forked from ractoon/jQuery-Text-Counter
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* jQuery Text Counter Plugin v0.9.0
* Copyright 2014 ractoon
* Released under the MIT license
; (function ($) { $.textcounter = function (el, options) { var base = this; base.$el = $(el); base.el = el; base.$'textcounter', base); base.init = function () { base.options = $.extend({}, $.textcounter.defaultOptions, options); var counterText = base.options.countDown ? base.options.countDownText : base.options.counterText, counterNum = base.options.countDown ? base.options.max : 0, $formatted_counter_text = $('<div/>').addClass(base.options.textCountMessageClass).attr('aria-live', 'assertive').attr('aria-atomic', 'true').html(counterText.replace('%d', '<span class="' + base.options.textCountClass + '">' + counterNum + '</span>')), $count_overflow_text = $('<div/>').addClass(base.options.countOverflowContainerClass); base.hideMessage($count_overflow_text); base.$container = $('<' + base.options.countContainerElement + '/>').addClass(base.options.countContainerClass).append($formatted_counter_text).append($count_overflow_text); base.$text_counter = base.$container.find('span'); base.$el.after(base.$container); base.$el.bind('keyup.textcounter click.textcounter blur.textcounter focus.textcounter change.textcounter paste.textcounter', base.checkLimits).trigger('click.textcounter'); base.options.init(base.el) }; base.checkLimits = function (e) { var $this = base.$el, $countEl = base.$container, $text = $this.val(), textCount = 0, textTotalCount = 0, eventTriggered = e.originalEvent === undefined ? false : true; if (!$.isEmptyObject($text)) { textCount = base.textCount($text) } if (base.options.max == 'auto') { var max = base.$el.attr('maxlength'); if (typeof max !== 'undefined' && max !== false) { base.options.max = max } else { base.$container.text('error: [maxlength] attribute not set') } } else if (base.options.max == 'autocustom') { var max = base.$el.attr(base.options.autoCustomAttr); if (typeof max !== 'undefined' && max !== false) { base.options.max = max } else { base.$container.text('error: [' + base.options.autoCustomAttr + '] attribute not set') } } textTotalCount = base.options.countDown ? base.options.max - textCount : textCount; base.setCount(textTotalCount); if (base.options.min > 0 && eventTriggered) { if (textCount < base.options.min) { base.setErrors('min'); base.options.minunder(base.el) } else if (textCount >= base.options.min) { base.options.mincount(base.el); base.clearErrors('min') } } if (base.options.max !== -1) { if (textCount === base.options.max && base.options.max !== 0) { base.options.maxcount(base.el); base.clearErrors('max') } else if (textCount > base.options.max && base.options.max !== 0) { if (base.options.stopInputAtMaximum) { var trimmedString = ''; if (base.options.type == "word") { var wordArray = $text.split(/[^\S\n]/g); var i = 0; while (i < wordArray.length) { if (i >= base.options.max) { break } if (wordArray[i] !== undefined) { trimmedString += wordArray[i] + ' '; i += 1 } } } else { var maxLimit = (base.options.twoCharCarriageReturn) ? base.options.max - base.twoCharCarriageReturnCount($text) : base.options.max; if (base.options.countSpaces) { trimmedString = $text.substring(0, maxLimit) } else { var charArray = $text.split(''), totalCharacters = charArray.length, charCount = 0, i = 0; while (charCount < maxLimit && i < totalCharacters) { if (charArray[i] !== ' ') { charCount += 1 } trimmedString += charArray[i++] } } } $this.val(trimmedString.trim()); textCount = base.textCount($this.val()); textTotalCount = base.options.countDown ? base.options.max - textCount : textCount; base.setCount(textTotalCount) } else { base.setErrors('max') } } else { base.options.maxunder(base.el); base.clearErrors('max') } } if (base.options.minDisplayCutoff == -1 && base.options.maxDisplayCutoff == -1) { base.$ } else if (textCount <= base.options.min + base.options.minDisplayCutoff) { base.$ } else if (base.options.max !== -1 && textCount >= base.options.max - base.options.maxDisplayCutoff) { base.$ } else { base.$container.hide() } }; base.textCount = function (text) { var textCount = 0; if (base.options.type == "word") { textCount = base.wordCount(text) } else { textCount = base.characterCount(text) } return textCount }; base.wordCount = function (text) { return text.trim().replace(/\s+/gi, ' ').split(' ').length }; base.characterCount = function (text) { var textCount = 0, carriageReturnsCount = 0; if (base.options.twoCharCarriageReturn) { carriageReturnsCount = base.twoCharCarriageReturnCount(text) } if (base.options.countSpaces) { textCount = text.replace(/[^\S\n|\r|\r\n]/g, ' ').length } else { textCount = text.replace(/\s/g, '').length } if (base.options.countExtendedCharacters) { var extended = text.match(/[^\x00-\xff]/gi); if (extended == null) { textCount = text.length } else { textCount = text.length + extended.length } } if (base.options.twoCharCarriageReturn) { textCount += carriageReturnsCount } return textCount }; base.twoCharCarriageReturnCount = function (text) { var carriageReturns = text.match(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g), carriageReturnsCount = 0; if (carriageReturns !== null) { carriageReturnsCount = carriageReturns.length } return carriageReturnsCount }; base.setCount = function (count) { base.$text_counter.text(count) }; base.setErrors = function (type) { var $this = base.$el, $countEl = base.$container, errorText = ''; $this.addClass(base.options.inputErrorClass); $countEl.addClass(base.options.counterErrorClass); switch (type) { case 'min': errorText = base.options.minimumErrorText; break; case 'max': errorText = base.options.maximumErrorText; if (base.options.countOverflow) { base.setOverflowMessage() } break }if (base.options.displayErrorText) { if (!$countEl.children('.error-text-' + type).length) { $countEl.append('<' + base.options.errorTextElement + ' class="error-text error-text-' + type + '">' + errorText + '</' + base.options.errorTextElement + '>') } } }; base.setOverflowMessage = function () { base.hideMessage(base.$container.find('.' + base.options.textCountMessageClass)); base.removeOverflowMessage(); var overflowText = base.options.countOverflowText.replace('%d', base.textCount(base.$el.val()) - base.options.max).replace('%type', base.options.type + 's'); var overflowDiv = base.$container.find('.' + base.options.countOverflowContainerClass).append(overflowText); base.showMessage(overflowDiv) }, base.removeOverflowMessage = function () { base.$container.find('.' + base.options.countOverflowContainerClass).empty() }, base.showMessage = function ($selector) { $selector.css('display', 'inline') }, base.hideMessage = function ($selector) { $selector.css('display', 'none') }, base.clearErrors = function (type) { var $this = base.$el, $countEl = base.$container; $countEl.children('.error-text-' + type).remove(); if ($countEl.children('.error-text').length == 0) { base.removeOverflowMessage(); base.showMessage(base.$container.find('.' + base.options.textCountMessageClass)); $this.removeClass(base.options.inputErrorClass); $countEl.removeClass(base.options.counterErrorClass) } }; base.init() }; $.textcounter.defaultOptions = { 'type': "character", 'min': 0, 'max': 200, 'autoCustomAttr': "counterlimit", 'countContainerElement': "div", 'countContainerClass': "text-count-wrapper", 'textCountMessageClass': "text-count-message", 'textCountClass': "text-count", 'inputErrorClass': "error", 'counterErrorClass': "error", 'counterText': "Total Count: %d", 'errorTextElement': "div", 'minimumErrorText': "Minimum not met", 'maximumErrorText': "Maximum exceeded", 'displayErrorText': true, 'stopInputAtMaximum': true, 'countSpaces': false, 'countDown': false, 'countDownText': "Remaining: %d", 'countExtendedCharacters': false, 'twoCharCarriageReturn': false, 'countOverflow': false, 'countOverflowText': "Maximum %type exceeded by %d", 'countOverflowContainerClass': "text-count-overflow-wrapper", 'minDisplayCutoff': -1, 'maxDisplayCutoff': -1, 'maxunder': function (el) { }, 'minunder': function (el) { }, 'maxcount': function (el) { }, 'mincount': function (el) { }, 'init': function (el) { } }; $.fn.textcounter = function (options) { return this.each(function () { new $.textcounter(this, options) }) } })(jQuery);