This is a microservice written by Alan Massey for Andronik Mkrtytchev to provide write functionality for users who would like enter a recipe manually in the event they did not receive a desired recipe by the api Andronik's program integrates with.
Communication Contract: Communication will be established with the microservice via rest API. I agree to be available in the event that Andronik is unable to integrate this microservice into his main program. My availablity it 5PM-Midnight PST and open availability on weekends. Once hosted, I will provide the correct endpoint for Andronik and troubleshoot any issue.
Posting Data: Posting data to MongoDB by why of this microservice requires the data to be formatted as follows: { "title": "", "ingredients": "", "servings": "", "instructions": "", "Password": "", "user": "" }
There is no header required an example call would be as follows:, data)
Response Data: The response that the user will receive from the server is as the text as follows: {"_id":"","title":"","":"":"","instructions":"","password":"","user":""}
A 201 status code indicates that the write to mongoDB was successful:
response =, data) print(response.status_code) print(response.text)