If you are unfamiliar with data preprocessing, first review NumPy & Pandas sections of Python for data analysis
repository materials (https://github.com/buomsoo-kim/Python-for-data-analysis)
Materials in this repository are for educational purposes. Source code is written in Python 3.6+ & Keras ver 2.0+ (Using TensorFlow backend - For advanced topics, basic understanding of TensorFlow mechanics is necessary)
- Regression tasks with MLP
- Classification tasks with MLP
- Weight initialization schemes
- Activation functions (Nonlinearity)
- Batch normalization
- Optimizers
- Dropout
- Ensemble of models
- Putting it altogether
- Basics of CNN architecture
- Getting deeper with CNNs
- CNN for sentence classification (imdb)
- Importing models already trained on ImageNet dataset (keras.applications)
- Understanding RNN architecture
- Vanilla RNN (SimpleRNN)
- Stacked vanilla RNN
- Stacked LSTM
- Deep RNNs
- Bidirectional RNNs
- Deep bidirectional RNNs
- Autoencoder basics
- Convolutional autoencoder
- Dimensionality reduction using autoencoder
- Sequential API
- Model Functional API
- Importing images
- ModelCheckpoint
- EarlyStopping
- ReduceLROnPlateau
- Make your training process faster with CUDA & CuDNN
- Cross validation
- Grid search
- Random search
- Learning under class imbalance situations
- Simple RNN model
- Stacked RNN model
- Bidirectional RNN model
- Simple LSTM model
- Stacked LSTM model
- Bidirectional LSTM model
- Simple GRU model
- Stacked GRU model
- Bidirectional GRU model
- Simple MLP
- Autoencoder + MLP (dimensionality reduction)
- Generating similar questions with seq2seq model
- CNN-static implementation of Kim 2014 paper
Section with emphasis on text data analytics
- 1-D Convolution for text analysis
- CNN for setnence classification (Kim 2014)
- Dynamic CNN for sentence modeling (Kalchbrenner et al 2014)
- CNN for text categorization (Johnson and Zhang 2014)