Automatic generator of examples for AML dialects.
Provided a valid AML dialect, this generator can automatically create a set of examples that validates the dialect. The generator can be potentially customised to generate more semantically accurate values that not only matches the contraints in the dialect but provide a better set of examples for a human reader.
- Download the latest release (.zip file)
- Unzip it
- Locate the bin folder
- Execute the amlgen script (.bat and .sh cmd file provided)
AML 1.0
Usage: amlgen [generate] [options] dialect output
Command: generate [options]
Generates dialect instances
-s, --seed <value> the seed used when generating files. Default is random
dialect dialect is the path to the dialect
output output is the path to the folder where the generated files will be dumped
-i, --instances <value> instances is the number of dialect instances you want to generate. Default is 1000
-c, --cardinality <value>
cardinality is the maximum length of generated lists and maps. Default is 3
The following example will generate 5 dialect instances files given the dialect.yaml and leave them in the output file.
./amlgen generate "./dialect.yaml" "./output" -instances 5 -cardinality 2 -seed 7
compile group: 'com.github.amlorg', name: 'aml-gen_2.12', version: '1.0.1'
libraryDependencies += "com.github.amlorg" %% "aml-gen_2.12" % "1.0.1"