Transforming values as they pass through the operator chain is a common task. These operators provide transformation techniques for nearly any use-case you will encounter.
{% hint style="info" %}
New to transformation operators? Check out the article Get started transforming streams with map, pluck, and mapTo!
{% endhint %}
- buffer
- bufferCount
- bufferTime ⭐
- bufferToggle
- bufferWhen
- concatMap ⭐
- concatMapTo
- exhaustMap
- expand
- groupBy
- map ⭐
- mapTo
- mergeMap / flatMap ⭐
- mergeScan
- partition
- pluck
- reduce
- scan ⭐
- switchMap ⭐
- switchMapTo
- toArray
- window
- windowCount
- windowTime
- windowToggle
- windowWhen
⭐ - commonly used