 IN.SAID.MOSI and D2 IN.SAID.SCLK).
  • The brown and white lines show what the SPI slave sees.

The figure below shows details of the INITLOOP command and response.

bidir mode, trace BIDIR

  • The LOOP command telegram being send is sliced by the logic analyzer as A0 04 03 86; this matches the source code.

  • The response telegram is sliced as A0 09 03 00 50 63, which shows that the last node has address 2 in response to a INITBIDIR.

  • Observer that the default clock line of the response is high.

Version history aospi

  • 2024 November 29, 0.5.7

    • Added example aospi_bringup.ino.
    • Text correction in; added level shifter pull-ups issue.
  • 2024 October 22, 0.5.6

    • Telegram dissector (python\telegram) now shows casting mode.
    • Replaced clock tapping mechanism in aospi.cpp; from ISR to polling (faster).
  • 2024 October 16, 0.5.5

    • Added telegram dissector with CRC computation (in Python).
  • 2024 October 8, 0.5.4

    • src/slave/* line endings changed from LF to CR+LF.
  • 2024 October 7, 0.5.3

    • Prefixed modules.drawio.png with library short name.
    • Moved domain from to
  • 2024 September 10, 0.5.2

    • Changes in
    • Fixed Bug in aospi_txrx; function aospi_dirmux_set_loop() no longer needs parameter.
    • Added BEHAVIOR section to explanation in examples.
  • 2024 September 5, 0.5.1

    • API section in readme now shows parameter names.
    • Text updates in
    • Text update in documentation of aospi_txrx_hops().
  • 2024 August 28, 0.5.0

    • Added new api functions aospi_txrx_us() and aospi_txrx_hops().
    • Added example aospi_time.ino, using the new api functions.
    • Added round trip timing trace picture.
    • Added links in for all example sketches.
    • Extended "System overview" (and detailed the image).
    • Fixed warning on printf format specifier in aospi_txrx.ino.
  • 2024 August 9, 0.4.2

    • Added "System overview" to
    • Small update to dirosp32.drawio.png.
  • 2024 August 5, 0.4.1

    • Corrected landing page link in from aotop to OSP_aotop.
    • Updated the two timing diagrams (telegram and chain).
    • Remove "oalib" from sentence= in
    • Check with AORESULT_ASSERT(aospi_inited) in aospi.cpp test getters & setters.
    • Tab2spaces in aospi.cpp.
    • Text updates in
    • Fixed typos @parm to @param
  • 2024 July 7, 0.4.0

    • Arduino name changed from OSP 2-wire SPI - aospi to OSP 2wireSPI aospi.
    • Added link for traces.
    • Added blue slave line in BiDir diagram (dirbidir.drawio.png) and green dashed OSP32 border line in OSP32 diagram (dirosp32.drawio.png).
    • Renamed dir extra to extras.
    • Small corrections in
    • Added (for board testing) aospi_outoena_set()/aospi_outoena_get() and aospi_inoena_set()/aospi_inoena_get().
  • 2024 July 3, 0.3.1

    • license.txt, aospi_tx.ino, aospi_txrx.ino line endings changed from LF to CR+LF.
  • 2024 July 2, 0.3.0

    • Initial release candidate.
